Close out (something)
Close ranks
Close the books
Close the books (on someone or something)
Close to (someone)
Close to home
Close to the bone
Close up shop
Close/near to (someone's) heart
Closefisted (with money)
Cloud up
Clue (someone) in
Coast is clear
Cock of the walk
Cock-and-bull story
Coffee break
Cog in the machine
Cold comfort
Cold fish
Cold hard cash
Cold snap/spell
Cold turkey
Collect one's wits
Come (someone's) way
Come a cropper
Come a long way
Come about
Come across (someone or something)
Come again.
Come alive
Come along
Come and get it!
Come around
Come as no surprise
Come away empty-handed
Come back
Come back (into fashion)
Come back to (someone)
Come back with an offer
Come between (two people)
Come by (something)
Come by (something) honestly
Come clean
Come clean (with someone/about something)
Come down hard on (someone)
Come down in price
Come down in the world
Come down to (something)
Come down to earth
Come down with (something)
Come face to face with (someone or something)
Come from (somewhere)
Come from far and wide
Come from nowhere
Come full circle
Come hell or high water
Come home to (someone)
Come in handy
Come in low
Come into (some money)
Come into fashion
Come into one's own
Come of age
Come off
Come on strong
Come on the scene
Come out ahead
Come out for (someone or something)
Come out in the wash
Come out of left field
Come out of nowhere
Come out of one's shell
Come out of the blue
Come out of the closet
Come out with (something)
Come over
Come through
Come to
Come to a bad end
Come to a dead end
Come to a head
Come to a pretty pass
Come to a standstill
Come to an end
Come to blows
Come to do/feel (something)
Come to grief
Come to grips with (something)
Come to life
Come to light
Come to mind
Come to nothing/naught
Come to one's senses
Come to pass
Come to terms
Come to terms with (someone or something)
Come to the fore
Come to the point
Come true
Come unglued
Come up
Come up in a discussion
Come up in the world
Come up smelling like roses
Come up with (something)
Come what may
Come with the territory
Come/go away empty-handed
Come/turn up trumps
Commercial law
Commit (something) to memory
Common ground
Common law
Common property
Common touch
Community property
Company man
Company town
Comparative negligence
Compare apples and oranges
Con (someone) out of (something)
Conclusive evidence
Conditional sale
Confide in (someone)
Conk out
Consecutive sentences
Conspicuous by one's absence
Contemplate one's navel
Contempt of court
Continue down to the wire
Contradiction in terms
Contrary to (something)
Control (someone) with an iron fist
Control the purse strings
Cook (someone's) goose
Cook (something) to perfection
Cook (something) up
Cook one's goose
Cook the books
Cool as a cucumber
Cool off/down
Cool one's heels
Cop a plea
Cop out
Cost a pretty penny
Cost an arm and a leg
Couch doctor
Couch potato
Cough (something) up
Cough up
Could do with (someone or something)
Count (someone) in
Count (someone) out
Count heads
Count noses
Count on (someone or something)
Count one's chickens before they're hatched
Course of action
Cover a lot of ground
Cover all of one's bases
Cover for (someone)
Cover ground
Cover one's back
Cover one's tracks
Cover up (something)
Cow college
Cozy up to (someone)
Crack a book
Crack a joke
Crack a smile
Crack down on (someone or something)
Crack of dawn
Crack the whip
Crack up
Cramp one's style
Crank (something) out
Crank out a paper
Crash and burn
Crash the gate
Crazy about (someone)
Cream of the crop
Cream puff
Create a stink
Create an uproar
Creature comforts
Credit to (someone or something)
Creep up on (someone or something)
Crick in one's back/neck
Criminal law
Crocodile tears
Crop up
Cross (someone's) mind
Cross (someone's) palm with silver
Cross a bridge before one comes to it
Cross one's fingers
Cross one's heart and hope to die
Cross out (something)
Cross swords with (someone)
Cross the Rubicon
Cross-examine (someone)
Crunch numbers
Crux of the matter
Cry bloody murder
Cry one's eyes out
Cry out for (someone or something)
Cry over spilt milk
Cry uncle
Cry wolf
Cry/shed crocodile tears
Crying need for (someone or something)
Crying shame
Cue (someone) in
Curdle (someone's) blood
Curiosity killed the cat
Curl (someone's) hair
Curl up and die
Curry favor with (someone)
Cut (someone) a check
Cut (someone) down to size
Cut (someone) in
Cut (someone) off
Cut (someone) off without a penny
Cut (someone) to the quick
Cut a deal
Cut a fine figure
Cut a wide swath
Cut above (someone or something)
Cut across
Cut and dried
Cut and run
Cut back
Cut back on (something)
Cut both ways
Cut both/two ways
Cut class
Cut corners
Cut down on something
Cut from the same cloth
Cut no ice with (someone)
Cut off (someone or something)
Cut off one's nose to spite one's face
Cut one's (own) throat
Cut one's eyeteeth on (something)
Cut one's losses
Cut out (something)
Cut out for (something)
Cut out the deadwood
Cut the mustard
Cut to the chase
Cut/pare (something) to the bone
Cut/slit one's (own) throat
Daily grind
Dance to a different tune
Dance with death
Dangerous offender
Dare (someone) to do (something)
Dark horse
Darken (someone's) door
Dash off
Dash off (something)
Date back to (a previous time)
Date someone
Davy Jone's locker
Dawn on (someone)
Day after day
Day and night
Day in and day out
Daylight robbery
Days running
Dead ahead
Dead as a doornail
Dead center
Dead duck
Dead end
Dead from the neck up
Dead in one's/its tracks
Dead letter
Dead loss
Dead on one's feet
Dead set against (something)
Dead tired
Dead to the world
Dead wrong
Deaf and dumb
Deal in (something)
Deal someone in
Decide in favor of (someone or something)
Decide in favor of (someone)
Decked out
Decked out in (something)
Deem it to be necessary
Deep water
Deep-six (someone or something)
Deep-six (something)
Defeat a motion
Deliver the goods
Desert a sinking ship
Devil of a job
Devil-may-care attitude
Diamond in the rough
Die down
Die in one's boots
Die is cast
Die laughing
Die of a broken heart
Die off