2. 'The long road to Troy'
Began to read. At that time I had no aim to write biographical essay about Igor Bogdanov, I did not do the special notes. But at reading there was an autobiographical information, stated by Igor Bogdanov; in the memory some of the details remained.
Now, when writing this biographical essay, I them (these details) have summed up. Quite a logical action. Detailed biographical sources, characterizing the life of Igor Bogdanov, I did not meet. The aforementioned books of Igor Bogdanov are further quoted (other quotations are stipulated specially).
Let's see - for a moment - into the pre-war (pre-revolution?) times of past. Speaking about one of the business Russian partners of Schliemann - P. I. Ponomarev, who used in the letter the phrase "amiable mnuk [grandson]", I. A. Bogdanov notes: "In the same way I was called by my grandmother, M. D. Savinova. She was a native, like P. I. Ponomarev, from the Yaroslavl Governorate, and about from the same places."
(On the websites, on the internet I later met the information-not yet confirmed, that I. Bogdanov was born in 1949, graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad University).
In 1990 the book by I. A. Bogdanov "The Long Road to Troy" was issued. Energy, interest, enthusiasm, passion of the author to some extent were ahead of the process of obtaining accurate biographical knowledge.
Bogdanov called the book of 1990 the work, which containes "inaccuracies and mistakes".
While preparing the book of 1990 I. A. Bogdanov had no information about the location in Athens, in the Gennadius Library of the huge archive of G. Schliemann. Having learned about such archive, I. A. Bogdanov "spent several years to find an opportunity to reach the capital of Greece".
1990 was fruitful for Igor Bogdanov, who began to write about Heinrich Schliemann, by actions and by ideas.
Bogdanov suggested in 1990, "the idea to establish a memorial plaque on the house of Schliemann in honor of the centenary of the death of the archaeologist".
Planned - Done!
Summer of 1991 - memorial plaque was established with the direct participation of I. A. Bogdanov. He had to get around and connect with many organizations and persons. Historians, artists, sculptors and other specialists participated. Making a plaque requires money. As can be understood, the financial problem has been solved "thanks to guardianship of the the International Foundation for the History of Science, the President of which was at that time Arkady Melua".
In September-October, 1992 and March, 1993 (and, perhaps, even in 1994) I. A. Bogdanov works in the Gennadius Library of American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Athens, Greece).
About his work in the Gennadius Library and the results of this work I. A. Bogdanov speaks in all his books, dedicated to Heinrich Schliemann. Let me say that not every scientist is capable of such an effective scientific, archival, literary work.
In the books of I. A. Bogdanov the mentions are about some household details of living in Athens, about "temptations".
In 1887, Heinrich Schliemann financed the construction of the building of the German Archaeological Institute in Athens. The project of E. Ziller was emplemented. The building exists to this day. There are rooms for visitors. There more than once stayed I. A. Bogdanov in the 1990-ies. "Welcome, gracious sir, dear friend!"
I. A. Bogdanov characterized as the temptations the natural, historical, culinary advantages of Greece, "the sea, cleanest in the world", and "the archive, - one of the most fascinating in the world".
Among the archival efforts of I. A. Bogdanov in Athens can be selected the allocation to a separate archive block (segment) the letters of Catherine Petrovna Schliemann (the first wife of the great archaeologist). These letters were subsequently prepared by I. A. Bogdanov for publication.
But not only archival documents from the Gennadius Library became the subject of attention of I. A. Bogdanov.
Bogdanov mentions the publication - "For the first time in the Russian language" - of the documents, stored in the Museum of Schliemann in Ankershagen, Germany.
Characterizing his work on the description of the life of Heinrich Schliemann, I. A. Bogdanov, in particular, uses the phrase "the usage for the first time of a vast non for all visible reservoir of archival information."
I confirm - as one of the readers of the book by I. A. Bogdanov about Heinrich Schliemann, - : the use of archival documents is voluminous, complex and very conscientious.
About Schliemann, as an Petersburg resident, I. A. Bogdanov has published "not only the books, but also many articles in different countries of the world".
The foreword to the book "The Long Road to Troy" (1994) contains the short description of the author's creative Route:
Leningrad, Berlin, Ankershagen, Neustrelitz, Furstenberg, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Athens, St. Petersburg.
In the same foreword I. A. Bogdanov expresses gratitude to Eva Maria Schliemann from Hamburg, the director of Gennadius Library David Jordan and Virginia Nick, the director of the Museum of Heinrich Schliemann in Ankershagen Dr.Sc. Boelcke, granddaughter G. Schliemann Galina Dmitrievna Andrusov Vlchekov, professor of the University of Athens G. S. Korres, historian Alexander Konstantinovich Gavrilov, employees of the Institute of German Archaeology in Athens Sabine Rogge and Olle Krajnlinger and employees of the library Gennadius Sula Panagopulu, Christine Warda and Andreas Sideris.
In the first half of 1990-ies A. Bogdanov becomes a member of the Society of Heinrich Schliemann (Germany).
A colossal leap in competence between 1990 and 1994!
He was captured by the solar wind of creative productivity, literary and scientific success!
3. "Heinrich Schliemann. The risky gamble in Russia"
Describing Heinrich Schliemann's life, I.A. Bogdanov seeks to reach level of detail analysis, and to describe every detail.
Let's remember the words of Semyon Vengerov. Vengerov, characterizing geographical works of Nikolai Gogol, has noted:
"... In no any other area of scientific occupations of Gogol was demonstrated, was expressed so brightly the spirit of the office-room's scientist ..., such characteristic line of any scientist of Inner Vocation , which I would call benedictism.
Under the benedictism, remembering the enormous Tomes, created by inspired diligence of the Western European Benedictines, I understand love or the passion to scientific work per se, almost irrespective of results to which it leads.