Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I’d been too confused and distraught to look at him then.

I looped my arms around his neck, locking my gaze onto his.

“I’m looking at you now. I see you, Wylfrael.”

I thought he was going to be the one to break eye contact first. A violent tremor overtook him, and his eyes slid closed. But not all the way. He pinned me with a slitted, glittering gaze as his hips began to pump. My entire body screamed with the sensation of how filled I was. Even my breath seemed too much for my lungs, and it rushed out of me as if to make more room for him. There was probably something pathetic, maybe even toxic, in that. In the fact that I didn’t even care if I breathed, didn’t care if I had to move everything else in my body aside, as long as he was in me.

The silk loop tying back Wylf’s hair came undone, his silver strands falling down on either side of our faces like shimmering curtains. Between that and his wings, I was closed off from the world, inundated by him and surrounded by him. His hips drove harder, his cock spearing deeper, his stars lighting me up from the inside with vibrating points of trembling energy until I quaked. My hips jerked as I tried to match his rhythm, tried to feel more, faster, harder, anything, everything.

“Wylf, please,” I lamented. “I need... I need...”

“I know, beloved,” he said, lowering himself until my nipples dragged tantalizingly over the smooth wool of his jacket. “Just let go, Torrance. Just let go, and breathe, and let me take care of you.” Possessive arousal roughened his voice. “Let your husband make you come.”

On the verge of bursting into tears, I obeyed. I did my best to breathe and tried to soothe my over-tight muscles, letting myself spread, languid and slow like honey.

“Good, beloved,” he growled. “You’re doing so well. You’re perfect. So cursedly perfect.”

His pace increased almost instantly, a ferocious snapping of his hips. At the same time, he bracketed my shoulders with his elbows, smoothing my hair back from my face and placing his forehead to mine. He scorched me with his contradictions, everything in him a collection of contrasts. His hips and cock were ravenous, pistoning into me so hard my body jerked back over the silk with every thrust. But his hands were gentle, his mouth gorgeously tender as he explored my ear, my cheekbone, my eyelid, the tip of my nose.

“I love you. Skies take me, I love everything about you,” Wylf panted between kisses along my jaw, chin, and mouth. “Love how you feel. So wet and lush, wrapped around me like silk. Blast, it’s like you’re shivering on the inside.”

All I could manage in response was a heady moan.

“Let go completely now, Torrance,” he groaned. “Come on your husband’s cock the way I know you need to.”

His words twined like smooth rope inside me, coiling around my pelvis and tightening at the base of my spine until I arched, strained, tried to scream but couldn’t, couldn’t make a single sound around the orgasm that split me open like a sharp but oh, so beautiful knife.

Yes, beloved. My perfect little bride,” Wylfrael moaned. He captured my mouth, and there was nothing tender about it this time, his tongue sliding deep and claiming just like his cock. I couldn’t even kiss him back. Could only hold myself open for him, for every part of him, as I completely came undone.

Wylfrael groaned into my mouth, the sound making his tongue vibrate as my channel milked him in exquisite, fluttering movements. I was so aware of him that I felt him swell further, stiffen impossibly harder inside me, as if made of smooth, hot, living diamond. Diamond that was twitching, throbbing, bursting. Explosions of ecstasy rocked Wylfrael’s frame, bringing him higher and higher, harder and harder, until every nerve was stretched and singing, just like mine. He came as if he’d never come before, like he’d been waiting a lifetime, a thousand lifetimes, to fill me just like this. A dark and desperate torrent shooting forward like arrow after glittering arrow, the target an unseen, needy place inside me.

Wylf dragged his mouth from mine and whispered, a quick tumble of words I could barely hear or understand. But I knew enough of how he felt, of him, to reply anyway.

“I love you, Wylfrael,” I murmured. “I love you, too.”


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The morning after our wedding was the first morning Wylf stayed wrapped around me in bed until I woke up. When daylight turned the silver walls bright, I stirred, a thread of joy winding through me when I felt Wylfrael curved around my back, an arm and a wing thrown protectively over me.

“You’re still here,” I whispered, smiling and wiggling backwards.

“Of course, I am,” Wylfrael grunted, sleepiness making his voice husky.

It thrilled me – I’d never seen him just waking up in the morning.

“I hope you have not tired of your new husband already,” he muttered against the top of my head, which made me laugh.

“Nope. Not yet.”

I would have been happy to stay there all day, wrapped in Wylfrael’s arms, enjoying the quiet warmth of him and the furs. But anxious butterflies took wing in my stomach when I remember what today was.

The gathering of the gods.

It would be the first time I’d meet stone sky gods other than Wylf and Maerwynne. It would also be the first time I’d step through a stone sky door into another world for myself.

Wylfrael groaned in complaint when I wriggled out of his grasp. I slid out of the bed, bouncing on the balls of my feet on the stool and hopping down to the floor. I turned back to my husband, hands on my hips. He rolled lazily onto his back, the furs sliding to the side and revealing the thickness of his erection against his belly.

Oh, God.

My mouth went dry, and I forced myself to look away.

“Come on, we have things to do today!” I said. Realizing I was completely naked, I hurried to the armoire to grab a robe, feeling Wylf’s eyes on my bare skin the entire time.

“I have things I want to do to you,” Wylf grumbled, correcting me. I laughed, pulling the belt tight on my robe while striding across the room to the bathroom.

“You can take care of that yourself. Have a bath,” I tossed teasingly over my shoulder back at him, jerking my head towards his cock. “Use the jets. I know from experience just how effective they are.”

Wylf growled and sat up, wings flaring, gripping the furs, looking like a predator about to pounce. Shrieking, I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door, dissolving into giggles on the other side.

Despite the fact we did have to get ready for the gathering, Wylf insisted on taking his damn time.  We ate breakfast and lunch together in our room, with him eating slowly, staring at me the entire time. After lunch, he insisted we take a sleigh ride together again. When I protested, he merely silenced me with a kiss the way he’d done so many times before and told me that no newly mated god would come early to a gathering because he’d be too preoccupied with rutting his mate.

Ultimately, he knew stone sky culture much better than me. So, I decided not to argue further, put on a cloak over my dress, and followed him out to the sleigh.

Shame and arousal flooded me when I saw the broken bench.

“How are we going to explain that to Shoshen?” I lamented, ears burning as I sat down, staying far away from the jagged part.

“I’ll tell him the truth. I broke it out of barely restrained passion while deep inside my bride,” Wylf said nonchalantly, the verbal version of a shrug.
