The power of artillery was increasing. For example, East Prussian Offensive of 1945 - on the level of consumption of ammunition - hadn't equal among all operations in the history of wars at all.
But it isn't necessary to think that the artillery is only defeat with weapon. It also means of optical, topographical and meteorological reconnaissance, motor transport, radio communication and much, many other.
Therefore, I will begin with what I have begun with: "read books".
Applause were presented. Someone has included record of a song of military years. The atmosphere of a meeting became not only benevolent, but also festive.
- We are very glad to see you, to hear you, - statements were heard.
- Artillerymen have fulfilled the duty! - the Chief Marshal of artillery has said. And, accompanied by Gorky, he has walked to an exit.
December 19, 2017 - December 20, 2017.
Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2017 12:09.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об артиллерии'.
LXXII. The Short Story about good mood
Gorky has looked at the computer monitor.
News went a stream.
- What prospects? - Gorky has thought.
The mood was uncertain.
Gorky has approached a window:
- What tendencies?
He have returned to the computer. "And it - about long ago known. About the Declaration of independence".
"...the pursuit of Happiness", - there was a phrase.
The mood has improved. Good mood!
"Thanks to Jefferson!" - Gorky has thought.
December 21, 2017 21:35
Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2017 15:37.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о хорошем настроении'.
LXXIII. Dialogue of two journalists
Journalists have ordered beefsteaks with blood. Enjoying meat, they exchanged thoughts.
- He shoots documentaries. Nice person.
- Yes, now he is a film documentary film maker. Timely "have gone ashore from the ship". Genes are "working"?
- He speaks that to him never to receive the Figurine. "It is impossible!"
- Yes, he believes that the competitor from "that world". And therefore the competitor, but not he, has received the Figurine.
- Tomorrow I will shoot the documentary about myself. Also I will give him the title : "I don't eat meat". I will declare film for getting the Figurine.
- Eventually, you didn't eat human meat!
Journalists have burst out laughing.
December 23, 2017 12:01
Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2017 15:37.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог двух журналистов'.
LXXIV. A fragment of the dialogue: "...M-m-m...". (2nd Series)
- ...M-m-m...
- They were crazy... Mentally deranged!
- To conduct the examination!
- Send them to home for treatment! Well... in a psychiatric hospital... And the ends!
- ...M-m-m...
December 29, 2017. 16:59
Translation from Russian into English.
LXXV. Dialogue about the heliocentric concept
- There are two spaceports.
- The software and mathematical models are necessary.
- Flight tasks for each spaceport - differ.
- References, about mistakes of software twenty years ago - they are senseless.
- Obviously there was a system failure.
- Is required to count everything, coordinate everything in a complex - all systems.
- Features of drawing up software.
- The heliocentric concept is a reality of history of world science.
- Earth, Sun, Stars!
- Obviously!
- Twice two - four. At school learned. We are able to count money.
December 29, 2017 19:57
Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2017 20:19.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о гелиоцентрической концепции'.
LXXVI. The Tale about two awards
Stalin has once again looked at materials of a personal records. "Captain with 'Anna' on a breast and married to a Countess". "He is awarded the order the Red Banner".
The Chief of the General Staff B.M. Shaposhnikov and the brigade commander Fyodor Tolbukhin have entered an office-room.
- In what ranks You have served at the Tsar and by what awards he has greeted you? - the General secretary has addressed Tolbukhin.
- Latterly I was shtabs-captain. I was awarded with two orders - Anna and Stanislav.
"From the beginning of war with Germany the Persian corridor, the Transiranian railroad will be necessary. It will be one of the easiest ways of implementation of the program a Lend-Lease". "During historically short period there will be the very extended factual Soviet-British border". "The history slightly will correct events of 1917 and 1918". "We will liquidate a spot!".
- You may go.
In five minutes there was also B.M. Shaposhnikov. B.M. Shaposhnikov and F.I. Tolbukhin have got into the automobile, have gone to the General Staff Building.