Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  - Belarusians are extremely cowardly people! They are weak, unable to fight. And the true German is, above all, a warrior. In addition, there are too many Jews in Belarus. This bitch tribe spoiled both the blood and the moral image of the Belarusians. No need to carefully check this people, for the presence of Jewish blood. Everything about which, there is doubt, should be eliminated. It is best not to waste bullets on these freaks, bastard mucus, and just burn, as did the medieval Inquisition.

  Himmler replied:

  - In Europe, we did not do that with the Jews. They simply drove into the ghetto and looked for six-pointed stars. And so cruel reprisals against Jews and half-bloods will alienate us, many allies in the United States and Britain. After all, the majority of Western oligarchs and magnates are Jews by origin. Should I set up against the powers that be!

  Hitler roared, kicked his feet and hit the bulldog blond with a stick. The dog with the pedigree of the queen howled and bounced with a screech. The Fuhrer rushed at Himmler and began to shake him, splashing his saliva:

  - Oh, you dog! Pig, puppy, it means that you are also standing up for this nasty, Jewish offspring that covered the whole earth with feces!

  Himmler muttered, his head shaking:

  - No, my Fuhrer!

  Hitler hit Goering's boot in the ass:

  - And why are you silent hog!

  Goering hoarse:

  - The Jewish people - a nation of bandits!

  Hitler turned into a scream:

  - This is not enough!

  Goering continued:

  - Hell mold!

  Hitler slapped Goering on the cheek:

  - I see you are not able to hog, even swear as it should! Well, I'll take over the Jews myself. And you tell Himmler whether you will hurt the Jews!

  Himmler answered briefly:

  - The order is an order!

  Goebbels remarked:

  - The fact that the majority of oligarchs in the West are Jews, skillfully used by our propaganda in order to incite hatred among the poor against the rich. After all, we are fighting against world Zionism, which means for the happiness of all the poorest segments of society and the world.

  Hitler giggled:

  - For happiness! That is well said! When the iron boot of the Third Reich comes on the throat of the whole world, this will be happiness. As we say, the war of liberation in order to throw off the yoke of the Bolsheviks and the rich from the people.

   Goebbels, squeaking in a thin voice, said:

  - We strongly risked launching an offensive in France, without providing adequate protection from the East. Ten divisions of recruits extremely weak defense against Stalinist tanks. In particular, our intelligence mined a document that back in 1939, Stalin promised to deploy up to ten thousand tanks, six thousand aircraft, one hundred and twenty only infantry divisions and more than four million soldiers. Against such a power, our weak forces would not have stood. Be a blow in May - June 1940, it was fatal!

  Hitler shivered:

  - I myself was afraid of this! But the heroic resistance of the Finns knocked with Stalin. The Soviet army showed its weakness! What is Finland? All three and a half million people, the army which does not have a single tank, all five hundred light cannons, and a hundred plywood airplanes. And they fought with the Red Bear which has more soldiers than the whole population of Finland. And they did not move, Stalin failed to swallow Finland.

  Himmler grinned:

  - Aryan blood!

  Goebbels remarked:

  "But the Russians broke through the Mannerheim Line, with a frontal attack." The losses are huge, but I heard from the Finns about the use of the new powerful KV-2 tank, with a 152-mm howitzer.

  Hitler noted with a frown:

  "And we faced this in the forty-first year." Especially with the menacing T-34 tanks. That superiority in technology prevented us from taking Moscow. It was then that we began to talk about the harsh Russian frosts. It is generally outrageous that our Aryan spirit was weaker than metal. And we sank under the thirty fours.

  I confess that this is also my mistake - he did not insist on the development of heavy tanks.

  Although before the war, two prototypes of the Tigers were ready, with 88-mm cannons, but weak armor! But now our heavy tanks will be plowing next year, as the USSR follows. And lead to victory. But now the eastern front will be sleeping!

  Goering confirmed:

  - You, as always, are wise to the Führer! First allies, and only then Russia. Beat the enemy in parts much more convenient!

  Himmler noticed with a smirk:

  - Our "Tigers" are stronger than the thirty-five, and the Panther will also have an advantage over the Soviet tank. Here the calculations are quite correct.

  Tired of Hitler standing still, the Führer jumped to a huge crystal vase, grabbed the pink color and began to knead nervously in his hands. Injected about a thorn and howled:

  - Here are the buggers! Why not cut the thorns.
