Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Natasha said in a cold tone:

  - You sit red, Svetlana remains!

  Angelica genuinely outraged:

  - She's been here for a long time! I appeared recently! And in theory, I should change it!

  Natasha, raising her voice, and letting go of the meta - The orders of the commander during the war are not discussed, but executed ... Or should I whip you?

  The fire devil reluctantly hid in a cramped, hot tower, grumbling:

  - Order of the commander during the war, when the circle of bullets whistling! Full of love and great prices, sacred, for Russian soldiers!

  Natasha smiled. The conflict was resolved, and soon the forest, and they will be safely covered. Then the keen Svetlana suddenly shouted:

  - German on the tank ahead!

  This is already serious ... And Natasha was frightened not so much by a tank battle, as by the fact that the fascist would call on the walkie-talkie. However, there is hope that for the sake of a lonely Soviet tank, the Fritzes will not fly.

  Although the German hid behind a stack of old hay, Svetlana managed to look at it. It was a T-3, and in the newest modification with a barrel length of 60 EL. The caliber is the same 50-millimeters, but the initial velocity of the projectile is much higher.

  The T-3 in the previous modification could have pierced at a distance of no more than 100 meters and then not surely head-on. The Soviet T-34 could theoretically reach a kilometer, but in practice it was about five hundred meters. But this time, the odds are almost equal. And the optics of the Nazis better.

  Despite all the risks, Zoe turned on the last gear. The thirty-fours roared even harder, so it laid its hands, and the tank itself came to shake. But now they are much harder to get into. The German is standing still and waiting for the Soviet car.

  It"s easier to hit a fixed target, but when your car shakes like this ...

  Svetlana comes down and with the help of Angelica suggests and makes the first shot.

  The shell is torn ten meters ahead of the German.

  Natasha strictly warns:

  - Careful! We don't have too many shells left!

  Svetlana, casually nodding his blonde head, replies:

  - This is just a sighting shot!

  Angelica mockingly sang:

  - Tomorrow will be better than yesterday! Zavra will be better than yesterday! Hello sunshine

  Svetlana a little, but clearly said:

  - Fart off!

  The girl tried to aim again. The German was still far away. It is even unlikely that his 50-mm armor will penetrate the Zis-76 cannon from such a distance. The fascist has not yet fired, but caught the target. Small tower T-34 small target. It is difficult to get into it from a distance, especially when a tank rushes at full speed like that.

  Svetlana hesitated. Shoot now or later, coming closer. Thirty-four in motion shakes, and it is impossible to take an accurate sight. You need to either stop, or come close enough, and even better close.

  Natasha says, clenching her fists:

  - To the glory of the Holy Motherland!

  Svetlana finally decides and shoots. The projectile spits out of the barrel. The girl accompanies his mind convoy.

  Already closer, about a half meters, from the German. Considering that the thirty-fours are hard to see from the sight, this is a good result. Angelica, who, leaning out at the moment of the shot, barked loudly:

  - Almost a little bit more!

  Svetlana muttered angrily:

  - A little bit does not count!

  The red-haired devil cooed:

  - Fuhrer give in the face, will kill somehow! We are now a little bit like a bit crazy!

  Svetlana impatiently pushed the beauty with her foot:

  - If you can, shut up!

  Angelica snarled:

  - Bricks!

  Finally, the German could not stand it, shot ... The projectile flew with a whistle dangerously close to the car. But Fritz did not hit. What was he thinking about? He suspected that such beauties were sitting in the carriage or was firing automatically? T-3 has a commander tower and good visibility. In the forty-first year, this tank became the most massive. With the help of the Germans, they achieved great success, capturing the territories into four German borders of 1937 and in just five months.

  Tank showed failure. Especially against HF. At the end of the forty-first year, an option appeared with a longer barrel length, and therefore the initial velocity of the projectile. The German expects to hit the enemy, although the thirty-four and problem machine. Sometimes Russians manage to get from a great distance, and in motion. It is necessary to swat the enemy like a fly.

  Natasha realizing that the chance of hitting there is always a whisper:

  - Lenin, party, Komsomol!

  A crazy thought flashed through, and didn"t I turn to God? But the Komsomol is not supposed to believe in God. And in general, if He is, why does he allow all this? Would a caring Creator have allowed such a mess? Also old age and death?
