Well, then – it launches a certain object along the Rhone: "Spain".
4-3 Ceulx long du Rosne saigneront les Espaignes…
Those along the length of the Rhone will bleed to Spain …
For starters – where does hydrophobia? Water – " eau , eaue , eaux ", in the interval of the length of the Rhone is mentioned seventeen times.
Secondly, various "Spain", in the same interval, are also found seventeen times.
In confirmation of the fact that the gap “the length of the Rhone” is real, associated with the number seventeen, and is tied to the topic of rabies – rabies, I will give here one more quatrain.
6-59 Dame en fureur par raige d'adultere,
Viendra a` son prince coniurer non de dire:
Mais bref cogneu sera le vitupere,
Que seront mis dixsept a` martire.
The lady is furious because of the hydrophobia of adultery,
He will come to his prince, conjuring not to speak:
But soon they will know, it will be a shame,
So seventeen will be put to torture.
Again rabies, seventeen, and the “lady”, probably infected by the prince, because according to the results of the first seven Centuries, she will enter the rank equal to seventeen .
For quite a long time I did not interfere with my past records, trying to preserve the atmosphere of that past, but – I could not resist now, I want to add a little. I will not talk about a dim lamp and darkness. All this, of course, is present. Only fragments of the truth are seen. Even now I am not sure that I will collect the whole picture. Simply, today I was interested in quatrain 2-96 with its phrase.
2-96 Flambeau ardent au ciel soir sera veu ,
Press de la fin & principal du Rosne …
A fiery torch in the sky in the evening will be visible,
Near the end and the beginning Rhone …
Now, already knowing that there is absolutely nothing accidental in the "Prophecies", it is simply necessary to deal with this statement of the highly respected Michel Nostradamus.
Below is a section of the "source" of the Rhone. “The fiery torch in the evening” is absolutely distinct: “ fl + am + be + au arde + nt so + ir ”, “sky” – “ ciel ” – in quatrain 2-27.
2-24 Be stes farouches de faim fl euues tranner,
Plus part du c am p encontre Hister sera:
En caige de fer le grand fera treisner,
Quand rin enfa nt Germain obseruera.
2-25 La garde estrange trahira forteresse,
Espo ir & vmbre de plus h au lt marriage:
G arde deceue, fort prinse dans la presse,
Loyre, So n Rosne Gar, a` mort oultrage.
Now the alleged “mouth” requires review based on the results of the first seven Centuries. Literally everything except "-fl- " is also present here: " fl + am + beau ar + de + nt ci + el so + ir ". And with capital letters the same story: one single " B " is missing for " FLAMbE ".
7-21 … A u pont de Sorgues se fera la traffique,
De mettre a` mort luy & son adherant.
7-22 Les citoyens de M e so potamie,
Yres encontre am is de T ar raconne,
Geux, ritz, banquetz, toute ge nt endormie
Vica ir e au rosne , prins ci te', ceux d' A usone.
7-23 Le Royal sceptre sera contrainct de prendre,
Ce que ses predecesseurs auoient engaige':
Puis que l'aneau on fera mal entendre,
Lors qu'on viendra le palays saccager.
7.24 L' enseu el y sortira du tom beau ,
F era de chaines lier le fort du pont:
E mpoysonne' auec oeufz de barbeau…
Moreover, the "deficiency" "– fl -" is obviously artificial. The combination of these two letters, present 131 times in the Centuries, is not found here at all, from quatrain 7-9 to 7-29 inclusive. With " B " – all the same. Surprising is her absence at the site from 7-11 to 7-30 inclusive.
All this demonstrative artificiality, I believe, is a great Author's game. Quatrain number 7-22, soon the end of the first cycle of the book, and the Author already knows for sure that there will be a continuation, which means that Rona will flow further, and her real “mouth” will be in quatrain 9-85. Better me about this say quatrain 8-38.
8-38 Le Roy de Bloys dans Auignon regner
Vne autre foys le peuple monopolle,
Dedans le Rosne par murs fera baigner
Iusques a` cinq le dernier pres de Nolle.
King of Blois in Avignon reigns
Another time – the people invader,
Will dive into the Rhone from the walls
Up to five, the last one is near Nolle.
Exactly five times the river Rhone appears in the last three Centuries. AND Here her real " mouth ".
9-84 …Torrent ouurir de m ar bre & plomb la tom be
D'vn grand Romain d'enseigne Medusine.
9-85 Passer Guienne, Languedoc & le Rosne ,
D'Agen tenens de Marmande & la Roole,
D'ouur ir par foy parroy, Phocen tiendra so n trosne
Con fl it au pres sai nt Pol de Manseole.
9-86 Du bourg L areyne paruiendront droit a` Chartres,
Et feront pres du pont Authoni panse,
Sept pour la paix cautelleux comme martres,
F eront entree d'armee a` Paris clause.
9-87 Par la forest du Touphon essartee,
Par hermitaige sera pose' le temple,
Le duc d'Est am pes par sa ruse inuentee…
On this site with " fl + am + be ar + de + nt so + ir " everything happened, "sky" – " ciel " – in quatrain 9-83. The statement that the fifth, last appearance of Rhona will take place near " Nolle " – also comes true.