Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

But in addition to it, they are - as outstanding people - could estimate happening to them as test and/or the message, signal (About the importance of "signs" sets out arguments in my book "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons").

For some reason Yu. Trifonov, Yu. Trifonov being in love, Yu. Trifonov, which is continuing to live with a (possibly) unfaithful woman, - is closer to me.

Closer - than the hypothetical Yu. Trifonov, which learned about (possible) infidelity of the beloved woman and decided to keep the relations with her ("Attracts invincibly"),

but then learned that "the third" is L. Beria,

weighed L. Beria on internal scales and understood that the level of "negativity" of L. Beria is such, that he (Yu. Trifonov) won't keep the relations with the beloved woman.

It would be not the great writer Yu. Trifonov, but absolutely other person.

The logic is sometimes not peculiar to the person in love.

3. "I was organising for him dinner with children"

A details which possess special energy are meeting in biographic materials.

We can remember behavior of Tatyana Aleksandrovna Slovatinskaya, Trifonov's grandmother on mother's side.

Her behavior after arrests the son-in-law Valentin (father Yu. Trifonov), the daughter Tatyana (Yu. Trifonov's mother), the son Pavel.

The situation reminded a work of a huge pressing-mechanism, which was attempting to destroy family.

But the person (T.A. Slovatinskaya) didn't agreed with destroying of family. And the family was stored.

Then I read, that T.A. Slovatinskaya in 1912 provided the opportunity to stay in her apartment for a person hiding from the tsar's authorities.

He was lonely and homeless man. He was born in the Caucasus region.

She was organising for him dinner with children. She was giving necessary instructions to servant-woman (Yu. Trifonov 'Отблеск костра' ("A fire reflection")).

I trust in this detail ("I was organising for him dinner with children. I was giving necessary instructions to servant-woman").

She, Tatyana Slovatinskaya, of course, both the figure (slightly) historical, and secretary, and so on. But in her there is a quality: careness. The woman's careness of children, grandsons, of family, of those who in family.

And that detail from Trifonov's novel 'Дом на набережной' ("The House on the Embankment"), where the main character was it difficult to cross the barrier, "barrier", "which it is impossible to cross".

It, this detail, maybe, has some relation to "I was organising for him dinner with children"?

And the award of the Stalin prize to Yuri Trifonov (official announcement was published in: "Pravda", March 17, 1951) - to Yu. Trifonov, who has hardly grown up, hardly become to adults, - appears in other context?

They were just running after him, sent the telegram, they directed to him a courier... And the story with the remote editor? ..

Was he afraid to "not be in time"? Age? "He took under control"? Memory was not bad; dinners with children may not have been forgotten.

Beria... He would send not the courier, probably...

Anyway, a certain analogy is visible in the desire and Gorky, and Trifonov to preserve personal, family relationships, showing loyalty, indulgence.

"Well" it or - is "bad" (SUCH preservation of SUCH relations) - a question philosophical.

Follow these examples of loyalty or not? It is a problem of the ardor of feelings, temperament, internal structure of personality, coincidence of circumstances, other factors.

Such example, perhaps, wouldn't be suitable for Heinrich Schliemann, though his second wife was younger than him by thirty years. (About some principles of private life and the solution of personal problems of H. Schliemann - in earlier called book "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons"). But we will note that at H. Schliemann's life there were years of experiences (sufferings?) in first marriage, six years of abstention, years, years of patience.

Such set of circumstances, probably, wasn't neither in Gorky's life, nor in Trifonov's life. Or, maybe, were?

I would like to respond positively about the second wife of H. Schliemann , Sophia.

Probably, her husband, Heinrich Schliemann, characterized her the best.

Heinrich has lived in marriage with Sofia 21 years (from 1869 to 1890). He wrote to the wife in 1890, maybe, summing up the results: "... The destiny has prepared for us many grieves and many pleasures. (...) In my opinion, our marriage was successful. You always were for me the loving wife, the kind companion, steadily supported me at a difficult moment ... you were excellent mother. I ... am already ready to marry you in the following life" (citation from: Богданов И. А. Генрих Шлиман. Торжество мифа / Игорь Богданов. - М.:АСТ: Олимп, 2008. С. 263 (Bogdanov I.A. "Heinrich Schliemann. Victory of Myth" / Igor Bogdanov. - M., 2008. Page 263)).

Yes, they were loyal, indulgence.

But, and Maxim Gorky, and Yuri Trifonov were - each in their own way - happy in family life.

September 22, 2016.

Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 3 December 2017 07:39, 4 December 2017 00:37, 4 December 2017 08:13, 4 December 2017 23:56.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский ''Влечет непобедимо'. М. Горький и Ю. Трифонов. Семейная лояльность. Очерк'.

This essay was included in publication (in Russian): "1519-2019. 500 years. From the past to the future. 16 essays about famous explorers, writers, scientists and inventors. Collection", 282 p.,. ISBN 978-5-4483-6197-5 (9785448361975).

LIX. The Tale of lists

Сказка о списках

The Tale of lists

[Двойной русско-английский текст.

The double Russian-English text.

Построчный перевод с русского языка на английский.

Word-for-word translation from Russian into English]
