The schnauzer, at last, has reached the radio station. The moment has come to present the ideas to radio listeners.
"Owners of tricycles are people careless. It is necessary to train them more", - has sounded in a radio air.
"To organize a dialogue with listeners on a subject! To find out the relation of "people" to a theme!..." - the staff of the radio station were worried ...
Radio listeners have switched off radio receivers.
May 22, 2018 22:23
Translation from Russian into English: May 23, 2018 - May 24, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о Папа у Пети силен в арифметике'.
25. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose"
Leo Tolstoy with interest read the poem by Mikhail Lermontov. One officer with interest got acquainted with the work written by the other fighting officer.
'И жизнь всечасно кочевая,
Труды, заботы ночь и днем,
Все, размышлению мешая,
Приводит в первобытный вид
Больную душу: сердце спит,
Простора нет воображенью...
И нет работы голове...'
"And life is hourly nomadic,
Labors, cares night and day,
All, reflection hampering the,
Leads the sick soul
To a primitive form: heart sleeps,
There is no scope to imagination ...
Also there is no work for the mind ..."
Poetically described...
But all was not so poetic.
Here are the memories of the other officer.
"Lermontov gathered some gang of dirty thugs ... It did not last long, however, because Lermontov could not sit anywhere, always torn to somewhere and did not bring anything to the positive completion. He disgusted me with his unusual untidiness. He wore a red canaus shirt, which seems to have never erased and looked blackened from under the ever-unbuttoned coat of the poet, who wore it without epaulettes ... Lermontov pranced on a white, like snow, horse ... ... rushed on horseback to the protective structures made of felled trees?! We laughed at him for it'
In fact, how he can to rush on horseback to the protective construction made of the cut-down trees?
Tolstoy continued reflection.
The Vladimir Bogomolov's novel 'In the August of '44' ('The Moment of Truth')... A lot of episodes which, taken separately, and "commented", are capable to create impression of some theater of absurdity. One of the characters remembers how he led many hours of observation in the cold from an abandoned toilet in the middle of the yard. Or - the search for a sapper shovel... The search long, mass, and, as it might seem, meaningless. Or - the lack of chairs, seats at the meeting of the generals... and so on... but the novel - eventually - shows the reader a completely different reality... in many of the heroes of this novel there is pride for himself and for comrades, a tremendous energy of victory...
...These are the people of the knightly spirit...
But this, nevertheless, events are not close...
And if we turn to other events?
Here, for example, the circumstances, which the one of participants of the Crimean war remembered:
"I ask you, young man," - began the managing director in an instructive tone, - " how much will you pay me for the money I order to release for your brigade's battery?" Usually pay me eight percent and more, but you, artillerymen, the people stubborn. Artillerymen like to bargain. Well, from you it is possible to take cheaper... However I warn: I won't take less than six percent for anything, it is impossible..."
Such shameless and cool robbery has exasperated me".
Tolstoy's fingers have accidentally touched one of sheets of the manuscript. He has much written about the Crimean war too.
"More than once I saw near Sevastopol when as during truce Russian and French soldiers, without understanding the words of each other, after all friendly, brotherly smiled met, doing signs, patting each other shoulder or a belly. As far as these people were above those people who arranged wars, and stopped truce during war, and inspiring people that they aren't brothers, and hostile members of the different people, forced them to kill each other again."
Yes ...
More and more of a literate people. If everyone is literate, then, of course, some educated people - those, who gained a fighting experience. And among them - there are people with literary abilities...
Eventually, if to simplify, the problem consists in the outlook wide scope? Or - in capacity of a talent? Or - in a life experience?.
Someone, - we will believe in this statement, - have seen a dirty shirt and slovenliness ... Other by the power of talent have created a beautiful poetic image. The third in a set of circumstances and documents, in the meat grinder of multimillion war has seen
'Надежды лучшие и голос благородный
Неверием осмеянных страстей'.
"Hopes the best and voice noble
of Passions, which were later discredited with a disbelief".
What about abroad?
The question is not a simple... Take the specific example... and look in the encyclopedias...
... The gifted artist, having been wrecked in private life, finds death in the battlefield in the ranks of colonial troops. ... Espionage activity of the boy ... ... for the benefit ... empires is sung. ... Draws everyday life of soldiers, petty officials, their devotion to a debt to the empire. Criticizing ... colonial administration ..., reproaching ... the government and military command in inattention to the lower ranks ... ... makes an impression of impartial objectivity of the views. However his creativity is extremely tendentious in the statement of a "civilizing" mission ... The heavy "burden" ... A little seperatly there are two well-known "Books of the Jungle" ... ("The Jungle Book", 1894 - 95) in which ... acts as the initiator of "stories about animals", where the capitalist law of competition is proved by the animal law"survival of a strong".
Yes it is possible to find both other examples, and other statements in encyclopedias ...
In general, war - a terrible thing. What happens to the person who passes through her? Great Northern War (1700-1721) lasted about 20 years. Events there was a set. A set of options - as it is possible to group these events. How to interpret ... How to estimate ...
Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky showed in the one way the image of Peter the Great . And Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy - in the another way...