Bring (something) on
Bring (something) to (someone's) attention
Bring (something) to a head
Bring about (something)
Bring down the house
Bring home the bacon
Bring home the importance of (something) to (someone)
Bring some new facts to light
Bring to mind
Bring up
Bring up (something)
Bring up the rear
Broad in the beam
Brown bag it
Brush up on (something)
Brush with the law
Buck for (something)
Buckle down to (do something)
Budget crunch/squeeze
Bug (someone)
Build (something) to order
Build a case (against someone)
Build a fire under (someone)
Build castles in the air/in Spain
Build up (someone or something)
Build up to (something)
Bull in a china shop
Bump into (someone)
Bump off (someone)
Bundle of nerves
Burden of proof
Burn (oneself) out
Burn (someone) in effigy
Burn (something) to a crisp
Burn a hole in one's pocket
Burn down
Burn one's bridges behind one
Burn one's fingers
Burn the candle at both ends
Burn the midnight oil
Burn up
Burst at the seams
Burst in on (someone or something)
Burst into flames
Burst into tears
Burst onto the scene
Burst out laughing
Burst with joy
Burst with pride
Bury the hatchet
Bury/hide one's head in the sand
Business as usual
Busman's holiday
Bust a gut (to do something)
But for (someone or something)
Butt heads with (someone)
Butt in (on someone or something)
Butter (someone) up
Button one's lip
Buy (something) for a song
Buy (something) on credit
Buy (something) sight unseen
Buy a pig in a poke
Buy a stake in (something)
Buy off (someone)
Buy out (someone or something)
By a hair's breadth
By a long shot
By a mile
By a whisker
By a whisker/hair
By all accounts
By all appearances
By all means
By and by
By and large
By any means
By chance
By check
By fair means or foul
By far
By fits and starts
By hook or by crook
By leaps and bounds
By means of
By no means
By shank's mare
By the book
By the day
By the dozen
By the dozens
By the handful
By the hour
By the month
By the same token
By the seat of one's pants
By the skin of one's teeth
By the sweat of one's brow
By the way
By the week
By the year
By virtue of (something)
By way of (something or somewhere)
By way of (something)
By word of mouth
Calculated risk
Call (someone or something) into question
Call (someone) in
Call (someone) names
Call (someone) on the carpet
Call (something) in
Call a meeting
Call a meeting to order
Call a spade a spade
Call for (someone or something)
Call for (someone)
Call it a day/night
Call it quits
Call of nature
Call off (something)
Call on (someone)
Call out to (someone)
Call someone's bluff
Call the dogs off
Call the roll
Call the shots
Call up (someone)
Calm down
Can of worms
Can take (something) to the bank
Can't do anything with (someone or something)
Can't see beyond the end of one's nose
Can't see the forest for the trees
Can't stand (someone or something)
Can't stand/stomach (someone or something)
Can't stomach (someone or something)
Cancel (something) out
Cannot see one's hand in front of one's face
Cap and gown
Captain of industry
Card up one's sleeve
Cards are stacked against (someone)
Carried away
Carrot and stick
Carry (something) out
Carry a lot of weight with (someone or something)
Carry a motion
Carry coals to Newcastle
Carry on
Carry one's (own) weight
Carry over (something)
Carry over figures/numbers/costs
Carry the ball
Carry the day
Carry the torch
Carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders
Carry through with (something)
Carte blanche
Case in point
Case of mistaken identity
Cash cow
Cash in (something)
Cash in on (something)
Cash in one's chips
Cash on the barrelhead
Cast a (critical/professional) eye over (someone or something)
Cast an eye over (something)
Cast around/about for (someone or something)
Cast aspersions on (someone)
Cast doubt on (someone or something)
Cast doubts on (someone or something)
Cast in the same mold
Cast one's lot in with (someone)
Cast one's vote
Cast pearls before swine
Cast the first stone
Castles in the air
Cat burglar
Cat gets one's tongue
Cat nap
Cat on a hot tin roof
Catch (someone's) eye
Catch (someone) in the act of (doing something)
Catch (someone) napping
Catch (someone) off balance
Catch (someone) off guard
Catch (someone) red-handed
Catch (someone) with their pants down
Catch a cold
Catch fire
Catch forty winks
Catch on
Catch one's breath
Catch one's death of cold
Catch sight of (someone or something)
Catch some Z's
Catch up to (someone or something)
Catch up with (someone or something)
Caught in the middle/cross fire
Caught short
Caught unaware
Caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
Cause a stir
Cause eyebrows to raise
Cause tongues to wag
Causing a disturbance
Cave in
Cave in to (someone or something)
Caveat emptor
Chalk (something) up to (something)
Chalk up (something)
Champ at the bit
Champ/chomp at the bit
Chance (something)
Chance upon (someone or something)
Change (someone's) mind
Change hands
Change horses in midstream
Change of heart
Change of pace
Change of scenery
Change one's tune
Change the subject
Charley horse
Chase rainbows
Cheat on (someone)
Cheek by jowl
Cheer (someone) on
Cheer (someone) up
Cheese (someone) off
Cheesed off
Chew (someone) out
Chew out (someone)
Chew the fat
Chew the fat with (someone)
Chew the fat/rag
Chicken and egg situation
Chicken feed
Chicken out of (doing something)
Chickens come home to roost
Chilled to the bone
Chime in
Chip in
Chip in (money)
Chip off the old block
Chips and dip
Chips are down
Chisel (someone) out of (something)
Choke (someone) up
Choke (something) off
Circle the wagons
Circulate the agenda
Circumstantial evidence
Citizen's arrest
Civil action
Civil law
Claim a life
Clam up
Clamp down on (someone or something)
Class action lawsuit
Clean bill of health
Clean slate
Clean up
Clean up one's act
Clear (someone's) name
Clear a hurdle
Clear of (something)
Clear out (of somewhere)
Clear out (something)
Clear sailing
Clear the air
Clear the decks
Clear the table
Clear up (something)
Climb the wall
Clip (someone's) wings
Clip joint
Close a deal
Close at hand
Close call/shave
Close in on (someone or something)
Close one's eyes to (something)