Of twisting turquoise and pale coraline!
What rings and rounds! What thin streaks sapphirine
Freckled that gleaming glory, like the bed
Of Eden streams with gems enamelled!
There lurked no loathing, no soul-freezing fear,
But luxury and love these coils between:
Faint grew the boy; the siren filled his ear
With singing sweet as when the village green
Re-echoes to the tinkling tambourine,
And feet of girls aglow with laughter glance
In myriad mazy errors of the dance.
How long he dallied with delusive joy
I know not: but thereafter nevermore
The peace of passionless slumber soothed the boy;
For he was stricken to the very core
With sickness of desire exceeding sore,
And through the radiance of his eyes there shone
Consuming fire too fierce to gaze upon.
He, ere he died — and they whom lips divine
Have touched, fade flower-like and cease to be —
Bade Charicles on agate carve a sign
Of his strange slumber: therefore can we see
Here in the ruddy gem’s transparency
The boy, the myrtle-boughs, the triple spell
Of moth and snake and white witch terrible.
The Sleeper
Half-light of dawn in the hushed upper room,
Where all night long two comrades, side by side,
Have slumbered in the summer-scented gloom,
Fanned by faint breezes from a window wide.
He sleeps, and stirs not. He meanwhile awake,
Steadfastly gazing and with mind intent
To drink soul-deep of beauty, dares not break
By breath or sigh his own heart’s ravishment.
Bare arms light folded on the broad bare chest;
Dark curls crisp clustering round the athlete’s head;
Shoulder and throat heroic; all is rest,
Marble with loveliest hues of life o’erspread.
Life in the glowing cheeks, the hands sun-brown,
The warm blood tingling to each finger-tip;
Life in youth’s earliest bloom of tender down,
Tawny on chin and strong short upper lip:
Life in the cool white, flushed with faintest rose,
Of flank and heaving bosom, where each vein,
Half seen, a thread of softest violet, flows,
Like streaks that some full-throated lily stain.
Deep rest, and draught of slumber. Not one dream
Ruffles the mirror of that sentient sea,
Whereon the world and all its pride will gleam,
When the soul starts from sleep, so royally.
Hush! ’Tis a bell of morning. Far and near,
From sea-set tower and island chimes reply:
Thrills the still air with sound divinely clear;
And the stirred sleeper wakens with a sigh.
What Might Have Been
What might have been, what might have been!
Is there a sadder word than this?
Are any serpent’s teeth more keen
Than memories of what we miss?
The wreaths we might have worn, if but
Our feet had found the fields of May,
Instead of jolting down the rut
Of traffic on life’s hard high-way!
The love we might have known, if we
Had turned this way instead of that;
The lips we might have kissed, which he
For whom they parted, pouted at!
The joys we might, when blood was young,
Have garnered in a goodly sheaf;
The summer songs we might have sung,
While still our life was but in leaf!
What might have been, what might have been!
Sad thought, when age before us lowers,
And dark is the December scene,
And fallen even autumn’s flowers!
Джон Аддингтон Симондс (1840–1893)
Резной агат
Резной агат с изображением юноши, ласкающего химеру, найденный близ Сорренто, ныне хранящийся в Неаполитанском музее
Пастух в осьмнадцать лет, меж миртовых ветвей,
Любовной неги полн, лежал по утру мая,
Стерег он в полусне коз алчных, средь камней
Щипавших тонкий тмин; побеги колыхая,
От моря ветер дул, вкус горький придавая.
Сгущалась тень… и там, что снилось наяву,
В любовном, дивном сне пригрезилось ему.
С ним рядом женщина лежала — так он мнил;
На мрамор плеч ее спадал вниз алой мглою
Шелк рыжих, тяжких кос и теплый свет струил.
На ручке аметист лиловою игрою