- Vasily Andreyevich! I want to serve for a good future! By my pen. I wrote the Comedy, which aims to eradicate vices and show the benefits of audits, which were organized throughout all the Russia. Some of the writers, - very famous, - are mentioned.
- Thanks, Nikolai Vasilievich that have arrived on a visit! - Zhukovsky have politely told . - There is a big need now for a young, talented people! Several days will be required on reading, on formality. Then - the premiere of your comedy. And you are waited right now by the director of the central printing house, very much he wishes to get acquainted with you. My carriage will give a ride to you.
Gogol thanked him, gave Zhukovsky manuscript and leaved his house.
Then he have thought a little, he have taken away the fee, and he have gone to Rome.
And in St. Petersburg the theatrical performance of "The New Government Inspector" was already prepared. Who is the author of this "The New Government Inspector" - full clarity still isn't present.
Gogol those times began to write "Dead souls". In Rome.
May 25, 2018 06:55
Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2018 09:05.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о том, как Николай Гоголь стал великим драматургом'.
2. Theatring
1. The Sketch about the famous ballerina and the reciter of Hamlet
The famous ballerina walked along one of the central streets.
She has seen the boy. The boy stood and read in English of Hamlet (The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare).
Some of the passers-by were throwing in a bag next to the boy, coin or banknote.
The kind ballerina has approached the boy and has put in a bag some banknote.
On the periphery of consciousness, the thought was: "no administration, no directorate, no theatrical squabbles."
"What if to go past the theater?" - the famous ballerina with irony has thought of herself.
The young woman has risen from the bench standing nearby. In her hand she was holding an open book. The woman approached the famous ballerina:
- We know You. Heard about You much. Even somehow involuntarily we watch Your life.
- Yes Yes! - the famous ballerina joined the situation. - I know you, too. In absentia. Surname is ... historical.
- Many thanks for your attention to Shakespeare's artwork, - the young woman has spoken.
- World culture! - the famous ballerina has answered.
- He opened a window out to Europe! - a young woman noticed. And clarified:
-I hear, that You have a period of peculiar worries now.
- Mm ... - the famous ballerina has reluctantly answered. - What Your affairs?
- Yes, we are, too... - the young woman has nodded.
- I'm going to stay above this and preserve my dignity, - the famous ballerina noted.
- Mm... Yes, we are, too... - a young woman agreed.
The ballerina and the young woman have kindly said goodbye.
- It's good to be a ballerina. But it's difficult! - noticed one of the passers-by to another.
- And for the reciters of Hamlet not easily, - chuckled his companion.
- There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio...- the immortal words were flying above the street.
08.10.2017 16:41
This translation from Russian into English: 09.10.2017 03:15
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о знаменитой балерине и о чтеце Гамлета'.
2. Sketch about the Double of the Historical Person
Скетч о двойнике исторической личности
Sketch about the Double of the Historical Person
- Предъявите разрешение!
- Show the permission!
- У меня должно быть разрешение?
- I have to have the permission?
- Вы похожи на заместителя председателя культурной комиссии!
- You are similar to the vice-chairman of the cultural commission!
- Я похож на заместителя председателя культурной комиссии?
- I am similar to the vice-chairman of the cultural commission?
- Вы фотографировались рядом с крокодилом!
- You were photographed near a crocodile!
- Э-э-э... Он же молчал!
- E-e-e ... He was silent!
- За большие деньги!
- For big money!
- Он сам со мной захотел сфотографироваться! Деньги отдал добровольно! Я готов исправиться! Немедленно!
- He with me has wanted to be photographed! He have given money voluntarily! I am ready to improve! Immediately!
- Э-э-э... Ладно... Всё-таки, господин уличный артист, учтите, есть жалобы жителей города! Загримируйтесь лучше под Ленина!
- E-e-e ... All right ... After all, mister the street actor, take into attention, there are complaints of the inhabitants of the city. Better do the actor make-up to be similar to Lenin!
28 февраля 2018 г.
February 28, 2018.
3. Songing
1. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity
Сказка о творчестве
The Fairy Tale about the creative activity
Владимир Высоцкий задумался: 'Сколько новой информации!'
Vladimir Vysotsky has thought: "How many of a new information!"