Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

- And everything was in the best way, - gleaming by eye-glasses, B.M. Shaposhnikov has told. - You are appointed the chief of staff of the Transcaucasian military district and awarded the order of the Red Star according to the proposal of the General secretary. Tomorrow the award to you will be presented in the Management of personnel. I wish success!

December 29, 2017 23:42

Translation from Russian into English: December 30, 2017 00:25.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о двух орденах'.

LXXVII. Dialogue about Gorchakov

The Reader and the Readeress (Reader(woman)) left M. Gorky's cafe-library under an impression. The book about Alexander Gorchakov, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Chancellor of the Russian Empire was discussed.

- Interesting biography, - the Reader has said. - As well as Nesselrode, Gorchakov biographically have been connected with Alexander Pushkin. As well as Nesselrode, Gorchakov participated in many historical events.

- He was supposed to. By rank. - Readeress joked.

And have added:

- In historical works the preparation and the direction by Gorchakov of the "Dispatch" on October 19, 1870, is especially highlighted. "... The sovereign the emperor, in trust to sense of justice of the powers which have signed the treatise of 1856 and to their consciousness of own advantage, instructs to declare...: that emperor can't further consider himself connected by obligations of the treatise on March 18-go/30-go, 1856 as far as they limit his (emperor's) Supreme rights in the Black Sea ...".

- Yes. In Europe there was a new situation. On July 19, 1870, Napoleon III has declared war of Prussia and has assumed the Supreme command. On September 1, 1870 - Fight at the Sedan, defeat of Napoleonic army by Prussian troops.

- The ones praise Gorchakov for "destruction" of the 2nd article of the Parisian treatise about neutralization of the Black Sea. The others can tell that Russia needed not unilateral diplomatic steps in the conditions of the European crisis, how many intensive economic and political development. The thirds will tell that Russia needed both development, and skillful diplomacy.

- In 1991 there were motives to remember Gorchakov and about Gorchakov. And 1917-1918 gave reasons to such a memoirs.

- Yes. He has rejected initiatives of the European powers about the international legal solution of a question of the status of the Kingdom of Poland. On this matter England, France, Austria addressed. But not only. The Diplomatic Notes were send by Spain, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal and Turkey.

On June 29, 1863 allies on "The Crimean system" have again performed with the notes containing offers on truce with Poles and convocation of a conference of 8 powers on the Polish question . References to provisions of the Vienna congress (1815) sounded.

A.M. Gorchakov in the "Dispatch" on July 1 (13), 1863, has categorically rejected the Anglo-French-Austrian requirements, having pointed that since 1831 Russia owns Poland not on the basis of provisions of 1815, and by the right of conquest, and, therefore, claims addressed to St. Petersburg can't legally be considered as reasonable.

Meanwhile the movement to restoration of the state sovereignty of Poland was one of - many - the factors which have caused events of 1917.

- The further political history of Poland was one of many questions which have appeared after Partitions (divisions) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In November, 1918 Poland became the independent state.

On September 6, 1991 the State Council of the USSR recognized an exit of three Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) from USSR.

On December 8, 1991 Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation (RSFSR) have signed the Belavezha Accords.

- It is easy for us, knowing about the taken place events, - to argue. But Gorchakov didn't know about them. He has rejected offers of the European powers.

- Russia was rushing from 1853-1856 to 1905. And from 1905 - to 1917. To stop, to change this process could either the Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, or the Emperor Peter the First. And maybe, - if to be expressed with elements of a joke and exaggeration, - ten Peters the Firsts.

- Gorchakov is a part of our history.

- Yes-s-s!

December 31, 2017 10:24

Translation from Russian into English: December 31, 2017 20:12.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Горчакове'.

LXXVIII. The Tale of New Year's gifts

The emperor Neron has instructed the chief of the Praetorian Guard:

- There has come New Year ... I invite directors of the opera, book publishing house, the editor of the newspaper and the chairman of the scientific commission.

- Yes, emperor! I have information for the report. To postpone?

- Report.

- To You gifts have just arrived:

1. A gift laser disk with record of your opera singing, with an applause and shouts "bravo!",

2. The book which is just published. Circulation - one million copies. You are an author.

3. Gift copy of the newspaper. On the first page - article. You are an author of article.

4. Diploma of the doctor of science. Degree was appropriated this morning.

- Communication with me makes people a little ingenious. I have for them a gift too. I invite all of them in theater. I will play a top role. I hope, they haven't managed to look at a performance till its beginning. You may go.

- Yes, emperor.

December 31, 2017 - January 1, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: January 1, 2018 08:59.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о новогодних подарках'.

LXXIX. The Christmas story

One of readers of cafe-library has approached Gorky:

- Alexey Maksimovich! To you, - as I heard, - it is possible to address concerning literary initiatives, to hear your opinion.

- Please.

- I have written "The Christmas story". It is interesting what you will tell.
