Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

The law and order in the country, in the entrusted territory was carried out by local police which bore the full responsibility for all illegal cases on a site, switching and business. Taking into account, that protection of the law and order only forces of police, is ineffective and corruption, in SDB, in the help to on duty local officers, numerous combatants of protection and the control of edge(territory) of residing (ДОК) were applied. On one policeman there were some tens combatants from local.

They also carried out the universal armed total and incorruptible control of territories. It were healthy and responsible (crucial) citizens, past training, without harmful habits and owning the weapon. They on the авто or the pedestrian groups in some person, or secretly, carried out patroling streets and public places.

And weaker physically citizens, were on duty in staffs or houses, дистанционно. Skilled elderly combatants transferred skills to younger and did (made) analytics.Watch was carried out free-of-charge, round the clock for 4-6 hours per change, but only two - three times per one month.

Combatants also were the basic force of reflection of attacks on people, rescue in time emergency and other natural cataclysms. I.e. in the country the overwhelming majority of the adult healthy population owned the weapon, itself carried out real protection of the law and order and liquidation of threats in the territory. And at schools and other children's establishments they were helped by numerous groups «Young combatants ». And any reserve, privacy, private (individual) armies, security structures etc. "new mafias" in SDB should not be.

Is more useless to responsible (crucial) young both healthy men and women, in territory of the residing and work to trust the safety and life of weaker relatives and friends, to unknown armed people. Combatants, practicall knowing all by sight, uncomp romisingly supported the law and order in territory, rigidly stopping gang sterism, swindle foreigners, « hot points » and "business - underground workers".

It provided power (force) and legal autonomy of a kmet-community, supplementing tax and cultural. In it radical difference of the new state from all others, « neo-feudal democracies ». And deprived of civil rights combatants with wrist a bandage.

In the new country SDB technologies mobile «the control of nasty things » were widely used. I.e. all troubles which do (make) life of people by less comfortable, were instantly fixed and sent on city ​​site or in control-legal bodies. Various national smart-phone appendices - assistants under the legislation and automatic personal incorruptible lawyers and witnesses widely operated.

We admit (allow), the person has fallen and has received a trauma on the ungat hered sidewalk or has got in simple auto-failure. You call the Appendix, you choose a kind of infringement and an auto-boat the assistant will transfer(translate) your voice in the text, will help photo incident and will send your auto-application and video-fixing, in the nearest motor licensing and inspection department, ОВД, Consumer supervision, an auto-notariate and the insurance company. The automatic device will scan R-Fid labels of the nearest car and e-passports of people and will send all your data and номерки-essential elements of environmental witnesses. 

Will cause first aid and will give the voice message or СМС to your trusted lawyers and relatives, with coordinates, a photo and video recording, with real fixed time of the operator of cellular communication. So digits-assistants with II in SDB should operate smart-phone instead of shift legal routine on victims, on "purgatory" in ОВД, the insurance companies and other public services.

In digital smart-epoch mass« business on the control », quickly can direct « rude people and trade » to legal stability. Be registration by any citizen littering the territories, the crude drains, infringements PDD, parking авто in the not put place, not muffled the engine on parking, travel / transition to red light, sale of the delayed products, substitution brands and other infringements of physical and legal persons.

Has started the appendix on smart-phone, has fixed and has sent the automatic device in control bodies. A bit later on your account there comes encouragement in 10-30 % from the sum of the penalty.

The information openness in SDB legislatively allowed аудио and video to fix all and everywhere - everything, that you see eyes and hear ears.The automatic device sending infringements law enforcement, in City government, Consumer supervision and in « a cloudy digits-nota riate ». Any obstacle of video fixing of infringements was considered (examined), as partner ship and concealment. And destruction, loss or audio and video-correction (edition) such material evidence - was a criminal offence. As well as distributions fake.

In an ideal, administrative infringements can be assigned to shouldersof judicial - legal automatic devices. Together having united fixing of infringements, identification of the infringer, a judgement the/decision, the notice on the penalty, the control of payment of the penalty and many other things. What to do(make), but the person sinful - greedy on the bio-nature since for it(him) it is necessary, except for work, also freedom of will, meal, habitation, money and other  entertainment. Therefore it (he) loses fast and incorruptible « iron - software to algorithmic ascetics ».

But also here the open control that legislators and admins, the shaggy handles, could not correct the data and algorithms is necessary. Even during one year. Means the auto control and these Admin-supervisors still is necessary. There fore reforming of all judicial - legal system inevitably. Independent the General public prosecutor and the Supreme judge, with the systems on places should be equal to other imperous institutes.


Lecture 4.


financial and economic system,

power, the industries and the IT countries..

« The Love to the native land is one,

And to live humanly and

To be happy is absolutely another.

To plough all life,

And then a floor of pension to spend for doctors

And to be angry with half-year of Winter-

 Such « amazing life » not for us » 

( From the Internet).

Part 4-1.  Financial and Economic system( FES SDB) .

The condition of financial and Economic system (FES) in many respects defines(determines) quality of life of people, their prosperity and advantages, in comparison with other countries. Therefore FES in SDB should change first of all. And essence (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) assumes investment model of development not only in economy, but also essential modernization of political institutes of self-management by territories and the countries.

If it is rough,the Economy is a planning manufacture and sale of the goods and services, and the Finance, it is an estimation of the spent resources, in the ratio with each other, and no more that. Therefore in structure of the price of the goods з/п the manufacturer should prevail. But only in SDB it is possible to stop « highly margin ½ -speculative operations on the stock exchange of banks, having directed the savings of citizens and credits in innovational development of the country and manufacture.
