Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

- Let she will make the statement!

- Yes!

- Involve the international human rights organizations!

- Yes!

January 13, 2018 23:35

Translation from Russian into English: January 14, 2018 00:01.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о правах человека'.

XCVII. The Short Story about reading historical books

Edouard Daladier has closed the book. "Today's visit into cafe-library is complete".

Maxim Gorky has approached him:

- Respected mister Daladier, you couldn't have a talk a several minutes with our readers?

- I have five minutes.

Visitors of library have surrounded Edouard Daladier.

- What thoughts from the books read today have paid your attention to themselves, mister Daladier?

- I read historical books. What subjects can be interesting to me, the participant of World War I, the politician of the first half and the middle of the 20th century? On August 3-4, 1914 Great Britain has entered world war. When on August 7 jars were opened, panic hasn't arisen; the slogan has prevailed: "affairs go, as always"". "In 1914 only two machine guns were in the battalion [in the British army]. ... the Minister of War [Herbert Kitchener] has uttered: on battalion not less than two machine guns and no more than four are necessary; everything that over such norm - luxury."

- I quote David Lloyd George's biography written by Kirill Vinogradov, - Edouard Daladier has explained. Also he have continued:

- "The deadlock on the Western front, the Romania defeat (this country was involved in war on the party of the Entente thanks to efforts of England and France), the revolutionary fermentation within the country, amplified - all this forced the mighty of this world to become thoughtful. Some of them became on the way of search ... the peace. The Tory's old figure Lensdaun has addressed with the confidential memorandum to members of the cabinet, suggesting to begin negotiations with Germany. [Minister] Gray who since 1915 held in hand of thread of confidential communications with Berlin also began to incline to the same point of view".

"Lloyd George who was once ranked as pacifists, now was considered as the adherent of the slogan "the absolute war". He really in the sharpest expressions spoke publicly against the "bastardish" world."

"England [under the direction of Lloyd-George] didn't undertake anything to improve matters of Russia on Baltic, and ignored wishes of the Russian command about offensive in the Balkans. Even Nabokov, was delighted by activity of the English leaders, noted: "They refused to us in the essential assistance"."

"The tone was set by the prime minister [Lloyd George]. It is necessary to take an opportunity "to remake Britain. It isn't necessary to think all the time of that, to return there where we were before war"... Remounting old holes, we won't be able to create the new world, Lloyd George in other case said. At the initiative of the head of the government the new "ministry of reconstruction" has been formed. If in the beginning understood "restoration" of old pre-war regimes as reconstruction, then soon, probably according to instructions of the prime minister, began to place emphasis on the slogan "transformations" of the country and search of other, best orders invented by him".

-And what is the attraction of "new orders"? Allow me to make addition about "the best state orders", - the voice of one of visitors of library was alouded.

- Please, - Edouard Daladier has invited.

- Mark Aldanov in the story "Field marshal" has tried to design mentally thoughts of one of Field marshals about Hitler and Hitler's regime: "We had no such people. And couldn't be. After all our system was existed for centuries and was under construction, been preparing - for the centuries. We needed people with traditions, more or less (of course, only more or less) insured by education, the conventional truths, social environment's opinions, at last, religion from the meanness reigning here. At us was what to protect, and to these bastards of society who yesterday came out of an underground, they spit on everything: "though day and mine, also I will live happily!" Enemies of the monarchy also don't understand, which the level of stability was creating in the world by the monarchy. We weren't too soft on enemies, but the monarchs who were in 1815 on the congress in Vienna haven't imposed to the defeated France of those conditions which democrats in hundred years have imposed to the defeated Germany."

- Talleyrand, Metternich ... Alexander I ... - has sighed Daladier - "... "... by the end of war [World War I] the English battalions (each of them) had 64, and some of them - 80 machine guns".

- What will you tell about the events which have taken place after the end of World War I, mister Daladier? - one of visitors of library expressed an interest.

- The history has disposed that both the ability to talk to trade unions, with hired workers, to organize "the peace of classes", and ability to talk in the Welsh and English languages were joined in one person, - Edouard Daladier has philosophically noticed. - This person, if to trust the book, considered that "it isn't necessary to think all the time of that, to return there, where we were before war".

Edouard Daladier has kept silent. Then he with a smile has looked at audience:

- Here the quote from the story "Field marshal" was heard. I will quote words from the short story "Josephine de Beauharnais and Her Fortuneteller": "She daily devoted in the mornings for a dresses about three hours, then many times changed clothes and three times a day changed linen. She had four hundred shawls and a myriad of dresses ... The whole day in her apartments some suppliers, dressmakers, fashion makers whom she treated, as with the best friends, were replacing each other; Josephine didn't recognize any etiquette: for why this nonsense? She told fashion makers and dressmakers all the family affairs and chagrin; She had no secrets and from maids. Josephine didn't read either books, or newspapers - there one frustration - did nothing the whole day and not at all bored."

Edouard Daladier with a strange smile has looked at audience.

The active visitor of library has again joined in discussion:

- On June 7, 1919 Lloyd George recognized that "the admiral Kolchak won't win against Lenin". In the spring of 1920 Lloyd George characterized Lenin the "most great person in policy" who is successfully carrying out "great economic experiment".
