The date o’th’ yeare, and day also,
Shee made to be set there,
That all who by the way did goe
Might see it plaine appeare
That such a man as Robbin Hood
Was buried in that place;
And how he lived in the greene wood,
And rob’d there for a space.
It seems that though the clergy he
Had put to mickle woe,
He should not quite forgotten be,
Although he was their foe.
This woman, though she did him hate,
Yet loved his memory;
And thought it wondrous pitty that
His fame should with him dye.
This epitaph, as records tell,
Within this hundred yeares
By many was discerned well,
But time all things outweares.
His followers, when he was dead,
Were some received to grace;
The rest to forraigne countries fled,
And left their native place.
Although his funerall was but meane,
This woman had in minde
Least his fame should be buried cleane
From those that came behind.
For certainely, before nor since,
No man ere understood,
Under the reigne of any prince,
Of one like Robbin Hood.
Full thirteene yeares, and something more,
These outlawes lived thus,
Feared of the rich, loved of the poore,
A thing most marvelous.
A thing unpossible to us
This story seemes to be;
None dares be now so venturous;
But times are chang’d, we see.
We that live in these latter dayes
Of civill government,
If neede be, have a hundred wayes
Such outlawes to prevent.
In those dayes men more barbarous were,
And lived lesse in awe;
Now, God be thanked! people feare
More to offend the law.
No roaring guns were then in use,
They dreamt of no such thing;
Our English men in fight did chuse
The gallant gray-goose wing.
In which activity these men,
Through practise, were so good,
That in those dayes non equal’d them,
Specially Robbin Hood.
So that, it seems, keeping in caves,
In woods and forrests thicke,
Thei’d beate a multitude with staves,
Their arrowes did so pricke.
And none durst neare unto them come,
Unlesse in courtesie;
All such he bravely would send home,
With mirth and jollity.
Which courtesie won him such love,
As I before have told;
’Twas the cheefe cause that he did prove
More prosperous than he could.
Let us be thankefull for these times
Of plenty, truth and peace,
And leave our great and horrid crimes,
Least they cause this to cease.
I know there’s many fained tales
Of Robbin Hood and’s crew;
But chronicles, which seldome fayles,
Reports this to be true.
Let none then thinke this a lye,
For, if ’twere put to th’ worst,
They may the truth of all discry
I th’raigne of Richard the first.
If any reader please to try,
As I direction show,
The truth of this brave history,
Hee’le finde it true I know.
And I shall thinke my labour well
Bestowed to purpose good,
When’t shall be sayd that I did tell
True tales of Robbin Hood.
Мартин Паркер (ок. 1600 — ок. 1650)
Запустение Уайтхолльского дворца, или День возвращения короля
Что прорицает звездочет,
О царствах, тронах речь ведет?
Я тоже сам не так-то прост,
Мудрей, чем наблюдатель звезд;
Зрю я всегда глубже пруда
Иль рек, нахлынувших в поля.
Минует беда; минует когда?
В день возвращенья короля.
Нет ласточек иль голубков,
Парящих выше облаков,