Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Two slim, beautiful blond girls in blue dresses appeared. They began to vigorously cut thorns with tiny scissors. Hitler put his fingers in his mouth, sucked some blood and suddenly jumped, hitting the girl on an elastic, round bottom. She shrieked, the Fuhrer in Gypsy click the tongue:

  - But the horse!

  Himmler continued:

  - The T-34 tank is capable of penetrating 76-millimeters from a cannon and a projectile initial speed of 630-kilometers 50-mm T-3 armor at a distance of more than a kilometer. However, the 100-mm armor "Tiger" will reflect the shot of the Soviet machine, even at close range. Similarly, the frontal armor "Panther".

  The Fuhrer, grabbing the girl by the hair and pulling her like a mare, wheezed, in the voice of a rusty pipe:

  - I have already read this report! But after all, the optics of the T-34 is so weak that this tank is not capable of firing from a distance exceeding 500 kilos ... ugh, meters. In any case, with chances to hit!

  Himmler willingly agreed:

  - Yes, the optics of the councils noticeably lagging behind! But intelligence has reported that they are building a new, with the most modern technologies, plant for the production of optics near Sverdlovsk. So in two or three years, the Russians are closing the gap.

   Hitler, winding on the arm, the hair of a blond beauty, trying to hurt her, whined:

   - The more we had grounds to hit the USSR first! A few more years and the tips would have become so strong that we no longer had the slightest chance.

  Surrounding the choir replied:

  - Yes, it is so great!

  Hitler poked his beautiful face in a lush, pink bush. She did not dare to resist, because she is commanded by the living God, the Führer. Thorns pierced the tender face, puncturing smooth skin. The girl wanted to cry out, but in Hitler's icy gaze death was being read, as if paralyzed, several drops of blood fell on the damp ground of the vase.

  The Fuhrer liked her submissiveness, and once more, slapping her on the pope, Hitler released the unfortunate servant: - Went a bitch! "Then nervously several times, jerking his head, said:" To overwhelm means to win! " The commander, warning of his strike, either an idiot or a saint, that in fact the same thing! Holiness is the surest sign of degradation, with the attractiveness of the bright coloring of the Amanita!

  Goebbels applauded:

  - what are the wise words!

  In place, Hitler replied Himmler:

  - A group of sorcerers and magicians, has developed a special, extrasensory weapons. It leads us to the astral contact of higher spiritual forces and allows us to contact the sovereign of being. He promised us a warm and dry winter.

  Hitler grinned:

  - Last time, magicians influenced the combat capability of the British and French in such a way that they died having lost their morale. The same will happen now.

  Goebbels remarked:

  - Count on magic in the age of the atom!

  Hitler hit his foot in a vase (Goebbels did not want to beat, he was too small and fragile, you can seriously hurt) Porcelain made according to special recipes stood, and the Fuhrer grabbed his leg and screamed:

  - Oh, it hurts!

  Goebbels rushed to the Fuhrer and began to rub his leg:

  - O great our lord! I did not expect this.

  Hitler suddenly nervously laughed:

  - Yes, I played you stupid! Now let's get in order. Laboratory studies have established the fact of telepathy. Is not it!

  Goebbels nodded:

  - Yes, so my Führer!

  Hitler rubbed his hands:

  - I'm a hypnotist myself! So this is what it says! There are certain higher astral and mental powers. Magic is indeed reality. As the transfer of thoughts at a distance.

  Goebbels replied:

  - With me there was such a case. The house should have collapsed, I felt a mental order and hurriedly left it. It seemed that the voice said: get away it's dangerous! And three minutes later this happened.

  Hitler confirmed:

  - And with me it was during the First World War. I received an order to leave the trench before the bomb exploded.

  Goering testified:

  - And I was kept by higher powers. Sometimes, you sit at the controls of the aircraft, and then once the team to the right. Some kind of flair! You leave, the enemy airplane is shot down, and you are alive! I went through the whole war without a scratch, and shot down fifty-eight airplanes. One of the best assov Germany - I

  Hitler replied:

  - I know your merits Herman. And do you believe fortunetellers?

  Boar grunted:

  "One of them predicted that my life would be in grave danger, but I would be able to escape the noose!"

  Hitler grinned:

  - You will not leave me! If I want to hang you, I'll hang you without any delays or appeals.
