Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

'Но как эту информацию творчески переработать?!'

"But how creatively to process this information?!"

Он стал подбирать аккорды:

He began to found chords:

'Здесь лапы у елей дрожат па весу,

Здесь птицы щебечут тревожно.'

"Here the paws of the fir-trees tremble on weight,

Here a birds chirp is disturbing."

'Почему лес? А не море?' 'Что-нибудь о море?'

"Why a forest? But not a sea?" "Something about a sea?"

Пальцы снова коснулись струн.

Fingers have again touched strings.

'Но почему аборигены съели Кука?'

"But why natives have eaten Cook?"

Пришла логичная мысль:

The logical thought has come:

'Но почему именно Кука?' 'Все-таки Лисянского с Крузенштерном они не съели?..'

"But why Cook?" "After all, they haven't eaten Lisyansky and Krusenstern?.."

'А если не лес и не море, а - воздушный океан?'

"And if - not a wood and not a sea, and - an air ocean?"

Высоцкий погладил гитару.

Vysotsky has stroked a guitar.

'Я слышу: 'Ростовчане вылетают!'

А мне в Одессу надо позарез...'

"I hear: "Residents of Rostov are sent to the flight!"

And to me to Odessa it is necessary extremely ..."

Высоцкий вдруг замолчал. Затем незаметно оглянулся.

Vysotsky has suddenly become silent. Then he have imperceptibly looked back.

На всякий случай спел еще пару строк:

He has sung couple more of lines - just in case:

'Открыты Лондон, Дели, Магадан -

Открыли всё, но мне туда не надо.'

"London, Delhi, Magadan are available -

All airports are opened. But I don't need of them."

'Лучше буду читать ... Шекспира!' Снова сомнения. 'Попрошу ставить Островского! "Бедность не порок", "Не так живи, как хочется"'.

"I prefer to read ... Shakespeare!" Again doubts. "I shall ask to organize the theatrical productions of plays by Ostrovsky! "Poverty is not a crime", "Not so live as there is a wish"".

Высоцкий облегченно вздохнул, отложил гитару и направился служить в театр.

Vysotsky has sighed with relief, has postponed a guitar and has gone to serve in the theater.

6 апреля 2018 г. 15:14

April 6, 2018 15:14

2. The Sketch about Bistro, Bikini, Napoleon and Orange Mood

The French composer listened sadly to sound recording. The song in Russian was sounding. Memories of the trip to Russia were not the most pleasant. The composer associatively remembered about Berezina: "That! Happens and a worse!".

"The mood is kind of... A purple?.. But - obviously not of orange color".

Meanwhile in Russia the famous man, - the singer, - has turned on the TV. On the screen the vigorous illusionist has appeared. He was in a cocked hat and talked Napoleon's voice. The singer gloomy looked at the screen. "Stop!", - the singer has thought. - "From where he can know how Napoleon talked? Sound recordings of lectures of the academician Tarle have remained? Creative borrowing of intonations, manner of performance?"

"Napoleon it's, of course ..." "By whom she feels herself? A nymph?."

The singer has accepted inside a glass of Martini.

The French composer was walking along a Paris street. His mood was not the most the best. "Why do I remember up Napoleon? About Berezina? About my trip to Russia?'

The composer saw a sign: "Bistro!".

"Here and perfectly!" "That's great!"

He went into the bistro and sighed with relief: "Napoleon and the bistro - two things are an incompatible!". Nearby the nice girl was drinking a something. "I don't know if she feels like a goddess," - the composer continued to think, - "but I foresee in her hands a bikini!'

The composer has addressed the employee of cafe: "Please, martini for mademoiselle!"

The mood became orange. "Let he sings there!... And I - here is...", - he has thought with a smile ...

"Mademoiselle!" - he begun. - "I looked at you and I composed the song ..."

May 14, 2018 13:37

Translation from Russian into English: May 14, 2018 14:21. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о бистро, бикини, Наполеоне и об оранжевом настроении'.

4. Newspapering

1. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz

He returned after shopping and visiting a spa beauty salon.

"The prices are rather big, of course". "But it is necessary to be in the native circle of contacts". "The writer-millionaire shouldn't be among the different ones ..."

On the table he found "Questions." Questions about that and about this... 'The reviewer has leaved them on the table again'. "What is literature?" - he has pressed "Questions" by the finger toward a table surface. - "This concept abstract ... It is possible to ask as much as necessary ... Life such is what it is ...".

He has phoned: "Have brought?"

In several seconds on his table laid the text of article prepared by an employee of a trusted literary factory.

He has thrown a cursory glance along the page: "Orders - the effective form of a governmental management..." "It is a big art to plan the orders correctly ..." "Until the one of the orders ten days. Until another - ten nights, until third - ten weeks.... " "After the each order there will be literary achievements ...".

To read further there was no mood.
