Nina took an interest.
– How she was called?
– Whom? – Will did not understand. – You it about whom?
– About your first wife.
Will having looked at Nina answered.
– Laura.
– Laura. – Nina told. – Charming name.
This moment the room was entered by Roman. He looked on talking, and having noticed that Will cries, took an interest.
– I passed something?
Having looked at Nin on Roman, answered.
– Anything. – then she asked. – Did you bring to me to tea?
– Of course brought. – Roman hurried to steam. He approached it, and having given it a cup of tea from a tray, looked at Will. That wiping tears from under eyes, recovered after the conversation with Nina of a conversation. He told. – And nevertheless something happened.
Nina answered.
– We just talk.
Roman politely answered.
– I will disturb you. – He left from the room back in kitchen.
Nina asked Will.
– Do not you want to fly to states because there you are afraid to face the past?
– Yes. – Will confirmed. – I am afraid. – he sat down near it, then told. – You do not represent what this flour! – he roared from the pain which collected in it. – All the time to remember the incident.
Nina having taken a sip of tea throats, told.
– The past always pursues us. From it not to get to anywhere. It is always with us. Where we went where we would not go, it will pursue us. And even when we about it forget, it always reminds of itself. Anyway it an integral part of ours existence in this world …
Will long was silent. He understood that Nina is right. The past will always pursue us eternally, to most to death. And when there will come time to die, the past will return. We will remember all past life. About our sorrows and grieves. About tragedies in life. About the happy moments of ours existence. About light days of this awful and at the same time wonderful life.
Nina continued.
… – you have to overcome yourself, meet the fears face to face.
Will answered.
– Perhaps you are right. – he made a long long pause. – You know. – he told. – I have such feeling that I run and I run on the road which has no end. Something inside to me shouts, stop! Stop! But I cannot stop. Something pushes me forward. There afar. "Now I understand. – he as if analyzing all these years spoke. – I am driven by my fear". Fear of which I cannot get rid in any way. Fear of emptiness, fear of fear to learn the truth.
Nina immediately took an interest.
– What truth?
Will for a second thought. He could not understand what truth he was afraid to learn? All this time he considered that his first wife died when the hurricane Katrina blew over California. But what if it not so? What if all on the contrary? Bodies did not find. What if his wife and children are alive? What if did not they die? This guess horrified Will. Will told Nina.
– Can you are right. – he made a pause then added. – I am afraid to meet the fear face to face. "But. – he told. – I nevertheless will depart tomorrow". Whatever was my fear, I will meet it face to face. And let will be that will be, it will not be worse.
– I am glad that I could help you. – Nina told. – As I already told, go to Veronika. There you will meet the past. What there was it, it only yours, and anybody's is more. I think, you will meet Laura there. From its past, and yours. And when it to happen, you remember that there is a present, and that the past. Many do not understand it, and eventually you die. Die because you will not be able to release the past. It will come back to you if it seizes you, to you the end. Do not allow it. – then she added. – I ask you.
– You are afraid for me?
Nina answered.
– No, I just know as often the person meeting the past perishes. The past tightens the person, and he perishes.
– I understood. – he told. Also assured her. I will be careful, I assure you.
– Well all of us about sad? – Nina told. – We forgot about Roman where it? – she called Roman. – Novel. You where? Go here.
Roman entered the room.
– I dared to make fried eggs. – he told, addressing Nina. – In your state it would not prevent to be supported.
Will agreed with Roman and added: – This rain, obviously for a long time, can we will talk.
Roman asked.
– About what?
– About you. – Will told. – Tomorrow I depart to states. As soon as to come to an end this rain I will take the leave.
Nina and Roman understood that he wanted to tell. Will after the conversation with Nina decided that it should meet the fears. What they would not be.
Nina asked.
– You are sure?
– Absolutely. – that answered. – I am long ran on this long road which has no end. The time will stop and to turn back, meet the fear face to face.
– I am very glad to it. – Nina answered rising from a bed. – You are obliged to go to states. – then she added. – But you remember what I told you.
– Of course.
She got out of beds, and having asked men to see off her in the room, asked Roman.
– And fried eggs what?
– Fried eggs. – that answered. – At me fried eggs turned out.
– Well. – Nina answered. – I love fried eggs. – then she asked. – Did you get into my refrigerator?
– I repent. – Roman answered. – Climbed. – then kind of justifying oneself added. – But I got into it only for the sake of to prepare on is. – then he added. – After such thunder there is always a wish to have a bite something easy.
– You are right. – Nina answered. – Easy having a snack would not prevent now.
Having gone to kitchen, they sat down at a table. On a plate the teapot whistled. Nina looked at Roman with the reproaching look, and asked.
– The teapot boils long ago?
– No. – that answered. And then kind of justifying oneself added. – I wanted that there was a boiled water.
– What for?
– Wanted that there was a cold tea.
Nina was surprised.
– But it was also so hot. – then she with even greater to reproaches looked at Roman and told as though pristyzhy him. – Ah Novel-novel. And it is easy to make the fire. It is necessary to watch a plate.
– And that truth. – Will agreed with Nina. – One careless movement and all.
– It is guilty. – the shamed Roman answered. – I repent. – he got up from a table, and having approached the gas stove disconnected a ring.
Having sat down at a table again, he joined a conversation between Wil and Nina. Will said that for the life he never was in such family way as now. To it it was good with Nina. For it she was the native person. Nobody could listen, understand it. Especially to give real advice, but not to laugh at it and to tell some dirty trick: – Yes. – he considered and it was right. – There are no friends on light. There are only envious persons and hypocrites. Those who want that someone looked in someone's eyes worse, than he. If it is a poddonok, the thief and the drunkard, then why also another cannot fall to his level. These friends in quotes, it is worse than the worst enemy. Because though you know what to expect. From same anything good. A knife in a back and only. I write these lines knowing that such stories happen to pseudo-friends continually. These stories millions. you will not tell about all.
However, we will not be about sad. Let's talk about essential, and for this purpose we will return to the apartment to Nina. What there occurs? Let's look. Talking between itself, heroes of this history did not notice how night fell by the earth. Dark, dark night. There is an expression in the people, "NIGHT IN NIGHT TODAY". And so. This expression as well as possible would approach now by this night. In the sky were not a uniform star. The moon did not consecrate in a sky. Looking out of the window on the street, in a pitch darkness, all three felt how on their body ran a cold fever. However, this feeling was filled than really rather. They were in the apartment. And let this was their apartment, and Nina's apartment! Men felt defenseless. Both of them something feared. Something was stolen to them. Something awful and disgusting squeezed their hearts.