Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

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137. Frossard B. S. La cause des esclaves negres et des habitants de la Guinte, portee du Tribunal de la justice, de la jeligion, de la politique et histoire de la traite et de l'esclavage des negres, preuves de leur illegitimite, moyens de lcs abolir sans nuire ni aux colonies ni aux colons. T. 1–2. Lvon, 1789.

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142. Horton R. W. Speech in the House of Commons, on the 6-th of March, 1828, on Moving for the Production of the Evidence Taken Before the Privy Council, Upon an Appeal against the Compulsory Manumission of Slaves in Demerera and Berbice; with Notes and Appendix. L., 1828.

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