"How it is necessary to translate into English "Rzeczpospolita"?... Learn to translate at the beginning!"
Sits, looks at the street ...
January 4, 2018 09:13
LXXXVI. Radio listener's monologue
The fan of history has opened the book by the baron Budberg Alexey Pavlovich "The diary of the White Guard member" (on October 7, 1917 - on April 4, 1918):
"We rush further to the south; clean and comfortable little Japanese train rushes through bridges and tunnels; the road very much to resemble on our Amur railway and east branch of Chinese railway.
Have passed Antung, the former Korean small village, and now the solid city with stone houses, factories and the plants. I sadly thought of that the foundation is laid for it by us; we the first have woken desert Manchuria, have brought in it culture, have invested many millions of Russian money, have lost hundreds of thousands of Russian people and eventually have made her a source of the great benefits and income, but only not for ourselves; Japan has profited, China have got a lot of things and is going to get even more, we on a historical habit have got to ourselves only a grief, losses and a position with a chipped washing-tub."
"..." - the fan of history has thought, has slammed the book, has put the book aside. He have turned on radio.
The famous ballerina was trying, explaining that to listen to radio - well.
"..." - the fan of history has thought.
Here the pleasant voice of the vigorous journalistess was heard. She explained intelligibly, using the word "we":
- As much we have constructed in (background noise has muffled the place name): roads, bridges, buildings, power plant ....
Journalistess continued to list. Then she have slightly changed foreshortening of information:
- (background noise has muffled the name) have brought containers. Have collected, have mounted them. When needed, containers will be disassembled and will be transported away.
"..." - the Radio listener has thought. Also he "have passed" to other wave.
But radio has managed to continue a thought:
- ... relations with leaders of tribes!
On other wave the vigorous voice assured:
- The relations is the most valuable capital!
"..." - the radio listener has thought. He have switched off radio. He have reopened the book.
January 4, 2018 15:46
Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2018 16:30.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог радиослушателя'.
LXXXVII. Dialogue of the republican, the democrat, the liberal and the reformer
- Мне сегодня приснился сон. Два всадника в офицерской форме. Другая сторона Земли. Форма образца начала 19 века. У одного эмблема - французский флаг. У другого эмблема - американский флаг. Смотрят друг на друга и улыбаются. Что бы значил этот сон?
- The dream has dreamed me today. Two riders in an officer uniform. The other side of Earth. The uniform of a sample of the beginning of the 19th century. At one rider is emblem - the French flag. At another an emblem - the American flag. They are looking at each other and are smiling. What this vision mean?
- Может быть, настало время для важных шагов, Ваше Императорское Величество?
- Perhaps, time for important steps, Your Imperial Majesty, has come?
- Для важных шагов... Для важных шагов... Да! Для важных шагов!
- For significant steps ... For significant steps ... Yes! For significant steps!
5 января 2018 г. 22:05
January 5, 2018 22:05
LXXXVIII. The Short Story about Mercader
Ramon Merkader sat in the park and played chess with the passerby.
Game wasn't good, and the mood was bad.
Nearby on a another bench someone has sat down and has turned on the radio receiver.
Ramon Merkader was attracted by the word "Mexico" which has reached from the radio receiver. He began to listen.
"In municipality Guadeloupe in the State of Chihuahua that in the north of Mexico", - said radio, - "The last police officer is killed. This - the last police officer - was coming back home after patrol with the 14-year-old son. Firefight was started. Both police officer, and his son have been shot in 500 meters from border with the USA".
"Or false news, a fake, or I haven't correctly heard something", - Ramon Merkader has thought. - "The last police officer is killed ... Tale! And in whose hands the power?"
Radio has given the following news:
"The head of the telecommunication company Izzi and the vice-president of the largest Mexican media holding Televisa Adolfo Espinosa have been killed on Sunday during bicycle walk in the State of Mexico. The police managed to identify already the personality of alleged robbers."
"Police officers exist in Mexico! They exist!" - Merkader has thought.
The mood has imperceptibly changed. Merkader has quickly ended game, having won against the partner. He have sighed: "Fresh air". He have looked around: green grass, flowers.
- "I'll go to church, I'll pray", - he has told. And he have got up from a park's bench.
January 6, 2018 22:26.
Translation from Russian into English: January 6, 2018 22:59.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о Меркадере'.
LXXXIX. The Fable about the Hare and the Fox
Once upon a time there was on the fantastic planet in the fantastic country the family of hares: hare-father, hare-mother, and three little leverets: one young boy-hare and two little girls-hares.
Life was not simple. Storms blew over the country. The hare-father has died.
What remained to family? They continued to live. The hare-mother worked instead of a horse. And sometimes - instead of five horses. Children helped - as they could.