Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Therefore, the "thirty-four" and did not put on the maximum transfer. So the tank was driving slower than it could. And there was a risk that in the afternoon, the notorious "pieces", the U-87, a very dangerous dive bomber, would find it.

  Natasha understood this and hoped to get to the forest faster. There is not much difference between their tank.

  Angelica whistled a little song. Redhead is always in high spirits, even when the sad news. Natasha remembered the beginning of the war. It happened at noon, when they announced on the radio. But in the morning ominous rumors spread. Then they reported on the radio that Germany, without declaring war, had attacked the USSR. Immediately several women rushed into tears.

  The mood of the people was mixed. Those that are younger, and intoxicated by propaganda, even rejoiced: they say that in two weeks we will overwhelm the Germans and they will have a skit. Those that are older vice versa zagorevali.

  Natasha also felt anxious. Her older brother died in the Finnish war, and the middle one returned, told many terrible things. In any case, it was clear that the level of the Red Army was not as high as propaganda insists on. And that the command is not up to par, and many tanks are burning like matches.

  The officers spoke about the Germans with respect ... They nevertheless conquered almost the whole of Europe. And the older ones remembered the first world one. Then the Kaiser troops reached the Dnieper, and Russia went to the humiliating Brest-Litovsk peace.

  So Natasha was very upset. I did not want to bury my loved ones again, and even more so to fight with such a strong adversary as Germany and her satellites. There is little hope for Britain. However these carnivorous predators would not unite against Russia.

  The first days and weeks confirmed the most pessimistic forecasts. The Germans attacked and took one city after another. Within a few days, Minsk fell. And less than a month Smolensk. Natasha volunteered for the front. She girls are strong and very hardened.

  She became a tanker accidentally, before that she fought in the infantry. The Germans continued to advance. The part in which the girl fought, was surrounded. Natasha made her way to her and stumbled upon an abandoned tank. Zoya was with her and together the girls were able to start the car. And even took her out of the front line.

  For this they received a medal, and they were assigned to tank troops. The preparation was very brief - only a month and a half. The girls managed to take part in the defense of Moscow.

  Here it already seemed that our border was on the verge. The advanced units of the Fritz saw binoculars in the Kremlin, joining the suburbs of the capital. But a miracle happened.

  The enemies were not only stopped, but they managed to launch a counterattack. No one planned the last operation. It proceeded spontaneously, but this was even more successful. The Nazis fled, throwing equipment and literally froze in the cold.

  And "thirty-four" showed their good quality - permeability. The Germans were stuck in snowdrifts, and the knights moved and smashed the enemy.

  After the threat to Moscow was eliminated, everyone thought that now and then we would attack. And that the Nazis ridge is broken.

  But now it's all different again! Like in a scary fairy tale! About shifters! When black becomes white and white becomes black.

  And now it has become much worse. Formed a boiler from which you have to get out.

  Svetlana leaned out of the tank. T-34 car, which, in addition to the tight gearbox, there is also such a disadvantage, as poor visibility. Because of this, this tank loses a significant part of its fighting qualities. The German T-3 is deprived of such a flaw, and through it everything is seen relatively well.

  The girl even climbed into the captured trophy, noting the more comfortable working conditions of the crew, and the good optics of the German. True, the 50-millimeter cannon is rather weak, and another projectile is three times lighter than the Soviet one.

  Red-haired devil also tried to lean out. But two girls cramped to look through one hatch. They began to push.

  Angelica roared hard:

  - This is still my place! You spotter and should sit at the sight!

  Svetlana snapped:

  - I should see everything on the contrary! And you know your place better!

  The girls began to fight. Braided muscular, tanned bodies, strained strong muscles. Even with them bras from the tension slid.

  Natasha screamed at them, then pulled both of her bare toes, forcing her to calm down:

  - Not only that the Germans seize, so you still have to fight! Save your ardor for the fascists!

  The girls stopped squeezing each other, but turned to the commander in chorus:

  - How do we follow?

  Natasha made Solonovy decision:

  - You will get out one by one!

  Angelica naughty noticed:

  -And blonde will cheat!

  Svetlana evil replied:

  - You would be silent redhead - shameless!

  Natasha snarled:

  - Enough! Or I swipe you on chicken legs! Will change a friend on my team!

  The girl was shown one another by the tongues and ... left alone hanging around in the hatch.
