Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

And then again the three of them repeated all at the same time, only Oleg was already behind her.

Nastia thought it would never end.

And she just decided not to think. Because she couldn't think about it all happening to her. A career as a porn actress was certainly not something she'd ever dreamed of.

When everyone was already completely satisfied and it was all over, they realized that they had gone over the edge.

And Nastya was scared again, afraid that she would stay here in this cellar. She remembered how Kirill had smothered her lightly with his hand at the beginning, and then that hint with the pillow....

Oleg saw her fright and began to calm her down: "Nastya, it's okay, we're pigs, what can you do about it, maybe it's our last sex in this life, please forgive us.

He hugged her from behind and kissed her gently on the back of her neck. He hugged her from behind and kissed her gently on the back of the head.

Post-facto, Kirill and Ivan also felt a little underwhelmed.

Was it a guilty conscience? You know, probably not exactly. It is a state when you realize that you are a pig, but you also realize that you would have done the same thing anyway, because the sensations, impressions, emotions were inexpressible. Although the scenery was not very good, but when you realize that every day can be your last, it takes on a completely different tone.

How to convey the feeling of getting out of a burning tank and realizing that you are alive and even whole. How do you convey the feeling when you manage to run somewhere at all under the incessant exploding shells?

They're not really like that at all. Of course, they would never have done such a thing in ordinary life. First of all, they would never have met in ordinary life – Ivan was from some village, somewhere out there … They had no way of knowing where, realizing that there were gaps in their knowledge of geography. But what the hell does it matter. Oleg is from St. Petersburg. Kirill is a Moscow boy. Not a boy, of course, but a young man. Favorite and handsome. How did he even get here? Fuck knows, they sent him a summons and he decided he'd go.

The girl – the picture wouldn't come out of his head.

Oleg and Ivan didn't have much choice, and they didn't think of running abroad, so to speak.

Ivan actually had a girlfriend with whom he had already started "building bridges", but there was no relationship yet. He thought about her. But he couldn't write – they weren't allowed to disclose details of military operations to anyone.

Although now, maybe he should write. So, he wrote. And waited for a reply.

Oleg didn't have any relationships, somehow things didn't work out.

Nastya wasn't really Kirill's type, though he was the one who had initiated the whole thing, Ivan's thoughts were also preoccupied with the other.

And only Oleg was literally blown away by Nastya.

Why didn't he fight for her right away? First of all, right away you remember what happened – he actually joined Kyril. And it still wasn't right away that he realized he liked her.

And then there is this strange sense of community with his comrades in arms, so to speak. It is difficult to explain that you have something in common with people with whom you went through such stress, such tension, with whom you fought to the last man and realized that they would not retreat either.

What they did was somehow completely wrong, but irreparable.

Did they feel they had committed a crime?

I guess that's not how they defined it for themselves after all.

Terribly sleepy, and they decided that Ivan would be on duty for a couple hours, then wake Kirill, and Oleg fell asleep hugging Nastya.

And they wouldn't ask him when it was his turn.

Did Nastya fall asleep? Yes, strangely enough, she fell asleep – she just switched off and that was it.

Youth is a great advantage, after all. And Oleg's physical touch had an unexpectedly soothing effect on her.

Despite the fact that no one was going to wake Oleg, he woke up two hours later and replaced Ivan.

After another two hours, Nastya woke up.

"Go back to sleep," Oleg said softly.

"Seems quiet," said Nastya, she was already anxious to get out of this cellar.

"Yeah, it's been 40 minutes since it's been quiet," Oleg replied.

"Why don't we go upstairs and I'll make some coffee?" – Nastya suggested.

He wanted to go to the bathroom, so of course he decided to go.

Nastya went to take a shower and Oleg followed her.

"Oleg, please, I can't take any more," Nastya begged. As you can understand, there was absolutely everything in the cellar that they hadn't had time to do with her before.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just for fun, I want to rub your back," Oleg reassured her.

In fact, Nastya didn't hope for anything anymore, but it was usually useless to resist. So, she just launched him into the shower. And he actually just scrubbed her back. When she turned around, he was already getting aroused again.

"All right – all right, go," he said, barely restraining himself.

Nastya hurriedly retreated and went to the kitchen to actually make coffee.

It was getting light and it was nice to sit in the chairs he'd dragged onto the veranda. It was chilly and they wrapped themselves in plaids. It was still nice, it was fall and despite the overcast, rainy weather it was beautiful. The verandah overlooked the forest, or rather the overgrowth.

The variety of yellow, red and some more green leaves were pleasing to the eye.

"Nastya, where will you go when ours come?" – Oleg started talking about her evacuation.

"I've always dreamed of living in St. Petersburg, but I don't know what I'd do there, to be honest," she candidly admitted.

"So sure, come to Peter, maybe we'll see each other again someday," Oleg rejoiced. "But will she want to see me?" – he thought to himself.

He moved closer and took her hand. She didn't pull her hand away. She wasn't uncomfortable, it was as if everything was fine now, as if nothing had happened. Like she was just sitting with a man she liked on the veranda. But it had been … Nastya didn't want to think about it. She was simply unable to think about it. She couldn't imagine that such a thing could happen to her.

"Holy shit you got a romantic here," crawled a sleepy Kirill.

He was about to open his mouth to ask Nastya to make coffee for him too, but then he realized that the borzometer should be adjusted.

So, he went to make his own. He rummaged around and found some cookies and waffles.

He took out a vase of cookies and waffles and offered them to Nastya and Oleg.

"Oh, thanks, buddy," Oleg said.

"Thank you," Nastya replied absent-mindedly. Somehow Kirill's appearance made her tense, because she knew how it usually ended.

In the end, Kirill dragged the pouf out onto the veranda and sat down next to them to drink his own brewed coffee. He had already noticed that Oleg was partial to Nastya and thought he should slow down. But, in fact, after a stormy night he had no desire to.

About an hour later Ivan woke up and found that he was alone in the cellar, and even closed. He had a wild thought that they had killed Nastya and dragged her to bury her. "Well, what an idiot I am, why did I screw them up with my "if"!!!!" – jumped out like scalded, then already heard a quiet conversation somewhere outside, still wary, went out and realized that he was really a moron that such a thought on his comrades.

"Phew, and I was kind of scared there was no one there," he admitted honestly.

"Do you want coffee?" – Kirill asked – "Of course," Ivan replied, "but I drink instant."
