Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Fall short of (one's expectations)

Fall short of (something)

Fall through

Fall to (someone) to do (something)

Fall upon/on (someone or something)

Fall/drop into one's lap

Fall/get into the wrong hands

Falling-out (with someone)

False arrest

False pretenses

False witness

Familiar with (someone or something)

Fan the flames of (something)

Far and away the best

Far and wide

Far be it from (someone) to do (something)

Far cry from (something)

Far from it

Far into the night

Far out

Farm (something) out

Fast buck

Fast talker

Fat chance

Fat is in the fire

Fat of the land

Favor (someone) with (something)

Favorite son


Feast one's eyes on (someone or something)

Feather in one's cap

Feather one's nest

Fed up with (someone or something)

Fee simple

Feed (someone) a line

Feed one's face

Feed the kitty

Feel (something) in one's bones

Feel at home

Feel blue

Feel dragged out

Feel fit

Feel free to do (something)

Feel it beneath oneself to do (something)

Feel like a million dollars

Feel like a new person

Feel like doing (something)

Feel like going (somewhere)

Feel like having (something)

Feel on top of the world

Feel out (someone)

Feel out of place

Feel put upon

Feel sorry for (someone)

Feel the pinch

Feel up to (do something)

Feet of clay

Fence (someone) in

Ferret (information or something) out of (someone)

Few and far between

Fiddle around

Fiddle while Rome burns

Field questions


Fight against time

Fight like cats and dogs

Fight tooth and nail

Fighting chance

Figure on (something)

Figure out (someone or something)

Figure out (something)

Fill (someone's) shoes

Fill (someone) in

Fill (something) in

Fill in the blanks

Fill out (something)

Fill the bill

Filled to the brim

Find (someone) guilty

Find (someone) innocent

Find fault with (someone or something)

Find it in one's heart to (do something)

Find Mr. Right

Find one's feet

Find one's own level

Find one's tongue

Find one's way

Find oneself

Find out (something)

Fine and dandy

Fine how-do-you-do

Fine kettle of fish

Fine state of affairs

Fine-tooth/toothed comb

Fine-toothed/tooth comb

Finger in the pie

Fire a gun

Fire away at (someone or something)

Firing on all cylinders

Firm hand

First and foremost

First come, first served

First hand

First love

First of all

First off

First out of the gate

First past the post

First things first



Fish for (something)

Fish for a compliment

Fish in troubled waters

Fish or cut bait

Fish out of water


Fit (someone or something) in

Fit (someone) into a schedule

Fit (someone) out with (something)

Fit (someone) to a T

Fit and trim

Fit as a fiddle

Fit for a king

Fit in with (someone or something)

Fit like a glove

Fit the mold

Fit to be tied

Fit to kill

Fix (someone's) wagon

Fix (someone) up with (someone)

Fizzle out

Flare up

Flash in the pan

Flat broke

Flat out

Flea in (someone's) ear

Flea market

Flesh (something) out

Flex one's muscles

Flight of fancy

Flip one's lid

Flip out

Flirt with the idea of (doing something)

Float (someone) a loan

Float a loan

Flog/beat a dead horse

Flora and fauna

Flunk out

Flush with (something)

Fly by the seat of one's pants

Fly in the face of (something)

Fly in the ointment

Fly into the face of danger

Fly off the handle

Fly the coop


Flying high


Foam at the mouth

Foist (something) off on (someone)

Fold (something) up

Fold one's hands

Follow (someone's) lead

Follow in (someone's) footsteps

Follow one's heart

Follow one's nose

Follow orders

Follow suit

Follow the crowd

Follow through on/with (something)

Follow up (something)

Fond of (someone or something)

Food for thought

Fool and his money are soon parted

Fool around

Foot in the door

Foot the bill

Footloose and fancy-free

For a song

For all (something)

For all I care

For all I know

For all intents and purposes

For all one is worth

For all practical purposes

For all the world

For better or worse

For cause

For certain

For crying out loud

For days/hours on end

For dear life

For fear of (something)

For free

For good

For good measure

For instance

For keeps

For kicks

For life

For my money

For once

For one thing

For one's (own) part

For one's (own) sake

For openers

For peanuts

For real

For safekeeping

For sale

For short

For sure

For that matter

For the asking

For the better

For the birds

For the duration (of something)

For the good of (someone or something)

For the heck/hell of it

For the life of (someone)

For the most part

For the record

For the sake of (someone or something)

For the time being

For the world

Forbidden fruit

Force (someone) to the wall

Force someone's hand

Force to be reckoned with

Foregone conclusion

Forever and a day

Forever and ever

Fork money out (for something)

Fork over (some money)

Fork over (something)

Form an opinion

Forty winks

Foul one's own nest

Foul up

Four eyes


Fraught with danger

Freak out

Free and clear

Free and easy

Free as a bird

Free hand

Free translation



Freeze (someone) out

Fresh out of (something)

Frighten (someone) out of his or her wits

Frighten (someone) to death

Frighten the living daylights out of (someone)

Fritter (something) away

From A to Z

From cradle to grave

From dawn to dusk

From day to day

From door to door

From hand to hand

From head to toe

From near and far

From now on

From rags to riches

From scratch

From side to side

From start to finish

From stem to stern

From the bottom of one's heart

From the ground up

From the heart

From the old school

From the outset

From the top

From the word go

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