Aleksey Nikolayevich... Peter I. The 'window' in Europe... The European way of life... The Navy... Education...
Let's say there are readers who can read with interest the works by D. S. Merezhkovsky and the works by A. N. Tolstoy...
A. N. Tolstoy wrote "The Adventures of Buratino or The Golden Key".
...About a cat Leopold is not a bad idea...
From memory the reminiscence was rising up: "mongoose". Family, - parents, children, the house, the garden, the mongoose ... The mongoose protects children. Question " to protect or not to protect?" not even worth it ... And about a hostilities or an armed confrontation - not a one a word... Just - the children's tale... How is it? "No questions"? Even if "no one step backwards", there are still questions: is not it too simplistic? towards the left Bank of the Volga heavy artillery was transported? the artillery fist was created? so a maneuver was needed?.. "Having passed school of a newspaper essay ..." Here, perhaps, the other school ... If to take since the time of Julius Caesar, - 2 thousand years ... Since 1215 - from acceptance of the Magna Carta Libertatum - 800 years ...
Long it is possible to reflect ...
Tolstoy has switched from philosophical reflections to continuation of writing of the literary work.
So ... The Story "Demoted" (1853-1856) ["Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance in the Detachment" ("Разжалованный", 1856)] [Person, was stripped of his officer's rank and became an ordinary soldier]. From "The Caucasian memories"...
"-Because I'm an abomination, this life has destroyed me, everything that in me was, everything is killed." - Tolstoy has written down the statement of one of the characters.
"Probably, he became worried at the cold.
- What here ... is walking?
I didn't answer and silently have got out to the road."
'The "Demoted" story do not pass',- Leo Tolstoy noted in the Diary on December 2, 1856, referring to the censorship.
The story didn't make the great success. The story "was accepted coldly", - Wikipedia (rus) specifies, making a reference to the correspondence of Leo Tolstoy's contemporaries.
May 30, 2018 - May 31, 2018.
Translation from Russian into English: May 31, 2018 - June 1, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказочный монолог Льва Толстого о 'военной прозе''.
7. Broadcasting
1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio
Gorky turned on the radio.
- "I am Olympic championess of the two Olympic Games! Listen..!"
- "I am listening..." - Gorky thought.
- "Its a crash of World Olympic Movement!" - the man's bass voice was hooting.
- "?" - reacted Gorky.
- "Today February, 5, 2018! We dont know, how this day will be finished!" - the radio was talking.
- "The Champions" - Gorky has understood. And turned off the radio.
February 5, 2018 10:13
2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'
Gorky turned on the radio.
"The girl with a big desire of a better life has written a book about relations with some men. She needs a marriage..."
"In our times such a books weren't written", - Gorky was surprised. - "Development of culture".
"There are villages, where only invalids with governmental financial support are living. Or only the PhDs..." - the correspondent informed from the South area.
"Maybe, the villages with only writers will appear ?" - asked Gorky.
"The journalistess stretched the flag in the Korea".
"Heavy" - Gorky tried to summarize.
February 10, 2018 16:15.
3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia
The American Journalist decided to write an article about the people of a humanism and of a good guests attitude.
Someone of his ancestors lived a some time in Russia in old times. Seemed, it was not a badly.
He started to write. Simultaneously he turned on a radio receiver.
The songs by Vladimir Vysotsky were sounding.
The pressman has felt the discomfort: 'The songs of the Russian poet! Why the Australia?'
He went out to a fresh air to walk along a street.
And the article?
The situation a strange a little...
April 24, 2018 20:16
4. The Radio listener's monologue
The fan of history has opened the book by the baron Budberg Alexey Pavlovich "The diary of the White Guard member" (on October 7, 1917 - on April 4, 1918):
"We rush further to the south; clean and comfortable little Japanese train rushes through bridges and tunnels; the road very much to resemble on our Amur railway and east branch of Chinese railway.
Have passed Antung, the former Korean small village, and now the solid city with stone houses, factories and the plants. I sadly thought of that the foundation is laid for it by us; we the first have woken desert Manchuria, have brought in it culture, have invested many millions of Russian money, have lost hundreds of thousands of Russian people and eventually have made her a source of the great benefits and income, but only not for ourselves; Japan has profited, China have got a lot of things and is going to get even more, we on a historical habit have got to ourselves only a grief, losses and a position with a chipped washing-tub."
"..." - the fan of history has thought, has slammed the book, has put the book aside. He have turned on radio.