Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– I don’t know Roman; each person should find his own answer. Many people can’t find it and walk down the wrong path. However, later, after hundreds of years they will be born again.: in a different county, in a different body, with a different assignment… And they will start searching for the answer again… Many people can’t find it again, and suffer from it. Do you understand?

– Do you think I feel better? I have been looking for answer forever. I am looking for my assignment, Max! I can’t decide what it is! I feel uncertainty and intimidation, which stand on my way and don’t let me move forward.

– Roman, I understand you very well, I experienced your confusion. I can only imagine that you need to be concentrated all the time and make decisions what to do. That is very important. Do you understand me? You need to do what you have to do, not what you want to.

– How is that?

– It does not matter, weather it will be good or bad for you, weather you need it or not. This is the last thing to think about. It is essential to realize the importance and the rightness of your action. You need to accomplish what you have to without waiting for assistance from others. You need to do it today, not tomorrow, or at any other time. If you waste your time, then there will be no need for your actions.

– It is almost impossible: to analyze everything, make a decision what to do and how to do it, plus to do it the right way.

– Yes, but tell me what our life is for then?! To eat and go to the bathroom?

– There is no need for overacting, Max.

– I am not overacting! Everyone lives like that!

– I should be going. So how can I change everything? How can I accomplish it? It is hard for me to see and understand it all right away.

– At first you need to concentrate on yourself and become a better person! You have told me yourself that we need to strive for perfection! When you reach the perfection, you will be able to see and understand things. If you look for the answers now, you will waste time. Work on yourself, Roman! And you will win!

– Do you mean to grow spiritually and take control over the flesh?

– Right. Take a control over all human sins and desires. Get rid of all the dirt!

– Thank you, Max, I understand now. Do you mind if I go home? Will you take an offence?

– Please go, that is so silly…

– Sorry. Bye.


Svetlana left school exhausted and drained out. She was not ready for changes yet. At first it seemed that all her love and warmth towards work and students broke to shivers because of misunderstanding and fear. Svetlana even got scared, thinking that may be it was better to give up. However, she decided not to pull back and try to get herself together. Before she reached the bus stop, she spotted Andrew.

– Andrew, have you seen Max yet?

– I saw him a minute ago.

– How is he doing? Is he all right?

– He is doing well. He asked me about you, so I forwarded your task to him.

– Good job!

– Svetlana Victorovna, Maxim wanted to let you know that he had finished reading Gorky’s novel “Mother” and needs to clarify the theme of the paper…

Svetlana couldn’t hear again because she felt Max’s love again. He asked about her! She gave him a task to read a book recently, and he already finished such a complex and voluminous book. Very hard to believe! Andrew was still talking when Svetlana, getting away from her thoughts, interrupted him:

– Thank you so much, Andrew, I will give him a call myself. Good bye.

She turned away and left. He could not believe his eyes. She loves him so much! It is strange that she said exactly the same thing as Max did. Could Max be in love with her that much to be able to predict her words? It is amazing, he has never heard of anything like that! It was getting dark, and Andrew went home, still feel surprised. Sinking into reverie, Svetlana crossed the road, passed the bus stop and decided to walk home. Her thoughts were mixed together: "I need to make dinner and call Max. Also, I need to get ready for a class tomorrow and be a good mother and a wife!" At first these thoughts irritated Svetlana, because they kept her away from something very important. However, she started noticing, that she was able to think of a couple of things at the same time and take right decisions. This new opportunity was scary and confusing. It did not make sense to Svetlana why she was so indifferent towards the subject. She was not nervous or concerned, and her emotions were stable. Svetlana was very proud of herself and thought: «Of course, it is Max’s love that helps me! That means, that everything I believed in is actually real»! Entering the apartment, still in her thoughts, she said out loud:

– Finally!

– What do you mean?! – asked the husband.

Svetlana did not know what to say at first, but then she found the right words:

– I am finally home!

– Is everything ok, Svetlana?

– Yes, everything is great, Vadim!

Under the influence of feelings, she hugged him and kissed on the lips. Vadim lost his bearings, responding to his wife desire. He felt like he was covered by the grand wave, which is absolutely impossible to resist. Not being able to control himself, he became dissolved in the loving alliance with Svetlana. Every time when they were together, they realized that they were having totally new feelings for each other. It felt inexperienced; everything from kisses to sensations, as though they were in the different dimension. They were very close to each other, but at the same time somewhere very far away. Enormous distances and time frames did not let them to dissolve in each other completely and perceive the strength of the feelings which invaded them. Being under the power of unforgettable senses, they thought that it would last forever: endless pleasure and unending happiness. However, those moments did not bring a lot of good emotions because of their endurance.

– I love you, – intoned Vadim in the unusual way.

– Me too, – whispered back Svetlana, thinking: "Am I being truthful at these moments? Or not saying what I need to say?" She decided not to finish the phrase because she felt not ready.

– What do you want for dinner, Vadim?

– Oh, I already made stew-fry. I came from work early…

– You are so precious!

– Do you feel like going out tonight?

– I would like to take a walk outside. Don’t feel like going anywhere.

– I agree totally. Let’s have dinner before we leave, ok?

They lay next to each other and did not want to eat or go anywhere…

When Svetlana opened her eyes, she realized that she had slept for the past two hours. Vadim was still sleeping. She stood up quietly not to wake him up and went to the living room. Some force was pushing her to the phone to call Maxim. "Why do I worry so much? I do have a reason to call him…" – thought Svetlana and dialed the number.

– Hello, can I talk to Maxim?

– Yes, this is me, Svetlana Victorovna!

She did not expect that. Not noticing that he did not greet her, Svetlana could not understand how he managed to recognize her on the phone; it was only the second time she called him. Max was waiting patiently for her answer. Suddenly Svetlana wanted to give him at least a little hint about her feelings! Something stopped her from it, and she forced herself say with the teacher’s voice:

– How are you? Feeling better?

– I am not wearing gypsum any more, and started walking with crutches.

– Does the leg give you pain?

– Not really.

Svetlana hesitated to give him homework. She did not want to explain real reasons of her denial to give him classes at home, and did not want to be dishonest.

– Maxim, are you upset with me for not giving you classes at home?
