Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

— Ну как ты себя чувствуешь? — шепотом спросил он, слегка обнимая ее за плечи.

— Ноги замерзли, — также шепотом ответила она, чуть прижавшись к нему.

— Что будем делать? — спросил он. — Горячий чай или в ванну ноги греть?

— Лучше в ванну, — сказала она.

Он набрал немного горячей воды.

— Отвернись, — попросила она. Он отвернулся. Она сняла джинсы, оставшись в одной длинной кофте. Осторожно вступила в ванну, придерживаясь за его плечо, присела на ее край, подстелив полотенце.

— Горячо, — тихо воскликнула она.

— Так и должно быть, — сказал он поворачиваясь. — Ноги скоро привыкнут. Ну а я на кухню. Что-нибудь там пока приготовлю. Может у отца коньяк еще найдется.

— Мне одной скучно будет, — улыбнулась она, слегка придержав его за руку. — Побудь со мной.

— Ну тогда подвинься, — улыбнулся он. — Мои ноги тоже замерзли.

Они долго и страстно целовались в ночной тишине спящего дома, лаская друг друга и не замечая что вода в ванне остывает..

А потом… она вдруг широко открыла свои большие глаза и посмотрела на него так что Олегу вдруг стало жарко.

— Подожди, — произнесла она несвойственным ей голосом и, привстав, повернулась к нему, положив руки ему на плечи.

Он непроизвольно прижал ее покрепче.

— Я люблю тебя Олежа, — говорила она.

— И я тебя, — отвечал он в сильном волнении.

— Я буду любить тебя вечно-вечно… — все также судорожно говорила она, чуть поднимая свою кофту. — Мне хорошо с тобой. Мы будем вместе всю жизнь… и никогда не надоедим друг другу… ведь правда?

— Конечно, — отвечал он, лаская ее обнаженное тело, и глаза его сами собой закрывались…


4 июля 2000 г. 05:10

Самолет неторопливо приготовился, разбежался, и, сначала низко-низко над землей, а потом забирая все выше и выше, быстро превратился в маленькую точку и исчез в спокойном и чистом солнечном небе…

Они улетели…


От Тэда

Hello My Love,

Thank you for your call! It was wonderful to hear you and talk with you! It is great to hear happiness in your voice!

I also wish that you were here with me to sleep on my shoulder. I love you very much!

I didn't tell you very well about my show on the phone. I guess there is not much to tell. The show is good. It has some parts which I think are not so good and mostly because of poor direction by Greg. The set is beautiful! There is music and dancing in the show which is very cool. Most of the costumes are good with only one or two being goofy. lol I am happy with my costume as the bad guy. I will get a picture of myself in costume so I can show you.

I am still thinking about our phone conversation this morning. I love you very much and I feel so very good with you! It has been a long time for us to be apart, my new wife. lol I want to share my love with you. I want to feel you close to me and to talk and laugh with you everyday!

I am glad that Sereja liked his graduation present. I am looking forward to seeing Sereja and Aluna again! I hope your mom is well. I want very much to learn pa-ruskie so I can talk with her!

I think August could be okay for a wedding, but only if you are okay with simple wedding. Weddings are expensive and take much planning. Also, during summer months many, many people marry, so churches and other facilities are often very busy. We can try to do all in August if you want. I like the idea to do this sooner and not later… but I also want that we can enjoy this wedding and not be stressed out about it. What do you think? It will be fun to plan this wedding together! da?*S*

I am very glad that you did all wisely and reserved tickets for the 3rd! I am disappointed that you will not see me in this play but I am very happy that you will be here soon and that you and the children will be here for your first 4th of July in the United States!

I will work now. I hope you will sleep well and that all will be good for you.

Love ya!!!!!!

Ted От Лены

Hello my Love! Thank you for the idea to write our love story. First time I didn't know what the language I should use: russian or english and decided to use both. But when I wrote I discovered all is on english. It is funny, but I can explain that. Perhaps my mind got used to think in english and I didn't feel trouble to express myself on this language.

First time when I met online one man from TN and he told me his story how he met russian gal in internet and now they want to marry, I thought: "Wow! Cool! It is so unusual!" But now two years later I know how many people found each other through internet, they opened each other and found their love. I saw many such couples in the american embassy. So internet is very popular place for meeting people from different countries. And now we are not unusual couple, but we went own way of understanding and learning each other to our Love.

The beginning of story…I got a computer few months ago in the summer of 1997 and first time I couldn't talk free in english. I could only asked people questions like what is your name, how old are you, where are you from? And to keep conversation sometimes I wrote some answers and questions on paper and used in need time. I was very excited of new opportunity to meet foreign people and I introduced, introduced with many different people. But this communication wasn't really interesting for me, because people I met were passive and they didn't interest my country, culture of Russia, of me…all conversations kept on my questions to them. I got simple answers from them and when I stopped to ask something the conversation became boring. Although they were glad to exchange with me e-mails, especially after geting my picture. Also there was such part of people who wanted to decide their sexy problems by talking durty sexy conversations. I understood fast it is not what I want to find in the communication with people, it is not interesting for me.

And in one day, it was 16 of November 1997, Sunday (for me) my friend Irina came to visit me and I showed her possibilities of internet and how it is cool. When she left me in the middle of day may be 3.00 p.m I decided to spend time in Yahoo chat because it was bored. And when I came online one guy began to introduce with me. It was Forest. I wrote as I did before simple information about him… Ted, 34y.o, Rochester, 180lbs, 5'8". It is funny but more later I saw he did same thing, he wrote short notes about women. I can understand him, because he as I had many contacts with women and it was useful don't mix people and don't be in silly situation…lol. When we began to talk with him I didn't like his profession video/producer/director. I knew people from art are not serious, not responsible, so I didn't expect from this meeting nothing interesting. We exchanged with him e-mails I got photo from him in same day, it was moment from show with Ted, Coralee and Ray. When I got pic I thought: "O, my god, again ugly fat guy with beard sent me pic"..lol and I asked Sergey to read note to this letter to know certainly who is who. I couldn't believe I got photo from handsome guy. I sent him my photo back. What Ted thought when he got my first picture we should ask him. Then we began to write each other every day. At first it was letters about our countries, about cultures and our families. It was letters of friends. I noticed Ted is very clever person and it is interesting with him, he can tell many interesting things and also he was interesting of me, of my world around me. He told me he was separated and wasn't ready to have new serious relationship, his heart was sick of last marriages. In this time he had enought women around him Terie (I noticed on pic of Thangiving he was in wedding ring, although he told me that decided to divorce with her.), Deb, Lori…and may be others which I don't know…lol
