Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“It’s just that a lot of things didn’t make it into the book.

– I willingly believe.

– At some point I realized that this was a study

turns into infinity. Pressed the button

"stop". Pause.

I don't think your work is over. It is necessary to rest, to return from the centurian world.

– To return with new forces and thoughts.

– Thank you for entrusting the right of first reading …

Damir Khamatulin




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Damir Khamatulin. Introduction to Nostradamus. 2021 _

All rights reserved . Al rights reserved.

Magnitogorsk. 2021

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Start. Page 8

Short biography. 9

Phenomenon – Nostradamus. 10

Introduction to Nostradamus. eleven

Pause. 445

That's not all, but… 451

About the preface dedicated to Cesar and Epistole dedicated to 451 Henry the Second.

Just one moment from ORVS APOLLO . 458

Application. The original text of the book "Prophecies M. 460 of Nostradamus" with a translation into Russian.

9.1 PREFACE DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS A Ses Propheties. Ad 461 Caesarem Nostradamum filium, VIE ET FELICITE.

9.2 PREFACE M. NOSTRADAMUS TO His Prophecies. 465 Cesar, son of Nostradamus, LIFE AND HAPPINESS.

9.3 Centuria first. 470

9.4 Second Centurion. 479

9.5 Centuria third. 488

9.6 Centurion fourth. 496

9.7 Centuria fifth. 505

9.8 Century sixth . 51 3

9.9 Century seventh . 522

9.10 A L'INVICTISSIME, TRES PVISSANT, ET tres-chrestien Henry 526

Roy de France second; Michel Nostradamus son tres humble,

tres-obeissant seruiteur & subiect, victoire & felicite'.


Michel Nostradamus his most humble, most humble

servant and subject, victory and happiness.

9.12 Eighth Centurion. 542

9.13 Centuria IX . 551

9.14 Tenth century. 560


Everyone knows the name Nostradamus. But what kind of person was hiding under it, the greatest prophet of all time, or a skillful cunning, who led, and still leads all of humanity by the nose? So far, there has been no convincing answer to this question. Famous author of several works from sixteenth-century France, most notably his "Prophecies" – " LES PROPHETIES DE M. _ MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS ”, due to the vagueness and, at times, ambiguity of its sayings, has been exciting people's minds for almost five centuries.

A huge number of books have been written on this topic, films have been made, articles and articles have been published, someone on behalf of Nostradamus predicts current events, using his imagination and the flight of his thoughts, hanging another portion of noodles on the ears of those who are thirsty.

Others, with frequent periodicity, announce to the world about the discovery of a certain key that makes it possible to decipher the texts of the prophecies, and finally find out the secrets and dates of future events.

True, upon a careful review of all such "discoveries", it turns out that everything is somehow "small", frivolous, and far-fetched all by the same ears.

Thoughts about the presence of a certain cipher, of course, are the right thing to do. Many serious researchers of the work of Michel Nostradamus agree on this, but finding him turns out to be far from an easy task.

Of course, it's too early to put an end to it, but I propose in this book to find answers to many questions related to this black hole. I think now I have something to say. There are some pretty good reasons for this.

The book turned out to be quite capacious, at the time of the beginning of its compilation, not too many magical facts were known to me, only the key ones. But, in the process of moving on, I, as they say, accelerated, and, by the end of my creation, I knew them much more. Therefore, at least the first half of the book, it was necessary to rewrite it again, supplementing it with new details. Considering that this has already taken years, and the work is already quite material-intensive, I decided to leave everything as it is for now, because time inexorably runs forward. So this book, it seems, will not be the first and last.

Well, for now, about everything in order. Traditionally, it is customary to start with the biography of the creator. I won't leave her.


On December 14, 1503 (according to another version, December 21), Michel de Notre Dame was born in the family of the Jew Jomes de Gazon, who changed his surname to Notredam after being baptized, in the city of Saint-Remy-de-Provence. His family was quite educated. Father was a notary, grandfather – Guy-de-Gazon (later – Pierre-de-Notredam) – was also a notary and traded in grain. Mother – Rene de Saint-Remy – was the granddaughter of Jacques de Saint-Remy, a doctor in Saint-Remy.

It is with this great-grandfather that the childhood of Michel de Notre Dame is associated. It is believed that it was from him that he received his first knowledge of Latin, Greek, Hebrew and the exact sciences.

In 1518, Michel entered the university in Avignon, and in 1519 he was already expelled from it. The reason is called an outbreak of plague in the city.

Little is known about the next few years of his life, until 1529, when he entered the University of Montpellier at the Faculty of Medicine. However, in the university library there is a document about the newly expelled student Notre Dame due to the fact that he was seen in the pharmaceutical business, which was prohibited by the University Charter. Whether or not Michel de Notredame eventually received his Ph.D. has not yet been ascertained for certain, as far as I know.

Approximately in 1533, he settled in Agen, where he became friends with Jules Cesar Scaliger, a famous scientist of that time.

Little is known about Notre Dame's first wife. Presumably, in 1534, he offered his hand and heart to a certain Henriette d'Encausse, who agreed to accept everything, and bore him two children: a boy and a girl.

However, family happiness did not last long. Trouble comes to their house. Wife and children die. Presumably, due to some kind of epidemic, in 1537 (39?) Year.

In 1538, also, for an unknown reason, friendship with Scaliger breaks off, and Notre Dame leaves Agen. It's time for his travels. There are traces of its presence in Italy, Germany, and, of course, in different parts of France. In 1544, he practiced medicine in Marseilles, in 1546 – in Aix-en-Provence, where he was probably granted a lifetime pension for his contribution to the fight against the plague for a reason.

November 11, 1547 he marries a second time. His chosen one is Anna Ponsard Gemellier, a widow from Salon-de-Provence, where they settle. Subsequently, they have six children: three boys and three girls: Madeleine ( 1551 г.b.), Cesar ( 1553 г.b.), Charles ( 1556 г.b.), Andre ( 1557 г.b.), Anna ( 1559 г.b.) and Diana ( 1561 г.R.).
