"Of course, we will publish ..." - He has chuckled. - "All the same, nobody reads this newspaper ... Now are not those times ...".
"What else?"
He has written the instructions: " Editor. Proofreader. To publish" and phoned to the assistant: "You need to sign the act of partial performance of works on the grant. Visit me'. Immediately he called the number of the accounts department. "Now will bring you the act of partial performance of work on a grant. Do the count of the honorarium and transfer money to me to the my bank cash card".
"After all, the cash machine will take time."
He has ironically smiled, having touched with a look the papers lying on a table: "Peter the Great was a person outstanding, but the Literary Prikaz hasn't created ...". [The pun of Russian words: order (instruction) = prikaz (executive governmental office)]. "Tomorrow at a meeting in the spa beauty salon this pun will be useful ...".
"It seems, for today - all."
He has called the service vehicle, and has gone to an exit.
May 5, 2018 17:17
Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018 22:43.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о литературном приказе'.
5. Filming
1.The Tale of a Timely Guidance
Mathilda Kschessinskaya wearily went across evening St. Petersburg. There night was coming. She has turned the head and has seen the low person overtaking her. On the person there was a cap, his cheek has been tied up by bandage. Apparently, his teeth were sore.
The experience of theatrical activity allowed Kschessinskaya to know the person despite the actor's makeup. She has understood that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is walking near her.
Matilda Kschessinskaya has understood that she will have no second such opportunity.
- Vladimir Ilyich! - she has exclaimed. - I ask You, listen to me! One second.
Lenin has turned the head and has watchfully looked at her, nothing without answering.
Mathilda Kschessinskaya has decided to show persistence:
- Vladimir Ilyich! We are cultural people! Remember your trips across Paris by bicycle!
Lenin has looked at Kschessinskaya more benevolently.
- Here look, Vladimir Ilyich, I have a decision of magistrate's court on return of my palace to me! You always were for the democratic republic! And the republic is a law!
- Nadezhda Konstantinovna, comrade Kschessinskaya, deals with questions of culture, - at last Lenin has said. - I recommend to you to address her.
- Where will I find Nadezhda Konstantinovna? She is a professional revolutionary. I also have met you by chance. And I need to live somewhere!
- Don't You want to address Nadezhda Konstantinovna, so?... - Lenin has said. - Well. Time You such persistent, I will render You assistance.
He took out a piece of paper and a pencil. He have written on a leaf: "In hundred years. Twice two - four".
- Contact, comrade Kschessinskaya, with this note. The palace, maybe won't be return, but will call You a public figure with all the ensuing consequences... Film about You will produce...
Lenin has stopped and is attentive, with value, has looked in Kshesinskaya's face:
- And now I hurry, comrade Kschessinskaya. To You, as to the Parisian, I have found so much time how many I could. Comrade Uritsky waits! He has already started motors!
Kschessinskaya in horror has instinctively groped a handbag with the remained gifts.
Lenin continued to stride quickly on the night street.
Kschessinskaya has rushed to the railway station. Behind the back she has heard Lenin's words: "And the judgment of magistrate's court you will give to the broadcast's programm "What Occurred Hundred Years Ago" !..."
January 20, 2018 12:49
Translation from Russian into English: January 20, 2018 14:00.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о своевременном совете'.
2. The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about Large Public Money
The advanced training courses for screenwriters at the international Film Festival have opened.
In the room of the five-star hotel, the screenwriter, who studied at the courses, was suffering from the heat.
"Why so uncomfortable? Air conditioning works! The room temperature is normal."
He felt sleepy.
He remembered up the today's assigned task by the chief of the courses:
"Let's say you have received a good money! "You" - in a broad sense! That is, the film producer - have received money ..."
Apparently, the screenwriter fell into a dream.
Eyes of the chief of courses came nearer, became closer and closer. They looked directly in the soul.
"You not for YouTube are capturing the video with the the mobile phone device! Many professionals will be employed! You will have nо possibility to shoot the bad film.
What is "bad"?
This concept expresses the summed personal, subjective points of view.
The art critics and the famous people won't pronounce this word ... They will pronounce other words - a positive ..." Eyes became closer and closer, they entered the screenwriter ...
"But under the main condition", - the screenwriter has continued a thought of the chief of courses by voice of the chief of courses, - "under the condition of the good the film scenario".
"After all, what is a historical episode with mass riots and the shooting of civilians?" - the screenwriter continued to reflect. - "This is, admittedly, a fact, repeatedly occurred in the history ..." "In this or that option we can find such fact in the history of any country ..."
"Listen," - the screenwriter has addressed the chief of courses, - " why you are looking at me so closely. I understand: it is responsible project ... But it is not only such sad facts in one or another variant repeated in history. And a shootings of all sorts of movies are repeated... scenarios in some form are repeated... What is the remakes, in the end? Why are you looking at me like that? Like a boa on a rabbit. I am not a rabbit!'