Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

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Sturtivant R. Fleet Air Arm at War. — London, 1982.

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Taylor J.W. Aircraft of World War Two. — London, 1963.

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Thompson K. HMS 'Rodney' at War. — London, 1946.

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Wegener W. Die Seestrategie des Weltkrieg. — Berlin, 1929.

Whitley M.J. Destroyer! German Destroyers in World War II. — London, 1983.

Whitley M.J. German Cruisers in World War II. — London, 1985.

Whitley M.J. German Capital Ships in World War II. — London, 1988.

Whitley M.J. German Coastal Forces in World War II. — London, 1992.

Wood T., Gunston B. Hitler's Luftwaffe 1935–1945. — London, 1977.

Wynn K. U-Boat Operations of the Second World War. Vol.1–2. — London, 1997–1998.

Ziemke E.F. The German Northern Theater of Operations 1940–1945. — Washington, 1960.
