Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

When everything was over with Ivan, Oleg wrapped Nastenka in a blanket and put her on his lap, it was so nice to feel a woman's body, to breathe her smell, to press her against him.

At such moments, one even forgets that at any moment a shell could blow the whole house apart. But, for now, it was quiet, and it was possible to relax at least for a while. Kirill was smoking a vape. How did he manage to bring it with him? I don't know, he just carried it around with him all the time.

Nastya tried to free herself from Oleg's embrace, but he wouldn't let her go. She was rightly afraid that all this might continue, and her fears were well-founded. Soon enough Kirill thought that it would be very good to continue the pleasure that had ended so quickly due to long abstinence, so he got up, took her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, where she had a large double bed, on which, of course, it was much more comfortable.

"Well, please, no!" – the young woman tried to pull free, but he held her firmly and quickly carried her into the bedroom.

Ivan decided that this time he should skip it and have lunch, as he was unrealistically hungry. To be honest, he didn't even understand how he could trade lunch for sex. Ivan was from the countryside and knew how to run a good household. His hands were in place, and he was a good cook. That's what he did, as long as he had groceries. Bye.

Oleg thought that he should join Kirill and Nastya. Kirill put the naked Nastya on the bed, sat on top of her, and pressed himself against her with his already very aroused dignity. Nastya tried to get free, but Kirill covered her mouth and nose with one hand and reached for the pillow with the other … "Sunny, please don't, we're having such a good time," he tried to convince Nastya. "Nod to me, please, if you agree" he suggested. The hint of a pillow was successful – Nastya didn't want to find out at all if he was going to use it or not. She froze, nodded and stopped resisting. Would Kirill have carried out his threat? No, not under any circumstances, no. It was just that he knew these "things" worked. I think someone had told him, but he had never done it himself before. And why would he? When the answer for him had always been yes. In fact, it was the first time he'd ever had to "persuade" in this way. But he was, unexpectedly for himself, very much turned on by it. When Oleg came in, he lifted Nastya into a sitting position and Oleg joined her from behind, also pressing himself against her.

"Sunshine, you can make us feel good with two hands," Kirill suggested, "It's easier than …" – he ran his finger over her lips. Nastya, of course, decided it was easier. Then he sat her on top of Oleg and held her down, helping her move to the beat. Then he also sat her on top of him, and Oleg held her down and lifted her up a little, kissing her neck and caressing her breasts at the same time.

Kirill tried to say something more to calm Nastya down, he was quite an experienced womanizer, but this was, of course, a completely different situation. He had already had a similar situation, but it was completely "consensual", stoned, and after some party. And she was a hottie. It was just like a picture. I couldn't believe she agreed to it. That she could agree to anything at all, and even more so! And since then Kirill knew that from women you can expect a lot of surprises. And this girl – the picture eventually decided to stay with that third, because he was richer, well, and a little older – but it was not so important. Money, so to speak, decides everything. Or almost everything …

Right now, money couldn't solve anything. Because every minute could be the last and money could not help at all.

In this situation, all feelings, sensations and emotions were at the limit. At some point Oleg realized that no one had taken care of Nastya and decided to fill this gap. He showed Kirill that he intended to nestle between her lovely legs. Kirill thought that it was really very fair and held Nastya so that she did not resist – "Wait, wait, now it will be very good, I promise you.

Nastya did not care about this "good", but, even unexpectedly, she did cum.

You are probably thinking now – oh yes, it's all clear, she wanted it herself, and resisted purely for "decency". But no, she didn't. She didn't want anything. She was afraid. At first it was just fear, but the body also has its own unexpected reactions. And it was hard not to react to young, fit, muscular bodies. Especially since it was all extremely insistent, but still without cruelty or excessive roughness.

Nastya was an ordinary young woman, not a nun, but she did not suffer from debauchery. Sure, she had experience with men. Nothing special. By and large, she could be called a free woman, although of course there was one who came on visits. But, unfortunately, nothing serious.

Kirill was probably the most attractive of the three of them. A little taller, lush, with a little red hair and a chiseled figure, he could work as a photo model. Oleg was a little shorter, with blond hair, yet also well-built. Ivan was a little more stocky, though of medium height, not small, with the usual dark blond hair color.

Kirill had always been a favorite of the girls, he knew what to say, how to make a move, how to divorce. And somehow he didn't linger with anyone. But that girl, the picture girl, fell for him. But I guess the hat didn't fit him. Brunette, legs, as they say, from the ears. She didn't look like Nastya at all. That was probably a good thing. Otherwise there might have been a desire to "get even".

Ivan had prepared something quite edible. Nastya didn't want to eat after all this, but they persuaded her to eat a little. Oleg admired the way she absent-mindedly put something in her pretty mouth.

After a late lunch Oleg washed the dishes and put everything away together with Kirill. They wanted to smooth things over somehow, to show that they were actually not so bad and scary.

Strangely enough, everything worked so far: the Internet, electricity, and cell phone service. Well, Nastya's was working. But their sim cards didn't catch the network. I had to go to the usual telegram channels from her phone to somehow understand where we were at the moment, and whether it made sense to wait. It turned out that they were in a zone where neither of them were. However, there was an almost constant exchange of "pleasantries". So, they decided to wait.

The three decided that they should take turns sleeping. There were two reasons. One was to notice the shelling in time to call everyone to the cellar, and the other … – well, you may have guessed it, they didn't want Nastya to run away and tell anyone about it.

She had nowhere to run to. Of course, she could try to run to some neighboring house, but why? She didn't know if anyone was there or if they had already left. And what was next? Nevertheless, these are three armed men and she would not want to create a conflict between any of her neighbors and three armed men … As you can imagine, the outcome in this case was more predictable than unpredictable.

The night passed quietly for Nastya, she hoped that perhaps this was the end of it after all.

The next day it became clear that the situation could be prolonged and it was necessary to stock up on groceries. Oleg set out to go to the store. Of course, it turned out that the store was closed. Where was the owner did not want to think, and there was no time to find out. Not that he could not pay, but obviously there was no one and perhaps no one at all. Oleg broke the glass to enter the local small store. Waited – maybe the alarm would go off and someone would come. Honestly waited about 15 minutes. Then he took what he needed. And what he could carry. The refrigerators were still working, so you could even get frozen food. No one ever showed up. Maybe there was no one left. I took all the supplies to Nastya and then went door to door to tell people to stock up as well. It turned out that one grandmother stayed in one house and one grandfather in the other. He took what he could and brought it to them, so that they would not go unnecessarily. There was almost no one left in the houses, most of them had left. He asked if they needed medicine. Turns out they do. he went to the drugstore. At the same time, he took bandages and other necessary dressing materials – who knows, everything might come in handy. Took what the old people needed. It was quiet as he went.
