Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

"Sunny, do you have instant?" – Kirill inquired.

"Yes, I brought it from the store yesterday," Oleg answered instead of Nastya.

Kirill waved to Vanya – let's go inside and talk.

"You see, Vanya, Olezha has fallen for our Snow White," Kirill began, pouring him some nescafe.

"So, let's slow down, after all, we're overdoing it as it is."

"What am I, I'm nothing," answered Vanya. In fact, he wasn't really going to do it.

In fact, if each of them had been on their own, they would never have done it. And if each of them had been in a different company, with more restrained, so to speak, comrades, the same thing – there would not have been all this.

But as it happened, Kirill decided that it was no big deal. Or rather he just really wanted to and the situation itself turned him on very much and that it was possible to realize a lot of fantasies that were, but somehow everything did not add up. Did he think about the fact that it was actually coercion? That Nastya didn't actually agree? He preferred not to think about it. Oleg lost his head, and Ivan sort of decided that he could take advantage of the situation, since it had gone so far anyway.

Of course, each of them could have said a firm "no" to themselves. Sure, each of us has a choice. But there are situations when we behave in ways we did not expect.

Maybe if Nastya had resisted very zealously and actively, it would have stopped them, most likely. But when Oleg entered the kitchen, there was almost nothing to stop, and, in fact, he was in a situation where he could pretend that he hadn't seen anything. Or get into a confrontation with Kirill. But he really did treat him well. He really did consider him a buddy, so to speak. And in general, how did he know – maybe Nastya had agreed herself first, and then started to "deny" and cry.

But Nastya was frightened. She lived alone and was generally used to the fact that there was no point in waiting for someone to intercede, especially in such a difficult situation, especially when all three of them were armed.

She had already heard and read all sorts of stories about various atrocities – how could she know if they were true or not and if they were like this or not.

You know, it's just scary to have three armed men suddenly barge in on you. Why did she let them in in the first place? Did anyone ask her? They just walked in, that's all.

Oleg, sitting in pleasant company on the veranda, remembered that there were elderly people in the village and asked Nastya in which houses they lived, although two of them he had already visited – but maybe he had missed someone?

"Do you want me to go and show you," she offered. He hesitated a lot – "What if this is an excuse for her to tell someone everything?" – he thought. But he said, "Let's go."

He told the guys they were going to visit elderly woman. In fact, she was the only one left in the village. The same one that Oleg used to bring medicine to. And grandpa Pasha.

"Well, see for yourself," Kirill said with a hint. You're responsible for what might happen, he said.

When they had gone away from the house about 200 meters, Oleg turned Nastya by the shoulders to himself and, looking into her eyes, asked – "Everything is all right, isn't it?" – and pulled her against him.

"True," sighed Nastya. And then added – "Well, what do you think, I'll tell Baba Nadya all this, she's 72 years old!"

They approached elderly woman Nadia's house, but there was no light there for some reason. They knocked, but she didn't open the door. Nastya knew that she had a key under the bollard at the entrance. She took the key and opened the door.

"Baba Nadya, are you here?" – Nastya called out.

And from somewhere from under the floor they heard a voice – "Nastya, I can't get out of the cellar, something's wrong with my leg, I must have moved it".

"Oleg realized that he had to call Ivan to get this elderly woman out of the cellar, the ladder was steep, he might drop her.

"Grandma, this is Oleg, I brought you medicine, I'll call a friend now, we'll get you out."

Then he thought it might be better to send Nastya to fetch Ivan, he seemed more practical about such things. Nastya didn't want to go alone and then Oleg decided to go together, after all, nothing would happen in 15 minutes.

Ivan looked at Nastya a little suspiciously and suggested leaving her at home, but Nastya objected that she had a medical degree and could at least apply a bandage. Because there was no question of taking her anywhere at all. It was too dangerous at the moment.

Shots were heard in the distance, but it was as if they were everywhere.

They took the plaid and gently lifted the grandmother upstairs. Nastya tried to examine the leg, but of course it was unclear exactly. There could have been a fracture. In any case, she couldn't apply anything but a stiff bandage. She taped a plank on it just in case. She asked Granny Nadia not to step on her foot for the time being. She had crutches, but it was still hard for her in that position and at her age.

"Nastya, I didn't know you had guys staying with you."

"Yes," smiled Oleg, "Nastya has us warmed up and even feeds us."

Baba Nadia looked at them both suspiciously – "Hey, look at me, don't hurt the girl"

"Oh, come on, how could we," Oleg assured her.

"It's okay baba Nadia, it's okay," Nastya tried to smile.

"Why don't you stay with me, Nastyush?" – Grandma Nadia asked.

"How can we do without her?" objected Oleg, "Is there anyone else who can stay with you?"

"Well, maybe Galka," thought Baba Nadya.

"So, we'll go get her now," Oleg immediately suggested.

We went to get Aunt Galya, who also lived alone. Her man was hiding somewhere. He didn't want to shoot "his own". There was no contact with him.

"Wow, that's quite a security detail you've got there," remarked Aunt Galya, a woman, as usual full and rather perky.

"Yes, these are soldiers, fought off their own, barely got out of the tank, so they are waiting for ours to come," explained Nastya.

"Well, where to understand them – where is ours, where is yours, all right, let's go," said Aunt Galya.

When they arrived, Aunt Galya looked to see if everything was there and sent Oleg to see if there was anything left in the store. After Oleg had opened the store, of course someone else had been there, but there were very few people in the village, so the food had not been taken out yet. Ivan and Nastya (just in case) were with Grandma Nadia and Aunt Galya, and Oleg went and brought everything he could carry, some of it, however, for themselves. Ivan, in fact, was wildly nervous and kept looking at Nastya while he waited for Oleg.

"Don't the guys hurt you?" – Aunt Galya asked, also looking suspiciously at the two of them.

"It's all right, Aunt Gal, everything's fine, they're polite" – the last "polite" was a bit strained, but that's how it turned out.

"Look, guys, I'll come and check it out!" – Aunt Galya insisted.

"So come, and in general, if you need anything, come, and the phone at Nastya seems to work" – replied Oleg.

"Ah, well, yes, mine seems to be too, but there's no one to call – mine is on the run," Aunt Galya remarked.

After that, all three of them hurriedly retreated before the conversation went too far in the wrong direction.

They also stopped by Grandpa Pasha's house. He didn't go down into the cellar, but just smoked in the kitchen. He lived to see it. His thoughts were not happy at all. They offered him to move in with Grandma Nadia, but he refused such "matchmaking".
