Кто за поэзию бояться станет:
Цвела у нас так долго, вдруг завянет?
Но есть надежда новая: достоин
Чудесный Конгрив, значит, я спокоен.
Фантазии родник в нем заиграл,
Дал много он, но больше обещал.
Всё ж будет слава Конгрива нетленной,
Он Драйдена преемник несравненный.
Устав от рифм, закончил бы я тут,
Но долг велит свершить последний труд,
Я Монтегю не помянул стихом,
Что юмором прославлен и умом.
Он музу к графу Дорсету направил,
В таких стихах я б сам его восславил.
Как грациозен стих и как свободен,
Небрежен слог, однако превосходен;
Деяния Нассау он поет,
Герой весь в блеске славы предстает;
Вот рать его идет рядами стройно,
И вот побагровели воды Бойна.
Ни Симоэнт столь трупов встарь не влек,
Ни Ксанфа быстробежного поток[35],
Как пел поэт, и боги и герои
Смешались в водах тех в разгаре боя.
Теперь советник он при короле,
Преуспевает в службе и в хвале.
Всё, наконец. Изволь, мой друг, принять
Сей скудный дар, что муза может дать.
Пусть лучше тот поет, кто сам безгрешен
И в практике поэзии успешен.
Поистине, скажу я в окончанье:
Друг дорогой и муза, до свиданья.
Перевод А. Триандафилиди
John Philips (1676–1709)
The Splendid Shilling
An Imitation of Milton
— Sing, Heavenly Muse,
Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime,
A Shilling, Breeches, and Chimera’s Dire Happy the Man, who void of Cares and Strife,
In Silken or in Leathern Purse retains
A splendid Shilling: he nor hears with pain
New Oysters cry’d, nor sighs for cheerful Ale;
But with his Friends, when nightly Mists arise,
To Juniper’s, or Magpye, or Town-Hall repairs:
Where mindful of the Nymph, whose wanton Eye
Transfix’d his Soul, and kindled Amorous Flames,
Chloe or Phillis; he each Circling Glass
Wisheth her Health, and Joy, and equal Love.
Mean while he Smoaks, and Laughs at merry Tale,
Or Pun ambiguous, or Conundrum quaint.
But I whom griping Penury surrounds,
And Hunger, sure Attendant upon Want,
With scanty Offals, and small acid Tiff
(Wretched Repast) my meager Corps sustain:
Then Solitary walk, or doze at home
In Garret vile, and with a warming puff
Regale chill’d Fingers, or from Tube as black
As Winter’s Chimney, or well-polish’d Jett,
Exhale Mundungus, ill-perfuming Smoak.
Not blacker Tube, nor of a shorter Size
Smoaks Cambro-Britain (vers’d in Pedigree,
Sprung from Cadwalader and Arthur, ancient Kings,
Full famous in Romantick tale) when he
O’re many a craggy Hill, and fruitless Cliff,
Upon a Cargo of fam’d Cestrian Cheese,
High over-shadowing rides, with a design
To vend his Wares, or at the Arvonian Mart,
Or Maridunum, or the ancient Town
Hight Morgannumia, or where Vaga’s Stream
Encircles Ariconium, fruitful Soil,
Whence flow Nectareous Wines, that well may vye
With Massic, Setian, or Renown’d Falern.
Thus while my joyless Hours I lingring spend,
With Looks demure, and silent pace a Dunn,
Horrible Monster! hated by Gods and Men,
To my aerial Citadel ascends;
With Vocal Heel thrice Thund’ring at my Gates,
With hideous Accent thrice he calls; I know
The Voice ill boding, and the solemn Sound;
What shou’d I do, or whither turn? amaz’d,
Confounded, to the dark Recess I fly
Of Woodhole; straight my bristling Hairs erect,
My Tongue forgets her Faculty of Speech,
So horrible he seems; his faded Brow
Entrench’d with many a Frown, and conic Beard,
And spreading Band admir’d by Modern Saint
Disastrous Acts forebode; in his Right hand
Long Scrolls of Paper solemnly he waves,
With Characters and Figures dire inscribed
Grievous to mortal Eye, (ye Gods avert
Such plagues from righteous men) behind him stalks
Another Monster, not unlike himself,
Of Aspect sullen, by the Vulgar called
A Catchpole, whose polluted hands the Gods
With Force incredible, and Magic Charms
Erst have indu’d, if he his ample Palm
Should haply on ill-fated Shoulder lay
Of Debtor, straight his Body to the touch
Obsequious (as Whilom Knights were wont)
To some enchanted Castle is convey’d,