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10-74 An reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,

Apparoistra au temps Ieux d'Hacatombe:

Non esloigne' du grand eage milli esme,

Que les entres sortir on t de leur tombe.

Year of completion of the great number of the seventh,

Appears during the Hecatomb Games:

Not far from the great age of the thousandth,

When the buried come out of their grave.

It clearly refers to the seventh "million" quatrain 8-34.

Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon

Sus la montaigne de IVRA Se catombe

Delues & brodes septieme million

Lyon, Vlme a Mausol mort & tombe .


M ost and the pontiff, what can be common between them? Any French speaker will immediately give the correct answer to this question, because the bridge is “ pont ”, and the pontiff is “ pontife ”.

5-44 Par mer le rouge sera prins des pyrates,

La paix sera par son moyen troublee: L'ire & l'auare commettra par fainct acte, Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.

At sea, red will be captured by pirates,

The world will be disturbed by it:

Anger and greed will cause a deceitful act,

The great Pontiff will have an army doubled.

Yes, the reality is that during the pontificate of Pope Julius II (1503-1513), there appeared its own Papal army – the Swiss Guard of the Vatican, consisting of 150 guards. Yes, pirates have captured someone at all times, be it red, black, green, etc. But the Prophecies are not so boring as to write about it.

So – "pontifex". Historians – researchers see the origin of this word from " pons " – bridge and " facio " – "one who makes (bridge)", explaining that initially the holders of this position were obliged to oversee the construction and repair of the Pile Bridge in Rome ( Pons Sublicius ), which was considered sacred. Yes, this is valuable information. We'll have to trace the interest of Nostradamus to bridges-pontiffs.

The first mention of the "bridge" appears already in the early quatrain 1-33.

1-31 Pres d'vn grand pont de plaine spatieuse…

Near the big bridge of the spacious valley…

Further, already in quatrain 1-37, the task for the seekers of secret tombs, and, it turns out, bridges, is visible.

1-37 … Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux.

Bridge and tomb in two strange places.

Its solution is easy. The first quatrain with "tomb" and "bridge" (as part of the word " pont ife ") is in the third Centuria.

3-65 Quand le sepulchre du grand Romain trouue',

Le iour apres sera esleu pont ife…

When the tomb of the great Roman is found,

A day later, a pontiff will be elected…

The second quatrain with "bridge" and "tomb", however, in a different guise ( tombeau – grave, almost a synonym), is found in the seventh Centurion.

7-24 L'enseuely sortira du tombeau,

Fera de chaines lier le fort du pont

The buried will come out of the grave,

Will tie the fort by the bridge with chains …

Further, in quatrain 2-3, " pont " as part of " Negre pont ".

2-3 …De Negre pont les poissons demis cuits…

…The fish are half cooked from Negrepont…

Then, in quatrain 2-21, Negrepont and chains.

2-21 …Cordes & chaines en Negre pont trousses.

… The ropes and chains in Negreponte are wound up.

Then the first "Pontifex" of Centuria appears (2-41), then the second (2-97). Then – the "bridge" from quatrain 3-56, it will be replaced by the "pontiff" already noted here from 3-65, which will again be replaced by another "bridge" in quatrain 3-81. Exactly one hundred quatrains the next “bridge” appears (4-81), and then another one (4-89).

Next – "pontiff" (5-15), then two "bridges" follow – 5-30, 5-31. The next “pontiff”, just from the considered quatrain 5-44, then the “bridge” (5-54), again the “pontiff” (5-56), which will be replaced by a new bridge (5-58).

This whole race will subside for a while, showing itself only as "pontiffs" from 6-49 and 6-82 and "bridges" from 7-21 and 7-24.

This thread has a good ending. The last "bridge" is the second in quatrain 7-24, in the form of the name of the Marquis.

7-24 …Grand de Lorraine par le Marquis du Pont .

… the Great of Lorraine by the Marquis du Pont.

As a result, according to the results of the first seven Centuries, eight "pontiffs" and "sixteen" bridges. Perhaps there are "bridges" – the doubled army of the Pontiff.


There are several quatrains in the Centuries, which are connected by the Rhone River, or rather its length.

5-71 Par la fureur d'vn qui attendra l'eau,

Par la grand raige tout l'exercite esmeu:

Charge' des nobles a` dixsept bateulx,

Au long du Rosne tard messagier venu.

Because of the rage of one who will be afraid of water,

Because of the great fear of water, the whole army is excited:

The noble ones are loaded into seventeen boats,

Along the stretch of the Rhone, the messenger arrived late.

" Raige " – rabies, rabies, hydrophobia. An infectious disease in which there is a fear of water.

"The length of the Rhone" – an amazing idea of Nostradamus. It lies in the fact that in the "Prophecies" there is a global Rhone, the length of which is from the source (the first Rhone in the Centuries) to the mouth (the last Rhone), i.e. from 2-25 to 7-22. While we are talking about the first seven Centuries, of course.

In quatrain 2-96, the Author reveals this idea a little.

2-96 Flambeau ardent au ciel soir sera veu,

Pres de la fin & principe du Rosne…

A fiery torch in the sky in the evening will be visible,

Near the end and the beginning of the Rhone…
