“I know, I know. I’m going to eat,” I grumbled. I rubbed my hands roughly over my face. My head felt hot and heavy, my mouth dry and tasting awful. “Do you have anything I can use for my teeth?”
Aiko’s head tilted, her ears arching forward to better hear the words I knew she couldn’t understand.
“My teeth.” I mimed cleaning them. “Do you guys use toothpaste? Toothbrushes?”
I was sure she knew what I meant now. She straightened, her ears perking up, and smiled.
I smiled wanly back.
“Thank God.”
She hurried to the door as if off to fetch one for me, and I sagged with gratitude and relief for her kindness. But when she reached the door, she froze mid-step. Instantly, she turned around, marching back into the room.
My heart sank.
“You’re not allowed to leave me alone, are you?”
Something had changed since yesterday. It seemed like I was to be under constant supervision every moment going forward.
I thought being alone up here was bad. But this was worse.
At least it’s Aiko now and not him.
Defeated, I slid out of the bed. I walked past Aiko in silence, heading for the small bathroom. I wondered if she’d even follow me in there, but thankfully she didn’t.
I did my business, then washed my hands. I washed my face too, splashing water until it rolled down my neck and soaked my T-shirt. I ended up removing it entirely, leaving on only my bra so I could clean under my arms. I washed my hair in the sink, lathering the soapy cream stuff and rinsing as best I could. It was a bit of a shitshow, between how long my hair was and how awkwardly high the sink was positioned. Without a mirror, I had no idea if I’d rinsed out all the suds when I was finished. Oh well. I twisted the long, soaked hair, wringing it out as best I could before putting my shirt back on.
I should have washed all my clothes in the sink and let them dry when I was alone, I lamented. I could have done that last night instead of bawling my eyes out in bed. If there was going to constantly be someone in my room going forward, I didn’t see how I’d get the chance, now. I guess I could wear my snowsuit while my clothes dry... Or maybe wear half of it at a time. Wear the snowpants on trouser-and-panty-washing day, the parka on shirt and bra day...
It was utterly depressing just how quickly I was establishing the practical details of my life in this tower, this world. Brushing my teeth, cleaning my clothes. Learning how to live here because I’d never get to leave.
Hair dripping and leaving sopping dark circles on my shirt, I headed back out into the main chamber. Aiko started towards me, as if me being out of her sight had made her nervous. She stopped when she noticed my wet hair and shirt.
She said something, something that sounded like a question. I shook my head, pursing my lips to keep myself from blowing out an irritated breath. Not having a clue what everyone was saying to me was getting old, fast. I wonder if I could convince Aiko to teach me the language...
She no doubt sensed my lack of understanding and didn’t say anything else. Instead, she hurried over to the big oblong tiled area set into the floor. She knelt, pressing down on one specific green tile, and it sank like a button being pushed under her touch. I jumped as the sound of rushing liquid suddenly echoed.
Water rushed from unseen cracks among the tile, filling the large basin in the floor. My eyes bugged out of my head. A bathtub?
I felt like an idiot for not realizing it before. But there was no obvious tap here like there was above the bathroom sink. I memorized which tile it was Aiko had pressed to make the bath fill up. The water rose rapidly until the water-releasing cracks were covered, turning those spots into jets that made the bath froth and rumble.
When the bath was nearly full, Aiko pressed the same tile and the water ceased. She stood back expectantly, waiting for me to get in.
I hadn’t exactly anticipated getting naked in front of an alien this morning, but then again, what parts of this whole experience could have been anticipated? The bath steamed, and I worried at my lip with my teeth, knowing how wonderful the water would feel on my still-stiff muscles.
Screw it.
Asha Wylfrael was gone, at least for the moment. I’d get in just long enough to get clean and soothe my body, then jump back out. At the last moment, I went over to the shelf by the bed and grabbed my snowsuit. I’d probably be sweating my ass off, right after washing, too, but I didn’t see much of a way around it. I wanted to wash my clothing in the bath and I’d have to wear something while my stuff dried.
I laid the snowsuit on the floor beside the beautifully tiled bath. Cheeks flaming, I stripped down and slid into the bathtub as quickly as I could. If Aiko was curious about my weird alien body, she was good enough to hide it and not to stare.
Holy shit.
I exhaled, letting the heat work through my bones. I hadn’t had a bath since I’d left Earth. There were only showers on the ship, and our shower time had been severely limited. So this, this caress of hot water over my skin after working for weeks out in the winter cold, was pure, luxurious bliss. The bath was so large and deep it was almost more like a pool. I waded along, the water sloshing up to my collarbones, swishing my hands back and forth.
A clink on the floor nearby made me turn my head. Aiko had placed the jar of soapy cream stuff from the bathroom within reach.
“Thank you,” I said, nodding to her. She trilled something in reply, then made herself busy in the room, straightening my boots and making the bed.
Why does this feel more like room service than imprisonment? I wondered what Asha Wylfrael would think about his maid or employee or whatever she was drawing me baths and tidying my room.
Thinking of him made me shiver despite the heat of the water. He might not be gone for long. Even though the thought of getting out of this bath now was torture, I cleaned myself quickly before hand-washing my clothing in the water. I hauled myself, dripping, limbs rubbery, out, then hustled over to the hearth with my wet clothes. I laid them flat in from of the big, burning stone that heated this room, then grabbed my snowsuit and pulled it on, wincing at the way it stuck to my damp skin. As anticipated, I immediately started sweating, the insulated fabric trapping heat against my body. I left the parka unzipped, deciding I cared less about modesty in front of Aiko than I did about boiling to death.
I flopped down in the remaining chair by the table, but it was too hot over here by the fire with my snowsuit on. I grabbed the tray of food and brought it over to the bed, hopping up awkwardly in my puffy outfit. Getting comfy, I started to eat – more bread and fish paste, though they’d mercifully left off the eggs this time – and watched Aiko drain the tub by pressing on another tile.
A little while after I was finished eating, Shoshen came to the chamber’s door to collect the tray and dishes. Aiko spoke to him, and he quickly hurried away.
When Aiko didn’t go with him, it confirmed what I’d thought this morning. That I wasn’t being left alone in here, even for a moment.
But there were some small rays of hope.
Like when Shoshen returned with the lunch tray later. Next to the plate of food was an odd, scrubby, finger puppet-looking thing with a tiny jar beside it.
It took me a moment, but then understanding hit me, followed by a wave of gratitude for these two strange but oddly sweet alien people.
It was a toothbrush.