Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I, the respected visitors of library, have the limited volume of time for communication.

Do you have questions?"

There were no questions.

- "I thank for attention. I have visited cafe-library with great interest. Having returned to Paris, I will try to find books about Heinrich Schliemann".

Edouard Daladier accompanied by Maxim Gorky went to an exit.

Gorky has returned and has addressed the gathered listeners, who were continuing to be silent:

- "The prince Talleyrand believed that language is given to the person to hide the thoughts. But our guest as it seems to me, was - though laconic, but - frank. As you see, our respected guest didn't deny usefulness of reading. I hope, acquaintance with him will induce you to more active reading of the books."

Readers began to rise and return silently to their places.

The readers, which were wishing to receive new books for reading, created a crowd near a stand of the librarian.

November 26, 2017 22:23

Translation from Russian into English: 29 November 2017 00:16, 29 November 2017 08:08.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Даладье'.

LVIII. "Attracts invincibly". M. Gorky and Yu. Trifonov. Indulgence in family. Essay

1.Demonstrative show.

I was reading literary works by Yu. Trifonov, I read about Yu. Trifonov.

I have sighed.

In a natural way, in the process of writing book "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons" - I was reading works by M. Gorky and about M. Gorky.

22 April 2016 I have read in the Wikipedia (rus) article 'Максим Горький' ["Maxim Gorky"]. May 4, 2016, I made supplementation by reading the article 'Будберг, Мария Игнатьевна' ["Budberg, Maria Ignatievna"] from Wikipedia (rus). August 1, 2016, I have opened the article 'Трифонов, Юрий Валентинович' ["Trifonov, Yury Valentinovich"] (Wikipedia (rus)).

It was remembered: "During quarrels and scandals, Nina is screaming, she is blurting out the irreparable" (Трифонов Юрий. 'Из дневников и рабочих тетрадей' (Составитель - Ольга Трифонова)) [Trifonov Yu. "From diaries and workbooks" (The compiler (composer) - Olga Trifonova)].

What - it means - "irreparable"?

In Trifonov's story "Games at twilight" there are lines: "Once I saw how the black car has stopped near the house on the third line ... and Anchik has jumped out of the car. She has taken off shoes and, screaming, has begun to clapping bare feet to a gate. After her the person in a black hat has got out. He has suddenly stopped directly in a puddle, has taken off a hat and stood for a few seconds in strange thoughtfulness, looking to the earth, having held up the bald head to a rain.

Anchik was tall, slender, with a wasp waist, with jet-black hair and with big eyes, black and deep as night".

Reading this fragment, I have thought that, maybe, or Lavrentiy Beria has appeared near Yu. Trifonov, or Yu. Trifonov has appeared near L. Beria.

I read also other works, among them - about Yu. Trifonov.

The triangle appears. Allegedly the beloved woman of Yu. Trifonova was intimate with L. Beria.

And, it seems, Yu.V. Trifonov knew about it. (There is a book where the situation is described more definitely, more specifically. The author of this essay has studied such book in version of the electronic copy; so I decided to refrain from direct citing: it is impossible to exclude any inaccuracies during the scanning, recognition, etc. But the thought - "she was", "he knew" - is expressed absolutely distinctly).

Perhaps, "she was". Perhaps, "he knew". I can believe.

Again the works by Yuri Trifonov. I see: "all this there were errors of the feelings, but not errors of costing" (Ю. Трифонов 'Долгое прощание') [Yuri Trifonov's "the Long goodbye"].

The modern man is functioning by the modern modality. "Is not it calculation?" "And if not the calculation, - then did not he show weakness, did not fall morally? Face in down?"

2. "Contrary to all reason, understanding, experience of life, self-esteem, pride"

The story by M. Gorky "Demonstrative show" ('Вывод') was remembered. About collective, public and shameful punishment of the woman, which was accused of infidelity. Still young Alexei Peshkov almost has no private life, but he already as Don Quixote - rushes in battle for the woman. He tried to protect. And he have suffered. Was revived with great difficulty.

Then Maria Ignatievna Zakrevskaya was remembered, she - is a little later - Baroness Budberg, she "the iron woman". M. Gorky's apartment. Postrevolutionary hungry, cold, dangerous time. Maria Zakrevskaya lives in M. Gorky's apartment, has entered into his family. She is in almost absolute dependence from M. Gorky.

Herbert Wells's arrival. Herbert Wells stops in M. Gorky's apartment. "All knew that Moura hasn't banished him ..." (Nina Berberova "Zheleznaia Zhenshchina" ("Moura: The Dangerous Life of the Baroness Budberg")).

"Relatives called her "Moura", and Maxim Gorky named her "the iron woman". For many years she was in close relations with Gorky, and then with Herbert Wells" (Wikipedia (Russian). Article "Будберг, Мария Игнатьевна").

Whether Gorky loved Maria Zakrevskaya? Probably, yes.

Otherwise, he would not have risked living with her in his apartment (affairs came to an executing of a search with reference to her connection with Robert Bruce Lockhart). Gorky would not have gone to Lenin with requests for help.

Gorky attempted to pull her out off prison, when she had unsuccessfully tried to cross the border on the ice of the Gulf of Finland. He dedicated Maria Zakrevskaya one of his works (the novel "The Life of Klim Samgin").

He loved, forgave, was loyal. Suffered, loved ...

"Why can you not unite with a woman to who is invincibly attracting you? He runs to the telephone and seeks a meeting contrary to all reason, understanding, experience of life, self-esteem, pride (Yu. Trifonov, 'Время и место' ("Time and place ")).

The love, apparently, was present at the family life of both M. Gorky, and Yu. Trifonov.
