Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

"You don't understand!" - the chief of courses has indignantly growled. - "You do the scenario not for some a movie! But for the film, which will be created with public money! There shouldn't be mass actions with a collective reading texts by chorus! There shouldn't be nefarious hints about a permission to use himself ..." "Have you understood?!"

The screenwriter passed out completely of own confusion. "Statuette!- Statuette!- Statuette" - he began to tune himself by the repeating the code word...

"There is no stability in the world... " "He's Sasha, he's Sanya, he's Alexander... " - the words in his memory appeared.

"Ugh!"- thought the screenwriter. - 'Not this!" "They will get attached: where the money ... The words "was used " will appear ... They will discover some contracts...'

"The hero of the civil war ...", - the words appeared in the memory.

The screenwriter focused his attention.

"He is at his country house with his family... The Staff of punitive structures are preparing for terrible things... First - the love affair... The lawbreaker rejected once by the wife of the hero, entered the service of the punitive structures... The lawbreaker comes to the hero and his wife... the tension increases...'

The screenwriter has grabbed sheets of paper began to write down convulsively ...

"Here and black car. The hero of civil war is taken and put into car between agents. The hero is indignant! He tries to resist. The car moves ... Agents use force ... Resistance of the hero of civil war is broken ... The car arrives to the square ... The excited crowd of civilians holds in hand pies with a liver. The tanks, arms. Troops. Generals. Machineguns. Everything froze... The generals recall the reception at the Supreme Commander, the toast said by him ... They don't give the necessary order!.."

"Command"! - agents demand from the brought hero. - "People know you. You're the hero, all known!"

The hero, morally destructed by the violence, commanded: "Fire!"

Shots sound ...

Balloons appear above the square. Enormous portraits of the Leader of Peoples are attached to them.

"That's good!" - the tender voice of the chief of courses was heard.

"Nonsense!"- the screenwriter thought. - "How did the chief of the course get here in the room?" "I'll go to the pool, freshen up!"

The screenwriter put in a folder the scribbled sheets of paper and went into the corridor. Here's the pool. The screenwriter undressed and jumped into the water.

At the time of the jump, he suddenly heard the words: "The state money! And not a little!'

The screenwriter was plunging into the water deeper and deeper. The eyes of the chief of the courses were approaching him.

In the sleep the screenwriter has heard the knock at a door of the hotel room.

May 27, 2018 21:49

Translation from Russian into English: May 29, 2018 06:19.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о киносценарии и крупных государственных деньгах'.

6. Booking

1. The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London

Сказка о беседе Максима Горького и Джека Лондона

The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London

В кафе-библиотеку вошел Джек Лондон и направился к Максиму Горькому.

Jack London had entered the cafe library and headed to Maxim Gorky.

Тот вышел из-за стойки библиотекаря.

Gorky came out from behind the counter of the librarian.

Они дружески пожали друг другу руки.

They have shaken hands each other with friendly mood.

- Джек! Наконец мы встретились!

- Jack! At last we have met!

- Алексей! Мечтал о нашей встрече.

- Alexei! I dreamed of our meeting.

- Джек! В нашем кафе-библиотеке принято в свободное от чтения время пить кофе. Пойдем, присядем за столик, выпьем по чашечке.

- Jack! In our cafe-library it is accepted to have coffee in free time. Come on, sit down at the table. We will drink of coffee.

- С удовольствием, Алексей! Раз уж возникла возможность поговорить... Я часто размышляю о совпадениях и различиях в наших с тобой, Алексей, судьбах. Любопытно было бы узнать твое мнение по этому поводу.

- With pleasure, Alexei! We have an opportunity to talk... I am often reflecting on the similarities and differences between destinies - my fate and your's life route, Alexei. It would be interesting to know your opinion on this matter.

- Отлично, Джек! Сравнения и сопоставления помогают лучше понять и оценить самого себя. Для стандартного любителя мировой литературы вполне естественным может стать вопрос: почему в общем здоровый Джек Лондон прожил 40 лет, а Максим Горький - с больными легкими - 68 лет? Я родился в 1868 году, а ты, Джек, - в 1876. В принципе, можно считать нас ровесниками.

- Ok, Jack! Comparisons help better understand and appreciate yourself. For the standard fan of the world literature it may be a well natural the question: why in General a healthy Jack London had lived near 40 years, and Maxim Gorky - with sick lungs, - 68 years? I was born in 1868, and you, Jack, - in 1876. In principle, it is possible to consider us age-mates.

- И у тебя, Алексей, и у меня жизнь началась в материально стесненных обстоятельствах.

- And at you, Alexei, and at me a life began in a financially constrained circumstances.

- Твоя мать, Джек, настояла на твоем участии в литературном конкурсе, в ходе которого ты получил первое место, получил премию, поверил в свои силы, в свой писательский талант.

- Your mother, Jack, insisted of your participation in a literary competition, in a course of which you received the first place, received a prize, believed in your forces, in your writer's talent.

- Твоя мать, вся твоя семья, Алексей, была далеки от традиционной художественной литературы. Но твоя мать научила тебя грамоте. Твоя бабушка была знатоком народного творчества. Твой дед по Библии выучил тебя церковнославянскому языку. Прежде чем стать приверженцем социализма, ты получил от одного из знакомых "титул" "псалтырника" - то есть, в некотором смысле, знатока Библии.
