Nina looked out of the window, out of total darkness. She did not see in her anything except emptiness, and still she looked in it, something bewitched her in this darkness. Here something came in dream to it in total darkness. She did not understand, what is it? And asked men.
– Did you see?
– What?
– Yes so anything. Threw Nin. – Forget. – Prompted something to Nina that is that it seemed to her with an ulterior motive. And to distract, she asked men. – What do you see in this darkness?
– Horror of my living in poverty. – Will told. – It seems to me that I will not see the wife any more.
Nina calming Will told.
– We look in darkness, and that shows us our fears. – she made a pause. Then added. – Do not twirl to what is inspired in you by darkness. It inspires only terrible thoughts. – the rain ended. In the sky through clouds small month appeared, soon in the sky flickered stars. It became quiet and peaceful around. On heart it became quiet. Nina opened a window, and fresh air after a rain rushed to the apartment. Rest and silence. It became easy for all on heart, and Nina told. – You see, after darkness the pacification always comes.
– You are right! – both men agreed. They were by the open window, and looked at the sky. Hectare newborn month and the stars flickering in a distance. Calm and rest around.
Dreams or maintaining
I will begin this chapter with the fact that I will repeat. My theory about … About what do I repeat? Of course, about madness or its effect on the person.
Dark, dark night. There is an expression in the people, "NIGHT IN NIGHT TODAY". And so. This expression as well as possible would approach now by this night. In the sky were not a uniform star. The moon did not consecrate in a sky. What can be felt in such situation? Probably nevertheless anything good. If you live about the wood or in the wood. Looking out of the window on the street, in a pitch darkness, we feel how the darkness tries to absorb us. We it fear, and she gets of us the best. Feeling, for example, a cold fever, our soul goes to heels. We try to find a shelter. If nearby the house, we run to it. If this desert street, then we try to find a secluded corner. But happens and so that darkness overtakes us in the apartment. – What is it? – ourselves ask ourselves this question. – Why we are afraid of the dark in own apartment? – on this question we look for the answer in us. Well, can do it and it is correct, but who knows? Where the fear is located? Where does he hide? In us or somewhere else? I consider that fear the integral part of the person inspired in it by consciousness of surrounding. Something awful and disgusting squeezed hearts. Nina looked out of the window, out of a pitch darkness, and felt, no, she heard how from darkness the baby's cry was distributed. She did not understand from where to reach this shout. Did not know who it publishes and whether publishes in general? Maybe this shout gave her mind? It can was in her head? But in this case she would go crazy? But it not the madwoman? If she is a madwoman, then she would know it. Mentally ill people never recognize themselves those. Whether she recognized herself that? She rationally thought, and could separate fiction from the truth. But what if fiction becomes the truth? What then? We try to understand where reality and where fiction, and sometimes fiction becomes more real than life. This is also one of kinds of madness.
Here, unexpectedly light went out, and Nina felt how something pulls her back. There, back to the room, on a bed. However, nobody knows where fiction and where the truth. Nina got up, looked back. She saw the body. The body sleeping on a bed. Then, something distracted it, she looked back, and saw the light. Light proceeded from a corridor. She pricked up the ears. She saw something unclear in the apartment. She watchfully took an interest. – who here? – her body clenched. She did not understand what occurs? Something appeared? There was something. It was warm and at the same time cold. Something said it to her that Nina approached it. But she opposed to the last until any force forced it to approach to something. At this moment she saw the light, brighter than she imagined light. It was bright, than light bright the sun. In this light she saw the girl's outline. It had brown eyes, a long thick hair, She looked at her white dress and saw an outline of a small breast. At its its age should not have been, but it was. Breast rather big and elastic. But this girl reincarnated. Also became the woman. The high blonde, with long hair. She gave to Nina a hand, and having called up her to herself, told by a sonorous voice of a nightingale told. – Let's go. – They passed back to the room, and told the female phantom. – The novel your destiny – your death. – then she added. – Will has the destiny. You helped it to understand, for it to you thanks. Well, I will pay back you for your efforts. – then everything disappeared. Evaporated as though nothing was trace.
What or who it was? On this question there is no definite answer. All have the theory of what was seen. I consider that this a prophetic dream. It is realistic.
Here Nina felt that some force returns back her in her body. She could not oppose to it, and she soon appeared at herself in a body. During this instant she woke up in cold sweat. And having thought that it was? Reality or not? Decided that all this dreamed it. Here she saw herself being by the window. It stood absolutely nude. The person approached it. She immediately recognized in it Roman. Yes, this there was it, Roman. It as well as it was, without clothes. Having approached it, he embraced her and having kissed asked: – How our child? – the woman turned to it, and Nina saw that that is pregnant! She is pregnant! But how it could occur? She did not understand. She, of course, understood how it occurs, but she did not understand why she sees it? It met Roman two times. The first time when Natalia acquainted them, the second time today when it arrived to her. She did not make about it any plans yet, and here it? Nina's dream was realistic, or it was not the dream? Then that? Maintaining future? She did not understand it. She saw how both of them looked at her stomach, and having carefully touched the stomach the woman told. – Everything is all right. – then it, having looked at Roman added. – This girl. – then she offered. – Let's call her Vick. – Roman looked at Nina. – Vika? – she told thoughtfully. – Why Vika? – Nina answered. – I do not know? – then she added. – I like this name. And to you? – Roman thought. It, of course, liked a name of Vick! Or as it was possible to call still it Victoria! That is "WINNER"! And Vika, there was the same quite good name. Roman told. But my opinion to name her Violetta. – Nina grinned. – You that? Went crazy? – Roman with astonishment asked. – Why you so solved? Darling what it is bad to name the girl Violetta? In my opinion, name as name. – Nina objected. – Violetta? This name is rather to be associated with clothes. There is such material, violt is called. From it sew a coat. So? All the life it will be teased violety. For the child this is worse than the worst. – Roman grinned. – Violetta also violt. – he told. – What nonsense. It absolutely two different words which are not associated with each other. – then he added. – Well, if the female logic associates one word with another, let there will be Wicky. – He made a pause, then added. – The truth this a name is far worse, than a name Violetta. – Nina took an interest. – Why? – what Roman answered absolutely seriously. – Wicky, as if you call up to yourself a doggie. – he made a pause, then added. – judge. Wicky-Wicky-Wicky. What it is similar to? – Nina understood that Roman wanted to tell. She never thought that this diminutive from Victoria, Vick means. Now she knew it. But without wishing to recede, she made a compromise. – I agree with you Roman. Wicky the name which it is impossible to call so the girl is valid. "Let will be so. – she told. – We will call our girl by Victoria". That is winner. – then she added. – And we will name her Vicki. – she made a pause, then asked. – Do you agree? – Roman answered. – He agrees.