Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  - This is from the fact that you are short!

  Goebbels offended:

  "Napoleon and Nelson were also short." After all, as they say: from head to toe head, from head to foot brute!

  Goring snorted:

  "That's why you don"t miss a single skirt." Little giant of big sex - cool Goebbels!

  Shorty foul squeak:

  - Not that you are a boar!

  The Fuhrer bellowed like a sliced ram:

  - They chat a lot!

  Himmler replied:

  - SS will shorten tongues! We only last month, caught almost five hundred spies!

  Hitler asked:

  - Everyone admitted?

  The chief executioner of the Third Reich made an unsuccessful attempt to pout his chest:

  - Most! We are in the issues of torture large docks.

  - It is necessary to bring the figure to a thousand. - Hitler bit off a couple of rose petals and chewed. - Arrest with your families. Torture the children in the eyes of parents, try the parents in front of the children. Forget about pity, we have a great goal - world domination and all who interfere with this, must be destroyed! To the glory of great Germany! Himmler replied:

  - Many of our investigators are embarrassed to use brutal measures against women and children!

  Hitler flooded his feet, splashing saliva:

  - Slabak in a concentration camp! In a convict prison. Who should serve in the SS should know: the good is a traitor, the soft is a traitor. Every German must become a steel machine of destruction. Ideally: the country should be one solid barracks and a prison.

  The environment shouted in unison:

  - Heil Hitler!

  Marshal Goering sang:

  - Guns spank instead of oil - this is not a fairy tale! That crawls tank - not "Purdy"! The tale will come!

  Everyone burst out laughing:

  - Ay yes Goering, ah yes as! A boot with a swing in the eye!

  Hitler snorted:

  - Come on, Herman do it!

  . CHAPTER number 4

  The next day, the girls continued their barefoot run. Neither technique nor sense of proportion. Like a survival march. And so on to the very end. And the rumors about the loud victories of the German arms are getting stronger. So why not get to the front, and die of thirst and sunlight in the desert? And then, when it is darker to fall into the hardest sleep?

  But in a dream you can watch the continuation of the battle. Magda saw that her opponent, not quite backing, was standing steadily, suddenly jumped, fucking, with his bare little leg under his knee. And when the moor began to fall, the edge of the sword passed between the bronze plates and the ribs. Christina also began to wave her swords where more energetic. The girls simultaneously squealed like pigs. Although their swords were moving differently, synchronization was still felt.

   Magda grappled with a large Roman warrior, whose helmet was, decorated with peacock feathers. This time she really had a very experienced and strong opponent. Golden stripes also spoke about the ego of experience and merit. Having repulsed several attacks of a fair-haired girl, a thug, apparently a noble grandee went on the offensive. Magda backing, whistled:

  - And you are not Italian!

  Terrible patrician replied:

  - And you just barefoot slut! How many do you think you can hold out, against the ancient Roman blade?

  Magda retorted:

  "I don"t know against the blade, but you bearded and have nothing to resist!"

  However, despite all the optimism radiated by bare-legged Magda, the girl had to move backwards. The Romans brought fresh reserves into battle, girls and boys were increasingly injured or stabbed to death. The boys, the archers, however, tried to shoot over their heads, shattering the appropriate cohorts.

  Christina, meanwhile, carefully laid down another adversary, and another cut down a brush. The warrior sang:

  - Nuclear sword, wants to cut you! Hellfire blazing laser beam! But you do not think how to save your life, true to love, you will be until the end!

  Magda was surprised:

  - And you sing like a real scientist!

  Christine in the report sang:

  - It's great when pilots in physics, they move their science forward! But the main issues are solved in the ranks, in the ranks, in the ranks!

  Magda confirmed picking up:

  - It is pleasant to live among fire and smoke! And hear the chirping machine gun! Lead us to the Fuhrer invincible! Forward, forward, forward!

  Christine supported:

  - When the shells are torn day and night, soon go the ranks and orders! Let over the world rumbles violently - war, war, war!
