Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

When all three returned, they found Kyril pacing nervously around the house and smoking a vape – "Yeah, I've been waiting for you guys."

You could see he was nervous about how it would go.

"Artem writes that the line has moved, but not quite in our direction. So far, we still can not go" – it is he about their fellow soldier, with whom they managed to contact, but with the other three, with whom they communicated, it was no longer possible …

"So, Nastush, bear with us for now," Kirill continued.

In the beginning there was some relaxation from just being wild and happy that they were just alive and wanting to not think about what was going to happen next at all.

But now the tension was beginning to rise again, the situation was dragging on, and it was unclear how it would develop further. In the extreme case, they would have to retreat, regardless of the riskiness of the venture, because they did not intend to be captured under any circumstances.

It was necessary to keep in touch with Artem while it was possible, in order to learn more quickly about the movements of both sides.

Nevertheless, they decided to sleep. Nevertheless, there was a fear that Nastya would still decide to run away. As a result, Oleg and Kirill lay down on the bed with her, and Ivan stayed on duty for the time being.

The day was long and all three of them fell asleep. At some point Nastya woke up and realized that something (something!) hard was pressing against her back. Of course, she was not wrong in her guesses. She slowly started to get out, but Kirill woke up and held her back – "Where are you going, wait".

He'd completely forgotten that he'd suggested Ivan "slow down."

He started pulling down her pajama pants.

"Kirill, I'm going to the bathroom," Nastya objected.

"Well, let's go," Kirill suggested.

"I thought you had no such fantasies," objected Nastya.

Then the thought occurred to Kirill that he probably wasn't ready to watch everything and he just looked out and quietly asked Ivan to listen more closely to what she was doing there.

Nastya stayed late for several reasons – purely physiological and she also hoped that Kirill would fall asleep. She took another shower just in case.

Kirill dozed off, but woke up again when she returned. She actually wanted to go to the other room, but Ivan thought he might not be able to keep track that way and directed her back to the bedroom.

Nastya carefully lay down between them, because there was only room there, they lay on their sides, thinking everyone was asleep.

Just then, Kirill started to snuggle up again and slowly pull her pajamas down.

"And I'll go and complain to Aunt Galya," Nastya said for some reason, though she wasn't really going to do that.

"Are you kuku? We'd have to kill you all," he whispered languidly in her ear.

Nastya jumped up sharply and pressed herself into the headboard of the bed – a large and soft one, by the way.

"What????" – She literally shrieked – "Come on, how can you, I'm doing everything you want me to do" – she started sobbing, she started shaking, the stress of all these days had taken its toll.

"Jesus, what is it," Oleg woke up.

"What the fuck can't you sleep," Ivan ran in.

"Sunshine, come on, I was just kidding," Kirill began to reassure her.

"Joke??? A joke????" – Nastya sobbed.

"What happened?" – Oleg

"He said you're going to kill us all!!!" – sobbed Nastya.

"Yeah he's the one who over-smoked his vape, fwiw what he's cramming in there," Oleg tried to smooth things over.

"Fuck yeah, Kirill, that's a fucking great idea," Ivan confirmed

Nastya realized that they were even scared and confused and that there really wasn't anything like that in their minds.

Kirill stroked her on one side and Oleg on the other.

Ivan took a seat on the bed.

"Sunny, it's okay, it's just his black humor," Oleg tried again to say something exculpatory.

"Well, I don't know why I blurted that out," Kirill apologized.

But Nastya was so touching and so… sexy.

And they stroked her on both sides and again for some reason the thought of "slowing down" began to recede somewhere far away …

And Ivan didn't want to leave either …

Nastya did not resist, because the thought of "kill" had gone away, but remained somewhere in the background.

In fact, strangely enough, the body reacted with arousal and if even the consciousness resisted, the body wasn't quite okay with it.

Naturally they also felt it and continued to slowly, gradually stroke her, caress her, excite her, and so on and so forth.

As a result, Ivan, Oleg and Nastya fell asleep on the bed, and Kirill, as a "delinquent" went on duty.

It was already past eleven o'clock, but the three were asleep.

And then Kirill realized that someone was walking towards the house.

Holy shit, that's some chick.

He ran to the bedroom – "Wake up, wake up, we have guests, I think it's your Aunt Galya here."

Nastya didn't realize what was wrong at first, then jumped up to quickly clean herself up.

"I'll say you're in the kitchen," Kirill had already said in a whisper, and went slowly to open the door, for Aunt Galya was already steadily ascending the porch.

"A brave woman, though," thought Kirill.

I mean, really – did she have reason to suspect that things weren't going well? Of course she did. That's why she came to check.

Kirill of course took his time opening the door to give Nastya more time.

And when he was sure she'd snuck into the kitchen, he opened the door.

"Oh, good morning, my name is Kirill, come in."

Aunt Galya was surprised at such a welcome and a little wary.

"Where's Nastya?" – Standing on the doorstep, she asked.

"We're sleepy, we just decided to make breakfast," Kirill replied.

"Wow, you're sleeping," Aunt Galya said as she walked in and headed for the kitchen. She noticed that Ivan had come out of the bedroom and someone else was there.

Of course, this also raised suspicion.

"Why do you occupy the master bedroom?" – Aunt Galya asked suspiciously again.

"Well, of course, it may not be very polite, but Nastya allowed it, she said she'd be fine in a small room," Kirill continued to fantasize.

Aunt Galya walked into the kitchen and saw Nastya starting to make an omelet for everyone.

"Aunt Galya, good morning, how is Baba Nadia?" – Nastya asked, holding herself together and even smiling.

"Oh, it's hard for me to carry her back and forth to the toilet, but nothing, I think I'll take the board off, I think there's no fracture there," Aunt Galya turned to her own concerns and sat down at the table.

"Let's have breakfast and go take another look," Nastya suggested as calmly as possible.

"I'll just have some coffee, I think I've had breakfast already," Aunt Galya made her "order".

Nastya picked up the turbo – "No, I'll have instant," said Aunt Galya.

Nastya turned on the kettle, thankfully the electricity and everything else was working. Their village was somehow a little out of the way and a bit of a bygone era.

Ivan began to help with breakfast, Oleg decided to make coffee for three – Ivan also drank instant.

"Oh, look, really, helpers, you might say" – Aunt Galya – "And where did you guys come from?"

Ivan named his village – "Oh, that I don't know, it must be far away," said Aunt Galya.
