Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

January 9, 2018 14:42

Translation from Russian into English: January 9, 2018 16:57.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о волшебном переводе'.

XCII. Dialogue about the unlucky apartment

- Why you hold a door open?

- People come ... They bring into...

-Why do you need it?

- I don't need it!

- Then why you open a door?

- It is difficult to tell ... I have to consult with the psychologist ...

-Stop inventing!

- Understand, I need rest ...

- Now the door is open?

- You, - when came, - have closed the door!

- Go, open!

- I have opened the door!

- So ... we wait ...

-You see now!...

- All right. You are free.

January 11, 2018 13:34.

Translation from Russian into English. January 11, 2018 14:37.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о нехорошей квартирке'.

XCIII. Dialogue of the pilotless aircrafts

Drones are flying towards unfamiliar air base.

Boringly in flight. Have begun to exchange words.

- Do you have what education?

- I have the higher. And what about you?

- The higher technical!

- The higher Technical school?

- School! Pascal! Lavoisier!

- Who doesn't know Lavoisier? You won't find the place on Earth where Lavoisier unknown!

- And I liked to read in the childhood about Farman's flights!

- What Farman? Wright brothers!

- Cybernetics! Wiener! 1:0!

- Who will meet us on air base?

- The persons with the higher technical education!

- Yes? And what education?

- School of Zhukovsky!

- Well, it is the known technical tradition! With history!

- It is known for the hospitality! Meet by champagne. Traffic jams and shoot!

- We will welcome them too. We will organize a salute! Stocks for salutes at us with.

- We from champagne keep far away. It isn't necessary to us.

- Salutes not in our traditions! Its in Europe are loving...

- Then let's be divided. Fans of champagne - separately. Fans of salutes - separately.

- The third group be will - representative. It will go to Zhukovsky homeland. For participation in a solemn seminar on aerodynamics.

- Done. Who will go to Zhukovsky homeland? Go down and land! We wait for group of a meeting from air base.

January 11, 2018 22:46.

Translation from Russian into English: January 11, 2018 23:28. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог летящих дронов'.

XCIV. Igor Bogdanov. Writer, a connoisseur of historical and archival researches, specialist in Heinrich Schliemann's life history. Biographical essay

1. "Don't bring with yourself the verses of Homer..."

Approximately in November, 2015, I have read article about Heinrich Schliemann in Wikipedia. Igor Bogdanov's literature works were mentioned in article.

The destiny, "the system of success" of Heinrich Schliemann have interested me. I have taken measures for receiving of books about him.

I looked for also books by Igor Bogdanov. It was the first moment when he (I.A. Bogdanov) has caused my some amazement.

On the internet appeared the answer to the request on the website of the book trade. "Igor Alekseyevich Bogdanov": 93 goods. "Well!" - I have thought.

In the same place there was a note:

"Curriculum vitae

Igor Alekseyevich Bogdanov


Writer, historian, translator. The works by Roald Dahl, Hector Hugh Munro, George Kennan were published in his translation. The author of books on story of St. Petersburg and several books about Heinrich Schliemann".

I have briefly studied the list of references.

In consciousness I had even had an effect of certain "chaos": "Heinrich Schliemann" ... "Siberia and the Exile System"... The thought flashed too hasty, that these concepts - from the different worlds, from different civilizations. "Something wrong", "some contradiction".

Of course, these data - it isn't so much complete, but, nevertheless - some information.

At the end of November, 2015, I have ordered books by I.A. Bogdanov about Heinrich Schliemann.

I have tried to find I.A. Bogdanov's biography. I have glanced a Internet source, the encyclopedia, most popular. Alas. I have made still some attempts.

Without results.

2015 was going to the finish. I have received by mail the four books by I.A. Bogdanov about Heinrich Schliemann. 'Долгая дорога в Трою' (1994) ["The long road to Troy" (1994). - Publication in Russian], 'Генрих Шлиман. Русская авантюра' (2008) ["Heinrich Schliemann. The risky gamble in Russia" (2008). - Publication in Russian], 'Генрих Шлиман. Торжество мифа' (2008) ["Heinrich Schliemann. The victory of the myth" (2008). - Publication in Russian], ''Не привози с собой Гомера...' Письма Е. П. Шлиман Генриху Шлиману' (1998) ["Don't bring with yourself the verses of Homer..." Letters of Ekaterina Schliemann (Lyschin) to Heinrich Schliemann" (1998). - Publication in Russian].

Alas, I could not get the book 'Шлиман Г. Дневник 1866 года. Путешествие по Волге / Подготовил к изданию И. А. Богданов. СПб.: Изд во Гос. Эрмитажа, 1998' ["Schliemann H. Diary of the year 1866. Journey along the Volga/The preparation for the publication by I. A. Bogdanov. SPb.: Edition of State Hermitage, 1998" - Publication in Russian]. Was not on sale.
