I was "turning over" "the pages" further: "Igor Alekseyevich Bogdanov is the graduate of philological faculty of the Leningrad university ..." (The philologist would begin to write highly specialized books on physics?. It is improbable...).
The Encyclopedia of St. Petersburg ... several articles by I.A. Bogdanov appeared at the screen.
Further, further ...
The books ... "Grand hotel "Europe" in St. Petersburg", "Three centuries of the St. Petersburg bath", "Bolshoi Gostiny Dvor in St. Petersburg", "Latkins", "Stations of St. Petersburg", "At the corner of all streets" are mentioned ... He was and the author, and - the translator. Tens, tens (and may be, more than one hundred?) book names ... And "more than ten books" - it is a very little?
The website - it seems, Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg - contains information on rewarding of I.A. Bogdanov with an Prize of name of Marshal of the Soviet Union Leonid Govorov. Posthumously. With delivery of a medal and the diploma to son of I.A. Bogdanov.
Two dates at the end of the text are associated with this information: April 29, 2013 and 5/6/2013; and date of delivery of a medal and the diploma, may be, May 6, 2013.
Has got, at last, dates (whether but exact?) of the period of life of I.A. Bogdanov: (on March 30, 1949 - on March 23, 2010).
In the Internet of the version of the 'Nevskoye Vremya' ['The Neva Time'] newspaper on June 19, 2016 I find the article. As I have understood, the author - Владимир Желтов (Vladimir Zheltov). Article is called "The persons, "doomed to heroism", have entered the encyclopedia". In article there are, in particular, such words (I citing reduced, but "uncorrected" text):
"The book "The Leningrad blockade from A to Z" by the historian, journalist, writer, translator Igor Bogdanov the publishing houses refused to print. (...) Igor Bogdanov has found mutual understanding only in 'Кентавр' ('Kentavr') publishing house. Have decided to use the best efforts to publish the book for the Victory Day. The manuscript was preparing for printing during three weeks. And on March 21 Igor Bogdanov has died. Acute heart failure ... There were to him only sixty ... (...) The name of Igor Bogdanov is well known to historians, local historians, all who are interested in history of St. Petersburg. He is the author of books "Gran Hotel "Europe" in St. Petersburg", "Three Centuries of the St. Petersburg Bath", "Bolshoi Gostiny Dvor in St. Petersburg", "Stations of St. Petersburg", '"Palkin' Restaurant'. In his translation from English in our country the 20 books were published, including fundamental work of George Kennan "Siberia and the Exile System". Bogdanov had an experience over encyclopedic editions. He was one of specialists, who edited the encyclopedias "St. Petersburg. Petrograd. Leningrad" and "St. Petersburg".
7. The Swift, ebullient talent!
Having understood that since 2010 I.A. Bogdanov is absent among the acting cultural figures, writers, journalists, translators, scientists, encyclopaedists, I have been a little amazed.
The feeling was, that he lived "where that nearby". And it turned out, that several years already, as he isn't in this world!
Books continue to be on sale. And to be in reading. And how many books! Beautiful, well published! Written on different, unexpected, sometimes, themes!
The Swift, ebullient talent!
Thanks and for an prize (the medal and the diploma are mentioned), and for a memorial plate (if it will be established).
But I.A. Bogdanov has received the main awards during lifetime. It is an opportunity to live easy, talented, with enthusiasm, it is solar wind of success, it is work in one of the most fascinating archives in the world, the writing, preparation, the edition of interesting books in which are used - for the first time - extensive layers of archival data, acquaintance with the life and activity of the founder of Mycenaean archeology.
To You, Igor Alekseyevich, thanks!
September 10, 2016
Translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: January 6, 2018 11:36, January 8, 2018 05:29, January 9, 2018 06:12, January 10, 2018 09:07, January 11, 2018 06:12, January 12, 2018 20:15.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'И. А. Богданов: писатель, бенедиктианец, шлимановед. Биографический очерк'.
This essay was included in the publication (in Russian): "1519-2019. 500 years. From the past to the future. 16 essays about famous explorers, writers, scientists and inventors. Collection", 282 p.,. ISBN 978-5-4483-6197-5 (9785448361975).
XCV. Dialogue about the Three Centuries of the St. Petersburg's the Bathhouse
- Different there were baths. And people were washing themselves variously.
- You will remember still Ancient Rome!
- Times have changed. Writers Ilf and Petrov have described the personage living in an apartment house. He was soaped himself. And then for some reason he came to the stair holl. The door to the apartment has slammed, closed. The naked person with soaped body remained outside the apartment, has got into a ridiculous situation.
- Times have again changed. He was scalded.
- On the stair holl?
- Yes!
- And what? Have called the doctors, the "ambulance"?
- No, he was pushed back into the apartment. Let man, was scalded, further soaping...
- Three centuries of the St. Petersburg the Bathhouse...
January 12, 2018 22:42
Translation from Russian into English: January 12, 2018 23:24.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о трёх веках санкт-петербургской бани'.
XCVI. Dialogue about human rights
- Two multiply by two is four.
- To divide twelve into three - four.
- One minus one is the zero.
- Seven plus three - ten.
- The right for calculation is violated!
- This is unprecedented.