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The Classic Tales. Volume VI - _1.jpg

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Appley Dapply’s

Nursery Rhymes

( 1917 )

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Appley Dapply,

a little brown mouse,

Goes to the cupboard

in somebody’s house.

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In somebody’s cupboard

There’s everything nice,

Cake, cheese, jam, biscuits,

—All charming for mice!

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Appley Dapply

has little sharp eyes.

And Appley Dapply

is so fond of pies!

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Now who is this knocking

at Cottontail’s door?

Tap tappit! Tap tappit!

She’s heard it before?

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And when she peeps out

there is nobodv there,

But a present of carrots

put down on the stair.

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Hark! I hear it again!

Tap, tap, tappit! Tap tappit!

Why — I really believe

it’s a little black rabbit

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Old Mr. Pricklepin

has never a cushion

to stick his pins in,

His nose is black and his

beard is gray,

And he lives in an ash stump

over the way.

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You know the old woman

who lived in a shoe?

And had so many children

She didn’t know what to do?

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I think if she lived in

a little shoe-house—

That little old woman

was surely a mouse!

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Diggory Diggory Delvet!

A little old man in black velvet;

He digs and he delves—

You can see for yourselves

The mounds dug by Diggory Delvet.

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Gravy and potatoes

in a good brown pot—

Put them in the oven,

and serve them verv hot!

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There once was an amiable


Who brushed back his hair like

a periwig—

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He wore a sweet tie,

As blue as the sky—

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And his whiskers and buttons

Were very big.

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Cecily Parsley’s

Nursery Rhymes

( 1922 )

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Cecily Parsley

lived in a pen,

And brewed good ale

for gentlemen;

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came every day,

Till Cecily Parsley

ran away.

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Goosey, goosey, gander,

Whither will you wander?

Upstairs and downstairs,

And in my lady’s chamber!

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This pig went to market;

This pig stayed at home;

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This pig had a bit of meat;

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And this pig had none;

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This little pig cried

Wee! wee! wee!

I can’t find my way home.

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Pussy-cat sits by the fire;

How should she be fair?

In walks the little dog,

Says “Pussy! are you there?”

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“How do you do, Mistress Pussy?

Mistress Pussy, how do you do?”

“I thank you kindly, little dog,

I fare as well as you!”

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Three blind mice, three blind mice,

See how they run!

They all run after the farmer’s wife,

And she cut off their tails

with a carving knife,

Did ever you see such a thing

in your life

As three blind mice!

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Bow, wow, wow!

Whose dog art thou?

“I’m little Tom Tinker’s dog,

Bow, wow, wow!”

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We have a little garden,

A garden of our own,

And every day we water there

The seeds that we have sown.
