There passed minute. In cafe there was a following. Everything that was seen by all there attendees, disappeared. All as though changed. Walls disappeared, and instead of them appeared a certain similarity to the desert. However, this was not absolutely the desert. This it was similar to a picture, the three-dimensional image to this desert rather. It approached the people who are present there, and soon reached them, having stopped directly near their legs. What is it was? Nobody knew it. However they also could not know it, it was out of their human mind. Bottomless desert of yellow sand. Tesk on which nothing grew. Only boundless yellowness scope. The yellow sand running afar for the horizon.
The belief did not understand what occurs in this room. What deception, deception of optical sight was, or their brain sent them the picture which they did not expect in any way. What is it? Mysticism? Reality? Vera could not understand it. She asked men.
– Do you see the same as I?
Nothing not understanding Roman asked Vera.
– Do you see the same as I?
The belief carefully took an interest.
– And what you see?
Dimitrii told.
– We have no relation to it. – at it the person was anxious. He did not know that he really happens, and it was visible. Then he swore. – What for the Devil?
In the distance, among the boundless desert the figure appeared. It appeared from nowhere. Its outlines not were it is clearly visible. It was as if a mirage. A mirage in the middle of this desert. Moving closer and closer, it became clearly visible. Who it was? Nobody could answer this question posed. But here the figure approached a table for which Vera, Roman and Dimitrii sat. Now it was possible to define that this was a woman, and in hands she had what that notebook. She approached Vera, put a notebook on a table, and having bent down to Vera's ear, whispered to it on an ear.
– It is time to wake up.
Belief woke up early in the morning. She made potyagushechka, and having looked round remembered that she just was in cafe. She did not understand how it is possible? In her head there was a porridge. She badly thought where it was and where to be now? And in general, all that she saw was real or all this simply dreamed her? She could not know it? In general, she considered that she all that she saw, just dreamed her. And how differently? All dreamed it, anyhow? Cafe, two men, and their story about?. here she became thoughtful, she precisely knew that it had a sister, the sister Natalia. Its blood and flesh. It having called her and not having heard the answer, got out of a bed. It threw with a dressing gown absolutely nude body, and having passed across the apartment, having found nobody, she passed on kitchen, and having put on a plate a teapot with cold water, sat down at a table, thought. She thought of what happened to it? She remembered that it was in that cafe, talked to men, but at the same moment it seemed to it that it absolutely one. One in this world. It has no sister, and that woman by the name of Natalia, only a raft her imagination. At some point it seemed to it that Natalia and it the same person. No Natalia is absent, there is only she. It is one, Nina. She got up from a chair, left in a corridor, and having looked in a mirror which hung on a wall, asked to herself a question:
– Who am I? Who this woman? The woman looking in a mirror? Natalia? Nina? And there can be somebody else? She did not know it. At some point she saw in a mirror absolutely other person. Woman absolutely unlike it. In general I will tell you, a mirror such piece, in it it is possible to see the finest that to be in the person, and the most awful in it. Not without reason say about mirrors that the mirror is reflection of soul of the person. It shows all fine that is in it, and all awful. Shortcomings common to all mankind. The mirror, is the second I the person, and what in it he will see, depends only on the person. Whom did the woman see in a mirror? And she in it saw the late Nina. That Nina, that was once her sister. Her girlfriend, so far they because of Roman did not quarrel. At this moment she remembered who she is such is actually. They remembered the name and joyfully smiled. About her heart as if heavy freight fell. Having with relief sighed, She told only the unique word. – remembered. – yes, she remembered who she is such? Neither Natalia, nor Nina who is she? Belief. Yes, she is Vera. The woman the saved Nina and her child from Roman whom Vera married, and lived with him many years. This minute, she as if for some reason to direct command departed from a mirror, put on, having taken a ladies' handbag where there were all female accessories and also its passport, she left the apartment, locked for herself a door. Then she went down on steps, and having gone outside from an entrance, went on the way to post office. It went along the street without knowing why it goes there. On mail. She had nothing to do there. She did not wait for any letter, nobody wrote her and there was absolutely nobody absolutely nobody to write. All her parents died, relatives were not. But nevertheless she came to mail, and very much was surprised when she asked the woman sitting at a rack.
– Something for me is?
That answered:
– To you parcel. – then she added. – A month at us lies, we wanted it to send back and there is no return address.
The belief asked:
– It is possible to receive? – the female mail carrier answered. – Of course. – She got up from a chair, and left to look for a parcel. Soon it returned, with a big envelope in a hand. After all necessary formalities, Vera took at last a big, weighty envelope, and having put it in a handbag, went home.
Houses, having opened an envelope, she took from it a big, commonplace book, and having opened it read on the title page the following.
– This diary about my life. I bequeath it to Vera, my best friend. Let she will read it. In it I told the truth about my sister Natalia. Let her name will not be forgotten.
Having read these lines, Vera understood who conducted her on this road who wanted that she took this diary in hand and read it. This was, of course, Nina. that Nina who had to Hate Vera for the fact that she took away at her Roman. But she entrusted it the most expensive in the life, the diary, the thoughts, the most intimate desires, the secret thoughts. The belief did not understand why it made it? Why it, and to nobody Bol she entrusted the diary. The most secret thoughts? Belief having sat down in a chair Ninin opened the diary on the first page, and read the following.
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