It turned, and went to the bus-stop as suddenly heard Nina's voice.
– The bus will be in hour – then she shouted. – Do not play the fool Will! Wait at me!
Will looked back.
Roman shouted.
– Well really, Will? Do not behave as the small child. – then he added. – Look at the sky, the rain gathers!
Will looked at the sky. Clouds captivated heaven. The sun just about to sroitsya behind clouds. Wind walked between trees. Driving their to the right, to the left. Branches swung as if wings, and foliage soared under a stream of strong wind, playing one of the playful songs on wind.
Nina hurried to shout.
– Go! – it showed a hand on trees. – You see, the HURRICANE! – then she as if demanded. – Go! Rather!
Will remained nothing how to obey to Nin. All three ran in an entrance of the multi-storey building, and wind closed behind them a door.
– FAUGH! – holding heart Nina with relief sighed. – were in time.
Wind howled more and stronger. It seemed that it gains strength, and just about will strike a thunder and the lightning will strike. So it also occurred. Did not pass also minutes ever since as all three ran in an entrance as suddenly, struck a thunder of such force that its echo was слышан not only in Philly and the next quarter, but also across all Moscow, and beyond its limits the peal of a thunder and its echo was distributed. Then, the lightning as Zeus's arrow struck a forest park of Filersky district. Tops of trees became black. They charred, and began to exhale an intolerable smell of smoke. Just about wildfire will run high, but it did not occur. Continuous heavy rain spilled to Moscow. Having dispersed all animals in different directions. They were hidden where it is only possible. At open entrances of houses, in the apartments, in holes. Yes! The rain such was not since the eightieth years of the twentieth century. I remember the most long rain, it poured the whole week.
But we will return to our heroes. Where they now? Swear or not? Let's look.
Having entered an entrance, they managed to avoid a peal of a thunder and lightning stroke. Nina was touched deeply, and told. – FAUGH! – holding heart Nina with relief sighed. – Were in time. – But you already know about it. What occurred then? And then there was a following. Will stupidly looked at Nina, his face was puzzled. He did not understand what now occurred. It came to be at this entrance as suddenly? – what suddenly? – he thought this minute, and represented if he was on street at this moment as this peal of a thunder was distributed. Thunder terrible deafening fight, and lightning stroke. – What now there, behind this door? On the street? – Will thought. What now there occurs? – and the most important question on whom it had no answer. – Why this thunder was distributed after it appeared here, with these people? At this entrance of a house? – on this question it had no answer. He asked Nina.
– What was it?
Nina shrugged shoulders, then told.
– I do not know. – she made a pause, then added. – Natalia. – she did not know why she told this name? She felt that something happened? Something that cannot be corrected. Her heart clenched in a fist. She felt how it shrank and as if the knife pierced her maiden heart. Everything is over. Nina told again. – Natalia. – she pronounced this word as if said goodbye to her forever. – NATALIA.
Men helped Nina to rise by the following floor, then by following. So far they did not reach the platform on which its apartment was located. Having opened an entrance door, Nina entered the apartment, with two men. Roman locked a door, and asked.
– Nina, with you everything is all right?
– Yes. – Nina answered holding heart, and panting. – With me everything is all right. – she asked men to lead her to the room and to put on a bed. Then she told: – Here is how everything happens. – she made a long long pause, then heaved a deep sigh and told. – Will.
– I listen. – he bent down to it and began to listen that she tells.
– You fly to the wife to Veronika. She waits for you. – then she assured him. – I know it, precisely. – she looked at Roman and tenderly smiled. – The novel, you found me. – she told. – Obviously this Natalia gave you my address. – then she made a pause and asked. – Make to me tea.
Roman hurried to answer.
– Of course.
It passed on kitchen, and Will remained with Nina alone. Nina told it.
– Will. Forget me. You have a wife. Is more useless to the married person to have the mistress.
– I know it.
– Then what the entrance had a representation? – Nina became angry and demanded the answer. – I wait. You speak.
Will answered.
– I am not guilty. – it came true. – This is Roman. – he told. Then added. – He was jealous of me of you. Here I also wanted to leave, but you asked me to remain.
Nina did not begin to justify herself. And Will continued to speak.
– This hurricane? – he questioned. – From where did it undertake? – he looked in a window for which he a solid wall poured a rain in buckets, told. – Long ago I did not see such weather. – he looked at Nina. – Hurricane Katrina. – he grinned. And as if through hysterical tears added. – How long it was.
Nina took an interest.
– You were there?
Will heaved a deep sigh.
– Children. – he told weepingly. – Their lives … – he could not tell.
Understanding what occurred, Nina tenderly told.
– Turn, they in the best world.
Will, of course, wanted to tell something, something to answer, but he could not. To it it was sad that it now one. Was near nobody from his family. His children were carried away by the hurricane Katrina. And his wife went in Nü-Yorke to be treated for cancer. Yes, life did not present it any gifts. It mercilessly beat him. Bill everywhere where only could. What is it? Test? What does someone there in heaven want from it? And he can has to understand something? He did not know it. He heaved a deep sigh and told.
– I hope for it.
Here Nina unexpectedly asked.
– Postoyte, but you told that your children are alive! They just do not live with you as I understood or I am mistaken?
– You are right. – Will confirmed. – I said about the children what they represent actually. – then he made a pause, remembering what he told to Nina about the children. Then continued. – I spoke. – it began. – That my children became anyone, only not members society. – he made a pause, then continued. – I said that one of them went to crime, the code-bound criminal now. The second became an addict, and cannot come off a needle in any way. – then he added. – Still I spoke about the daughter. – he remembered. – What my daughter, what whore light did not see before.
– Yes. – Nina confirmed. – quite so you spoke. – then she asked. – Which of your children died in the hurricane Katrina?
Will asked.
– Do you want to know it?
Of course, she did not want to know what happened to his children. It was all the same as where happened to family of this person. But she also did not want that she was considered for the full idiot or the silly woman, and she told.
– I want.
– That ж. – Will told. – I have to admit.
– In what?
Will told.
– The matter is that I was married twice. – he admitted. – My first marriage was unsuccessful, and is tragic. I will not be passed in a detail. – He made a long and long pause. – My family. – it continued, and on his face tears appeared. – My family had a rest in California when flew a hurricane. – he made a pause. – On his face tears were already visible. These tears of a grief and pain from loss, loss of people dear to it.
Nina understood that she in vain asked it about it. She abused herself for the fact that she dared to understand, understand something that Will wanted to tell her. But what he wanted to tell it? Now she knew it. He was married twice. On that which loved and which presented to it beautiful children who died in the hurricane Katrina, and his second wife. Veronika! He loved it too, but is obviously not so strong as the first wife and her children.