Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Goering made a clumsy attempt to worship: his stomach was in the way. He even grunted from the tension:

  - O Führer!

  Goebbels said timidly:

  - We need to ask the Pope to anathematize the Bolsheviks. I think Mussolini will have a similar effect.

  Hitler snorted:

  - Benedito is too weak! He still suffers a weak-minded monarch, although it is long overdue to establish a republic with a duce.

  Goering replied:

  - I have long advised to tune the king an accident.

  Hitler snorted:

  "Mussolini did not heed my advice without declaring war on Malta." Because of this, the British are now tormented by Italy. Foolish pasta with its limited leader. Rams driven by rams. Having a numerical superiority, the Italians are defeated, after defeat, and they also call themselves the descendants of Ancient Rome.

  Himmler barked:

  - Corroded blood!

  - Or rather!

  - Previously, the Romans were blond and blue-eyed, until they mixed with the Moors. Negros spoiled genetics!

  Hitler clenched his fist:

  - Exactly! Pathetic creatures!

  Goering proposed:

  "Maybe we"ll order Scorsel, bang the king, and replace the Duce with a younger, more energetic politician."

  Hitler squinted: - I doubt it is a good idea! Among the sheep is difficult to find a wolf. Germans are a nation of leaders and heroes. We are fully capable of building and hiding everyone. Split reinforced concrete rear. But in general, at the expense of Mussolini, we'll talk more about Russia with him. I did not dedicate it to my plans.

  Goering asked:

  - And why?

  The Fuhrer reluctantly replied:

  - So that he does not think that he was able to convince me not to press on the eastern front, but to transfer the burden of fighting to the Mediterranean. Already he is proud. What do you particularly know about Mussolini?

  Himmler smiled horribly:

  - We even have a correspondence! Our agents kidnapped the originals, replacing them with copies. Do not worry my Führer, Mussolini is overlaid by our agents like wolf flags.

  Hitler calmed down:

  - Italy has forty eight million population, not counting colonies. Her troops, we will be very useful. However, France, together with the colonies, had a population of over two hundred million, more than the USSR, and crumbled like a house of cards.

  Goebbels shouted in response, like a student in class:

  - Large colonies, it is strength and weakness! Many Arabs and Indians are ready to support our troops.

  Hitler grinned:

  - In general, I have always treated Islam with much more respect than Christianity. The teachings hit you on the right cheek - turn left: idiocy. It turns people into slaves. Only stupid Slavs can be Christians. And faith in Allah is good for wars.

  Goebbels agreed:

  - Islam has a lot of good! For example, polygamy!

  Hitler laughed:

  - I will definitely introduce polygamy!

  Goebbels dutifully bowed in three deaths:

  - My wife does not mind! We Germans must populate the entire globe. And women can be recruited from conquered peoples.

  Rosenberg confirmed:

  - There are so many beautiful, fair-haired, slim women in the East.

  Hitler remarked:

  - Not full!

  Rosenberg countered:

  - Physically, the Slav women are very strong. They are able to give birth to many strong healthy children. I think that the most beautiful and clever of them can be given away as younger wives of the SS, and to distinguished Wehrmacht soldiers, so that they give birth to children and work on the farm.

  Hitler shook his head, it is not clear what he wanted to say, yes or no. Then a dull voice sounded.

  - You can also try! Only photos of these women in new passports must be nude.

  Goebbels giggled:

  - It is very reasonable! We will select women, without physical flaws! Each creature has a pair!

  Hitler replied:

  - The most outstanding are three and four! Here, for example, in addition to the iron cross with diamonds, to give a naked busty Slav with a magnificent breast and wide hips.

  Goebbels suggested:

  - Why? It will be great! I also love high slavyanochek.

  Goering predicted:
