Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

— Vladimir Nabokov (1899–1977) // Histoire de la littérature russe. Le XXème siècle. La Révolution et les anneés vingt / Ed. by Efim Etkind et al. Paris: Fayard, 1988. P. 153–173, 868–871.

Klemtner, Susan Strehle. To «Special Space»: Transformation in «Invitation to a Beheading» // Modern Fiction Studies. 1979–1980. 25. N 1. P. 427–438.

Lee, L. L. Vladimir Nabokov. Boston: Twayne, 1976.

Levine, Robert T. 'My ultraviolet darling': The Loss of Lolita's Childhood // Modern Fiction Studies. 1979. 25. N 3. P. 471–479.

Levy, Alan. Vladimir Nabokov: The Velvet Butterfly. Sag Harbor, N. Y.: The Permanent Press, 1984.

Lubin, Peter. Kickshaws and Motley // Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes / Ed. by Alfred Appel, Jr., and Charles Newman. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970. P. 187–208.

Maddox, Lucy. Nabokov's Novels in English. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1983.

McCarthy, Mary. Vladimir Nabokov's «Pale Fire» // Encounter. 1962. 19. N 4. P. 71–84.

Moynahan, Julian. A Russian Preface for Nabokov's «Beheading» // Novel. 1967. N 1. P. 12–18.

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— Translating with Nabokov // The Achievements of Vladimir Nabokov / Ed. by George Gibian and Stephen Jan Parker. Ithaca: Center for International Studies, Cornell University, 1984. P. 145–177.

Nabokov: The Critical Heritage / Ed. by Norman Page. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.

Nicol, Charles. The Mirrors of Sebastian Knight // Nabokov: The Man and His Work / Ed. by L. S. Dembo. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967. P. 88–94.

Olcott, Anthony. The Author's Special Intention: A Study of «The Real Life of Sebastian Knight» // A Book of Things about Vladimir Nabokov / Ed. by Carl R. Proffer. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1974. P. 104–121.

Ong, Walter J., S. J. The Writer's Audience is Always a Fiction // PMLA. 1975. 90. N 1. P. 9–21.

Ouspensky, P. D. A New Model of the Universe: Principles of the Psychological Method in Its Application to Problems of Science, Religion, and Art. 2d ed. 1934. Reprint. New York: Knopf, 1943.

— Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, A Key to the Enigmas of the World. Revised translation by E. Kadloubovsky and the Author. 1922. New York: Vintage, 1982.

Packman, David. Vladimir Nabokov: The Structure of Literary Desire. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1982.

Parker, Stephen Jan. Nabokov Studies: The State of the Art // The Achievement of Vladimir Nabokov / Ed. by George Gibian and Stephen Jan Parker. Ithaca: Center for International Studies, Cornell University, 1984. P. 81–97.

Penner, Dick. «Invitation to a Beheading»: Nabokov's Absurdist Initiation // Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction. 1979. 20. N 3. P. 27–39.

Peterson, Dale E. Nabokov's «Invitation»: Literature as Execution // PMLA. 1978. 96. N 5. P. 824–836.

Pifer, Ellen. Nabokov and the Novel. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1980.

— Shades of Love: Nabokov's Intimations of Immortality // Kenyon Review. Spring 1989. 11. N 2. P. 75–86.

Portmann, Adolf. Animal Camouflage / Translated by A. J. Pomerans. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1959.

Poulet, Georges. Criticism and the Experience of Interiority // The Structuralist Controversy: The Languages of Criticism and the Sciences of Man / Ed. by Richard Macksey and Eugenio Donato. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. P. 56–72.

Prince, Gerald. Notes on the Text as Reader // The Reader in the Text / Ed. by Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Crosman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. P. 225–240.

Proffer, Carl R. Keys to «Lolita». Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968.

Rabinowitz, Peter J. «What's Hecuba to Us?» The Audience's Experience of Literary Borrowing // The Reader in the Text / Ed. by Susan R. Suleiman and Inge Crosman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. P. 241–263.

Rampton, David. Vladimir Nabokov: A Critical Study of the Novels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Remembering Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky / Ed. by Merrily E. Taylor. New Haven: Yale University Library, 1978.

J. H. Reyner. Ouspensky, the Unsung Genius. Boston: G. Allen & Unwin, 1981.

Riffaterre, Michael. Describing Poetic Structures: Two Approaches to Baudelaire's «Les Chats» // Structuralism / Ed. by Jacques Ehrmann. New York: Anchor, 1970. P. 188–230.

Ronen, Irena, and Omry Ronen. Diabolically Evocative: An Inquiry into the Meaning of Metaphor // Slavica Hierosolymitana. 1981. 5–6. P. 371–386.

Roth, A. Phyllis. Toward the Man behind the Mystification // Nabokov's Fifth Arc / Ed. by J. E. Rivers and Charles Nicol. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. P. 43–59.

Rowe W. W. The Honesty of Nabokovian Deception // A Book of Things about Vladimir Nabokov / Ed. by Carl Proffer. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1974. P. 171–181.

— Nabokovian Superimposed and Alternative Realities // Russian Literature Triquarterly. 1976. N 14. P. 59–66.

— Nabokov's Spectral Dimension. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1981.

Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg. «Bend Sinister» and the Novelist as Anthropomorphic Deity // Centennial Review. 1973. 27. N 2. P. 115–151.

Schor, Naomi. Fiction as Interpretation / Interpretation as Fiction // The Reader in the Text / Ed. by R. Susan Suleiman and Inge Crosman. Princeton: Princeton Universiry Press, 1980. P. 165–182.

Setschkareff, Vsevolod. Zur Thematik der Dichtung Vladimir Nabokovs: Aus Anlass des Erscheinens seiner gesammelten Gedichte // Die Welt der Slaven. 1980. 25. N 1. S. 68–97.

Shloss, Carol. «Speak, Memory»: The Aristocracy of Art // Nabokov's Fifth Arc / Ed. by J. E. Rivers and Charles Nicol. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. P. 224–229.

Simpson, Y. James. The Spiritual Interpretation of Nature. 3d ed. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.

Sisson, Jonathan Borden. Cosmic Synchronization and Other Worlds in the Work of Vladimir Nabokov. Diss., University of Minnesota, 1979.

The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting, 1890–1985 / Ed. by Maurice Tuchman et al. New York: Abbeville Press; Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1986.

Steiner, George. Extraterritorial // Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes / Ed. by Alfred Appel, Jr., and Charles Newman. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970. P. 119–127.

Steiner, Rudolf. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment / Translated by G. Metaxa / Ed. by Harry Collison. New York: Anthroposophic Press, n. d.

Stuart, Dabney. Nabokov: The Dimensions of Parody. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1978.

Tamir-Ghez, Nomi. The Art of Persuasion in Nabokov's «Lolita» // Poetics Today. 1979. 1. N 1–2. P. 65–84.

Tammi, Pekka. Problems of Nabokov's Poetics: A Narratological Analysis. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1985.

Tekiner, Christina. Time in «Lolita» // Modern Fiction Studies. 1979. 25. N 3. P. 463–469.

Todorov, Tzvetan. Reading as Construction // The Reader in the Text / Ed. by R. Susan Suleiman and Inge Crosman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. P. 67–82.

— Symbolism and Interpretation / Translated by Catherine Porter. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982.

— Theories of the Symbol / Translated by Catherine Porter. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982.
