Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

But of it most of all many also are afraid present pro-government  neo-feudal lords and their numerous lackeys an environment - legal, power (force) and information. Are afraid wide national net work community netocracy, that legitimacy «belief in governors » will allow to transfer (translate) in logic and the control on the facts of execution (performance) of promises and change of quality of life of people in territory responsible (crucial) to this official. And their life national Reputation prosecution.

The system of multistage smart-votings isa basis of national digital democracy and without stably working system IOO PNS of her(it) to not construct. To create such protected system uneasy, but then votings become ordinary and cheap routine. That it is necessary to have, in an ideal-

Personal Smart-phone + wrist the Electronic passport (the Identifier of the Person of "SILTS"), at each citizen, is more senior than 14 years.

The staticized Register of citizens of country (РГС) (kmetа, areas, the countries), with registration of residing, civil rights, with personal biometric  and the adhered devices.

Uniform national providercellular communication and UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY -ЕИПСС (Intranet).

The uniform Automatic distributed(allocated) system of multistage votings of the country, with branches (the EXPERT "Voting")

Systemof dispatch of codes for voting, for discussions, fixing of candidates and their plans. Display of a course of votings to a site, the control of results etc is necessary.

Public video and the broad gully - control of access to means and software of system, admins and controllers. Overcast, distribution and cipher security the HARDWARE, a software and communication lines of system.

The constitutional decision on legitimacy of System of multistage Smart-votings and Smart-referenda in the country. And still many other things

Only such automatic system will give real effect of democracy. Will enable simple and clear votings for 99 % of citizens, starting (beginning) from a concrete house, quarter, settlement, kmetа, areas and the countries as a whole. Will put an end to the contemptious attitude (relation) to modern citizens of the country, as to « inadequate crowd - ohlosu », not capable to accept critical decisions. That is amplified (strengthened) is preached by authorities through laws, selling political scientists and MASS-MEDIA.

Here is how the interface of system of smart-votings can look. To everyone who has the right to vote on the current question.

Come auto-SMS some days prior to voting, with your current casually chosen pseudo-code (a guarantee of anonymity) and the list about what to vote.

В the Appendix reminds day of voting, that «you should vote ». You put "daw" against the choice / candidate and you press - "To vote", then - "To confirm or cancel" and once again to think.

In one minute on a site of municipial electoral committee, on the pseudo-code you check, how your voice was fixed by system. And as other townspeople (number) and have voted change of the sums.

It is possible to start the smart-phone appendix which is counting up the sums on candidates, under the table, we admit(allow).

               Elections of the Chapter of City. 

The number, having a vote, by the beginning of one year XXXXXX

By the beginning of one month - XXXXXX, for date of voting XXXXXX

Candidates. A1, A2, A3  With, …

Results of voting.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..

ХХХ1234 - time xx = has voted for the candidate X1

АВС0987 - time yy   - has refrained                    A2

ХВС0890 - time zz = …. for candidate                 A3

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..

Result, on current time,

for A1 = 934 voices  4 %

For A2 = 6789 … …. 25 %

For A3 = 3333 … …. 13 %

All others -  have refrained … xx%

When in the Register of Voters (РИ) of city, area and the country, except for FULL NAME, identification number of the person(SILT) and addresses of registration from РГС, are personal telephone number of a voting sim card (map) adhered SILT smart-phone it is easy cut off all others, not voting numbers and to locate territories (house) to the address of registration of people.

The city cellular operator (automatic device) should supervise, « voting СМСки » to recheck a urgency of numbers of a Sim -card, and the system of voting should analyze their conformity FULL NAME, to appropriated(given) pseudo-numbers, codes of numbers of SILTS, a geoposition, IP, the POPPY and HAVE - NUMBERS of the smart-phone /эл-passport and to supervise reception of messages by citizens. Voting from abroad only under the forward ordering. Swappable and unregistered numbers are ignored.

Hereit is better to touch with the control and checks, than then « to scratch turnip » at cyber scams and proofs of legitimacy in courts. Also it is necessary to connect withsystem  ГАС-elections  city ​​registers (горреестры) the population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, registry offices, honey - funeral services and arrival / departure from the country. To make registration of residing and voting personal smart-phone remote, to nationalize cellular communication still more many that.

In our digitally-century, it is necessary to count all other votings illegitimate, favourable only to authorities and them прислужникам. And as congenital property of any state limits freedom of citizens, minions. read in works of Nobel winner Miltona Fridmana.

                      Identification of persons,

                     establishments and business. 

The world (global) anonymous Internet on the primary technological nature appeared is very much vulnerable owing to the simple openness for billions various users and devices. Heavy losses and damages suffer(bear) as people, and Business and state structu reswhen "fall" their server, are destroyed or « the private data etc flow away on the market ».

On use numerous vulnerabilitie a world net, operational systems and numerous appendices bookmarks, viruses, trojans and other modern superlong-rangecyber-weapon of mass defeat of opponent (ОМП) also are created.

That is whyit is necessary to separate internal network (UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС)), from external anonymous everything to separate serious resources from  hyip razlekalova. Though it is expensive and uneasy. This paradox of development, the mankind repeats earlier history when every one knew everyone in the cave sort, then in a tribe or in a small village. But now it occurs at higher techno-level and "village" became all world. The refores truggle « for privat» is next « technological fake» short-sighted conservatives.

Also it is not necessary to build illusions and about peaceful co-existence « great and not so », powers in the future space of the Internet. The Cyber-weapon and fake-propagation less, are less vulnerable and more , are fast and massed, therefore their superiority (championship) in the future wars - is provided. And the damage from new ОМП to the opponent is already comparable with application of the expensive material weapon.

The conclusion 1 - urgently should be built protected for an input (entrance) from the out side internal state- fibre-optical UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС) for serious has put - gos-fin-obr-med and other services, where an input(entrance) « on numbers with registered devices . With gradation of access for physical and legal persons, for exchanges and processing Meta and the Pers-data. 
