Atlas of Medieval Europe. Ed. D. Matthew. Oxford, 1986.
Birch W. de G. History of Scottish Seals. Vol. I. Edin., 1905.
Black G.F. The Surnames of Scotland. Their Origin, Meaning, and History. Edin., 1996.
The Concise Scots Dictionary. Ed. M. Robinson. Aberdeen, 1985.
Donaldson G. & Morpeth R.S. A Dictionary of Scottish History. Edin., 1977.
Dwelly's Gaelic to English Dictionary. Glasgow, 1977.
An Historical Atlas of Scotland с 400 — с. 1600. Ed. P. McNeill & R. Nicholson. St. Andrews, 1980.
An Historical Geography of Scotland. Ed. G. Whittington & I. Whyte. L. etc., 1983.
Innes T. Scots Heraldry. L. — Edin., 1978.
Moncreiffe I. & Pottinger D. Clan Map. Edin., 1983.
Seaby P. & Purvey P.F. Coins of Scotland, Ireland and the Islands. L., 1984.
Urquhart R.M. Scottish Burgh and County Heraldry. L., 1973.
Zaczek I. & Phillips С The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Tartan. Wigston, Leicestershire, 2011.
Сокращения, принятые в примечаниях
APS = The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Ed. T. Thomson & СInnes
ASR = Anglo-Scottish Relations, 1174–1328. Ed. E.L.G. Stones
Barbour, Bruce = J. Barbour. The Bruce. Ed. W.W. Skeat
Barrow, Anglo-Norman Era = G.W.S. Barrow. The Anglo-Norman Era in Scottish History
Barrow, Bruce = G.W.S. Barrow. Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland
Barrow, Kingdom = G.W.S. Barrow. The Kingdom of the Scots
BIHR = Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Cal. Papal Letters = Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters. Ed. W.H. Bliss
CB = Средние Века
CDS = Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, 1108–1509. Ed. J. Bain
Chron. Bower = Scotichronicon cum Supplementis et Continuatione Walteri Boweri. Ed. W. Goodall
Chron. Fordun = lohannis de Fordun. Chronica Gentis Scotorum. Ed. W.F. Skene
Chron. Froissart = J. Froissart. Chronicles. Ed. W.P. Ker
Chron. Guisborough = The Chronicle of Walter of Guisborough. Ed. H. Rothwell
Chron. Holyrood = Chronicon Anglo-Scoticum. Ed. C.W. Bouterwek
Chron. Lanercost = Chronicon de Lanercost, Maitland Club
Chron. Melrose = Chronicle of Melrose, Bannatyne Club
Chron. Picts-Scots = Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots and Other Early Memorials of Scottish History. Ed. W.F. Skene
Chron. Rishanger = Chronica Willelmi Rishanger. Ed. H.T. Riley
Chron. Walsingham = Historia Anglicana. Ed. H.T. Riley
Chron. Wyntoun = Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland. Ed. D. Laing
Dickinson, Scotland = W.C. Dickinson. Scotland from the Earliest Times to 1603. 3rd edn.
Dodgshon, Land & Society = R.A. Dodgshon. Land and Society in Early Scotland
DSH = G. Donaldson & R.S. Morpeth. A Dictionary of Scottish History
Duncan, Scotland = A.A.M. Duncan. Scotland: The Making of the Kingdom
EHD = English Historical Documents
EHR = English Historical Review
ER = The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland
ESSH = Early Sources of Scottish History, 500–1286. Ed. A.O. Anderson
Foedera = Foedera, conventiones, litterae etc. Ed. T. Rymer, The Hague
Glasgow Registrum = Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis
HAS = An Historical Atlas of Scotland. Ed. P. McNeill & Ranald Nicholson
HGS = An Historical Geography of Scotland. Ed. G. Whittington & I. Whyte Highland Papers = Highland Papers. Ed. I.R.N. Macphail
Kelso Liber = Liber S. Marie de Calchou
Lawrie, Charters = Early Scottish Charters prior to 1153. Ed. A.C. Lawrie
Lindores Chartulary = Chartulary of the Abbey of Lindores
Mackenzie, Foundations = A.M. Mackenzie. The Foundations of Scotland
Melrose Liber = Liber S. Marie de Melros
Morton Registrum = Registrum Honoris de Morton
Nat. MSS Scot. = Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts of Scotland
Nicholson, Scotland = R. Nicholson. Scotland: The Later Middle Ages
Palgrave, Documents = Documents and Records Illustrating the History of Scotland. Ed. F. Palgrave
PSAS = Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
RMS = Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. Ed. J.M. Thomson
Rot. Scot. = Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservati. Ed. D. Macpherson
RRS = Regesta Regum Scottorum
RS = Rolls Series
SAEC = Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers, ed. A.O. Anderson
Scalacronica = Scalacronica, by Sir Thomas Gray of Heton, Knight
SHD = Scottish Historical Documents
SHR = Scottish Historical Review
SHS = Scottish History Society
SS = Scottish Studies Stevenson, Documents = Documents Illustrative of the History of Scotland, ed. J. Stevenson
TRHS = Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
Vita Edwardi = Vita Edwardi Secundi monachi cuiusdam Malmesberiensis. Ed. W. Stubbs
Полные выходные данные всех изданий см. в библиографии.
Св. Ниниан, «Апостол Каледонии». Миниатюра из шотландского часослова. XV в.
Борохедский бык. Пиктская стела. Морей. VII в.
Цепь из Уайтклуха, Лэнаркшир. Серебро. V–VIII в.
Серебряные пластины с пиктскими символами из Норрис Ло, Файф. VII в.
Пиктские воины. Фрагмент рельефа из Брох оф Бирсей, Оркни. VIII в.
Битва пиктов с врагами (при Даннихене?). Стела в Эберлемно, Энгус. Конец VII-середина IX в.
Пиктская стела с крестом. Эберлемно, Энгус. Конец VIII - середина IX в.
Сконский “Камень Судьбы”. V в.(?) Эдинбургский замок.
Брекбеннох — реликварий Св. Колумбы. Ок. 750 г.
Кельтская брошь из Хантерстона, Эршир. Ок. 700 г.