The famous ballerina was trying, explaining that to listen to radio - well.
"..." - the fan of history has thought.
Here the pleasant voice of the vigorous journalistess was heard. She explained intelligibly, using the word "we":
- As much we have constructed in (background noise has muffled the place name): roads, bridges, buildings, power plant ....
Journalistess continued to list. Then she have slightly changed foreshortening of information:
- (background noise has muffled the name) have brought containers. Have collected, have mounted them. When needed, containers will be disassembled and will be transported away.
"..." - the Radio listener has thought. Also he "have passed" to other wave.
But radio has managed to continue a thought:
- ... relations with leaders of tribes!
On other wave the vigorous voice assured:
- The relations is the most valuable capital!
"..." - the radio listener has thought. He have switched off radio. He have reopened the book.
January 4, 2018 15:46
Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2018 16:30.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог радиослушателя'.
5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio
Диалог в радиостудии
The Dialogue in the Radio Studio
Пришел человек в радиостудию. Сел перед микрофоном. И как закричит:
The person has come to the radio studio. He have sat down in front of the microphone. And he started to exclaim loudly:
'Горький, Алданов, Париж!..'
"Gorky, Aldanov, Paris!.."
Кто-то шел по коридору. Заглянул в студию и говорит: 'Ну что Вы так кричите'. 'Алкоголизм! Многое пропили. Вы же не кричите?'
Someone was going along the corridor. He have glanced in studio and says: "Well... Why you shout so loudly?". "Alcoholism! A lot of things were drinked up away. You, seem, don't shout?"
Человек перед микрофоном посмотрел на заглянувшего с настороженностью. И неприязненно махнул рукой: 'Иди, иди...'.
The person in front of the microphone has looked at the human, which has glanced in the studio, with a vigilance. Also he have waved by hand with dislike: "Go, go ...".
В соседней комнате сидел сотрудник. Услышал он и крики, и диалог. Выписал из газеты столетней давности цитату и с важным видом произнес: 'Это наша история!'.
In the neighboring room the employee was situated. He has heard both shouts, and dialogue. He have written out the quote from a hundred years old newspaper and have pompously said: "It is our history!".
23 апреля 2018 г. 06:30
April 23, 2018 06:30
Translation from Russian into English: April 23, 2018 07:02. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог в радиостудии'.
6. The Story about Thoughtfulness
Fyodor Dostoevsky has thought: "What document is necessary to me to consider myself the writer?"
Automatically Dostoevsky entered the Internet.
The Internet post was opening. The post was placed by one of experts on the Ukrainian policy. This specialist became the soloist at one of the Russian radio stations. On the screen of the computer the text has appeared:
"The central streets of Kiev weren't under repair long ago.
On January 29, 1837, O.S. Lermontov has written the first part of the well-known poem.
He has gone outside, on fresh air, and has decided to walk on the downtown.
Suddenly Count Karl Nesselrode comes out from some store and nearly faces Lermontov.
The Count has looked at Lermontov and has told: "So what? Had a good rest? "
Here the horse carriage of the count has approached. Nesselrode has jumped in his carriage and has left.
Lermontov went back home.
It turned out that at the moment of the meeting of the Count and the Poet near them along the central street there passed the Sergey Nechayev.
When Count Nesselrode uttered his rhetorical question, Nechayev stumbled.
"What does it mean?" - Nechayev has thought.
He went to the flat where he lived, and wrote "The Catechism of a Revolutionary".'
Dostoevsky looked at the computer screen in thoughtfulness.
March 16, 2018 17:12
Translation from Russian into English: March 16, 2018 22:16.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о задумчивости'.
7. Sketch about Vacancies
Скетч о вакансиях
Sketch about Vacancies
Александр Герцен и Николай Огарёв пошли на прогулку на Воробьёвы горы. Осматривают Москву.
Alexander Herzen and Nikolay Ogarev have gone for walk on Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory). They are observing the Moscow.
- Что за жест показывает эта девочка? - спрашивает Огарев.
- What a gesture is shown by this girl? - Ogarev asks.
- А ты принюхайся... - отвечает Герцен.
- Sniff ... - Herzen answers.
- Не французская парфюмерия, конечно, - высказался Огарев. - Понятно...
- Not a French perfumery, of course, - Ogarev has spoken. - It is clear ...
- Хочу описать всё это в рассказе 'Станция Едрово', - заметил Герцен.
- I want to describe all this in the story "The Edrovo Station", - Herzen has noticed.
- Думаешь, разрешат? - засомневался Огарев.
- They will allow? - Ogarev has begun to doubt.